// This is a simple example package main import ( "fmt" "log" "time" "strconv" "git.wit.org/wit/gui" ) var title string = "Demo Plugin Window" var outfile string = "/tmp/guilogfile" func main() { // time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // var w *gui.Node // this doesn't seem to work // captureSTDOUT() // gui.LoadToolkit("default") // panic("WTF gocui not happening") // gui.LoadToolkit("gocui") // gui.Init() // buttonWindow() go gui.Main(func () { log.Println("START Main f()") buttonWindow() /* log.Println("END NewWindow()") log.Println("START NewGroup()") g := w.NewGroup("new Group 22") log.Println("END NewGroup()") g.NewButton("asdjkl", func () { log.Println("world") }) */ log.Println("END Main f()") // gui.StandardExit(nil) }) log.Println("Main() END") time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) gui.Watchdog() gui.StandardExit() } var counter int = 5 // This creates a window func buttonWindow() { var w, t, g, more, more2 *gui.Node gui.Config.Title = title gui.Config.Width = 640 gui.Config.Height = 480 w = gui.NewWindow() t = w.NewTab("buttonTab") g = t.NewGroup("buttonGroup") g.NewButton("this app is useful for plugin debuggin", func () { }) g.NewLabel("STDOUT is set to: " + outfile) g.NewButton("hello", func () { log.Println("world") }) more = g.NewGroup("more") g.NewButton("Load 'democui'", func () { // this set the xterm and mate-terminal window title. maybe works generally? fmt.Println("\033]0;" + title + "blah \007") gui.StartS("democui") }) g.NewButton("Redraw 'democui'", func () { fmt.Println("\033]0;" + title + "blah2 \007") gui.Redraw("democui") }) g.NewButton("NewButton(more)", func () { log.Println("new foobar 2. Adding button 'foobar 3'") name := "foobar " + strconv.Itoa(counter) counter += 1 more.NewButton(name, func () { log.Println("Got all the way to main() name =", name) }) }) g.NewButton("NewButton(more2)", func () { log.Println("new foobar 2. Adding button 'foobar 3'") name := "foobar " + strconv.Itoa(counter) counter += 1 more2.NewButton(name, func () { log.Println("Got all the way to main() name =", name) }) }) g.NewButton("NewGroup()", func () { log.Println("new foobar 2. Adding button 'foobar 3'") name := "neat " + strconv.Itoa(counter) counter += 1 more.NewGroup(name) }) g.NewButton("gui.DebugWindow()", func () { gui.DebugWindow() }) more2 = g.NewGroup("more2") }