package gui

import "log"

import ""
import _ ""

import ""

func makeSplashArea(custom func(*ButtonMap)) *ui.Area {
	// make this button just to get the default font (but don't display the button)
	// There should be another way to do this (?)
	Data.fontButton = CreateFontButton("SplashFont", "DONE", custom)

	Data.splashArea = ui.NewArea(myAH)

	if (Data.Debug) {
		log.Println("DEBUGGING", Data.Debug)
	} else {
		log.Println("NOT DEBUGGING", Data.Debug)
		log.Println("NOT DEBUGGING", Data.Debug)
		log.Println("NOT DEBUGGING", Data.Debug)
	return Data.splashArea

func appendWithAttributes(what string, attrs ...ui.Attribute) {
	start := len(Data.attrstr.String())
	end := start + len(what)
	for _, a := range attrs {
		Data.attrstr.SetAttribute(a, start, end)

func makeAttributedString() {
	Data.attrstr = ui.NewAttributedString("")

	appendWithAttributes("Welcome to the Cloud Control Panel\n", ui.TextSize(16), ui.TextColor{0.0, 0.0, 0.8, .8}) // "RGBT"

	appendWithAttributes("(alpha)\n\n", ui.TextSize(10))

	appendWithAttributes("This control panel was designed to be an interface to your 'private' cloud. ", ui.TextWeightBold)
	appendWithAttributes("The concept of a private cloud means that you can use a providers system, or, seemlessly, use your own hardware in your own datacenter. ", ui.TextWeightBold)

	appendWithAttributes("This control panel requires:\n")
	appendWithAttributes("Your hostname in DNS\n")

	appendWithAttributes("<click or press any key>\n", ui.TextSize(10))

type areaHandler struct{
	buttonFunc func(int, int)
	closeFunc func(int)

var myAH areaHandler

func (ah areaHandler) Draw(a *ui.Area, p *ui.AreaDrawParams) {
	tl := ui.DrawNewTextLayout(&ui.DrawTextLayoutParams{
		String:		Data.attrstr,
		DefaultFont:	Data.fontButton.Font(),
		Width:		p.AreaWidth,
		Align:		ui.DrawTextAlign(1),
	p.Context.Text(tl, 0, 0)
	defer tl.Free()

func (ah areaHandler) MouseEvent(a *ui.Area, me *ui.AreaMouseEvent) {
	if (Data.Debug) {
		log.Println("GOT MouseEvent()")
	if (me.Down == 1) {
		log.Println("GOT MOUSE DOWN")
		log.Println("GOT MOUSE DOWN")
		log.Println("GOT MOUSE DOWN")
	if (me.Up == 1) {
		log.Println("GOT MOUSE UP")
		log.Println("GOT MOUSE UP")
		log.Println("GOT MOUSE UP")
		if (Data.MouseClick != nil) {

func (ah areaHandler) MouseCrossed(a *ui.Area, left bool) {
	log.Println("GOT MouseCrossed()")

func (ah areaHandler) DragBroken(a *ui.Area) {
	log.Println("GOT DragBroken()")

func (ah areaHandler) KeyEvent(a *ui.Area, ke *ui.AreaKeyEvent) (handled bool) {
	log.Println("GOT KeyEvent()")
	if (ke.Key == 10) {
		log.Println("GOT ENTER")
		log.Println("GOT ENTER")
		log.Println("GOT ENTER")
	if (ke.Key == 32) {
		log.Println("GOT ENTER")
		log.Println("GOT ENTER")
		log.Println("GOT ENTER")
	// splashWin.Destroy()
	// ui.Quit()
	return false