package main import ( "fmt" "strconv" "" "" ) // var debugError bool = true // This is important. This sets the defaults for the gui. Without this, there isn't correct padding, etc func setDefaultBehavior(s bool) { me.defaultBehavior = s if (me.defaultBehavior) { log(logInfo, "Setting this toolkit to use the default behavior.") log(logInfo, "This is the 'guessing' part as defined by the wit/gui 'Principles'. Refer to the docs.") me.stretchy = false me.padded = true me.menubar = true me.margin = true me.canvas = false me.bookshelf = true // 99% of the time, things make a vertical stack of objects } else { log(logInfo, "This toolkit is set to ignore the default behavior.") } } func actionDump(b bool, a *toolkit.Action) { if (a == nil) { log(b, "action = nil") return } log(b, "a.Name =", a.Name) log(b, "a.Text =", a.Text) log(b, "a.WidgetId =", a.WidgetId) log(b, "a.ParentId =", a.ParentId) log(b, "a.B =", a.B) log(b, "a.S =", a.S) widgetDump(b, a.Widget) } func widgetDump(b bool, w *toolkit.Widget) { if (w == nil) { log(b, "widget = nil") return } /* log(b, "widget.Name =", w.Name) log(b, "widget.Type =", w.Type) log(b, "widget.Custom =", w.Custom) log(b, "widget.B =", w.B) log(b, "widget.I =", w.I) log(b, "widget.Width =", w.Width) log(b, "widget.Height =", w.Height) log(b, "widget.X =", w.X) log(b, "widget.Y =", w.Y) */ } func dumpWidgets(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) { for _, view := range g.Views() { i, _ := strconv.Atoi(view.Name()) if (me.widgets[i] != nil) { continue } log(logNow, "dump() not a widget. view.Name =", view.Name()) } for i := 0; i <= me.highest; i++ { w := me.widgets[i] if (w == nil) { continue } w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "") if (w.v == nil) { log(logError, "dump() ERROR w.v == nil") } else { if (strconv.Itoa(i) != w.v.Name()) { log(logError, "dump() ERROR unequal str.Itoa(i) =", strconv.Itoa(i)) log(logError, "dump() ERROR unequal w.v.Name() =", w.v.Name()) } } } } func (w *cuiWidget) showWidgetPlacement(b bool, s string) { log(b, "dump()", s, fmt.Sprintf("(wId,pId)=(%3d,%3d)",, w.parentId), fmt.Sprintf("real()=(%3d,%3d,%3d,%3d)", w.realSize.w0, w.realSize.h0, w.realSize.w1, w.realSize.h1), "next()=(", w.nextX, ",", w.nextY, ")", "logical()=(", w.logicalSize.w0, ",", w.logicalSize.h0, ",", w.logicalSize.w1, ",", w.logicalSize.h1, ")", w.widgetType, ",",, "text=", w.text) if (w.realWidth != (w.realSize.w1 - w.realSize.w0)) { log(b, "dump()", s, "badsize()=(", w.realWidth, ",", w.realHeight, ")", "badreal()=(", w.realSize.w0, ",", w.realSize.h0, ",", w.realSize.w1, ",", w.realSize.h1, ")", w.widgetType, ",", } if (w.realHeight != (w.realSize.h1 - w.realSize.h0)) { log(b, "dump()", s, "badsize()=(", w.realWidth, ",", w.realHeight, ")", "badreal()=(", w.realSize.w0, ",", w.realSize.h0, ",", w.realSize.w1, ",", w.realSize.h1, ")", w.widgetType, ",", } }