package gui import ( "fmt" "bytes" // "os" "runtime" "runtime/debug" "runtime/pprof" ) func (n *Node) GolangDebugWindow(makeWindow bool) { var w, g, og, outputTextbox *Node // Either: // make a new window // make a new tab in the existing window if (makeWindow) { Config.Title = "GO" Config.Width = 300 Config.Height = 400 w = NewWindow() w.Custom = w.StandardClose } else { w = n.NewTab("GO") } w.Dump() g = w.NewGroup("Language Internals") g.NewButton("ReadModuleInfo()", func () { tmp, _ := debug.ReadBuildInfo() outputTextbox.SetText(tmp.String()) }) g.NewButton("debug.PrintStack()", func () { outputTextbox.SetText(string(debug.Stack())) }) g.NewButton("pprof.Lookup(goroutine)", func () { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(buf, 1) outputTextbox.SetText(buf.String()) }) g.NewButton("pprof.Lookup(heap)", func () { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) pprof.Lookup("heap").WriteTo(buf, 1) outputTextbox.SetText(buf.String()) }) g.NewButton("pprof.Lookup(block)", func () { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) pprof.Lookup("block").WriteTo(buf, 1) outputTextbox.SetText(buf.String()) }) g.NewButton("pprof.Lookup threadcreate", func () { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) pprof.Lookup("threadcreate").WriteTo(buf, 1) outputTextbox.SetText(buf.String()) }) g.NewButton("runtime.ReadMemStats()", func () { outputTextbox.SetText(runtimeReadMemStats()) }) g.NewButton("debug.FreeOSMemory()", func () { var out string = "Before debug.FreeOSMemory():\n\n" out += runtimeReadMemStats() debug.FreeOSMemory() out += "\n\nAfter debug.FreeOSMemory():\n\n" out += runtimeReadMemStats() outputTextbox.SetText(out) }) g.NewButton("debug.ReadGCStats()", func () { var tmp debug.GCStats var out string debug.ReadGCStats(&tmp) log(tmp) out += fmt.Sprintln("LastGC:", tmp.LastGC, "// time.Time time of last collection") out += fmt.Sprintln("NumGC:", tmp.NumGC, "// number of garbage collections") out += fmt.Sprintln("PauseTotal:", tmp.PauseTotal, "// total pause for all collections") out += fmt.Sprintln("Pause:", tmp.Pause, "// []time.Duration pause history, most recent first") out += fmt.Sprintln("PauseEnd:", tmp.Pause, "// []time.Time pause history, most recent first") out += fmt.Sprintln("PauseQuantiles:", tmp.PauseQuantiles, "// []time.Duration") outputTextbox.SetText(out) }) g.NewButton("debug.SetTraceback('all')", func () { debug.SetTraceback("all") }) g.NewButton("panic()", func () { panic("test") }) g.NewLabel("TODO:") g.NewButton("debug.SetMemoryLimit(int)", func () { // TODO: //debug.SetMemoryLimit(1024 * 1024 * 100) }) g.NewButton("debug.SetMaxStack(int bytes)", func () { // default is apparently 1GB }) g.NewButton("debug.SetMaxThreads(int)", func () { // default is apparently 10,000 }) g.NewButton("debug.SetTraceback('all')", func () { debug.SetTraceback("all") }) // deprecated (probably) by String() implementation within golang g.NewButton("dumpModuleInfo() (deprecate)", func () { outputTextbox.SetText(dumpModuleInfo()) }) og = w.NewGroup("output") outputTextbox = og.NewTextbox("outputBox") outputTextbox.Custom = func () { log("custom TextBox() for golang output a =", outputTextbox.widget.S, } } func runtimeReadMemStats() string { var s runtime.MemStats var out string runtime.ReadMemStats(&s) out += fmt.Sprintln("alloc:", s.Alloc, "bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("total-alloc:", s.TotalAlloc, "bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("sys:", s.Sys, "bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("lookups:", s.Lookups) out += fmt.Sprintln("mallocs:", s.Mallocs) out += fmt.Sprintln("frees:", s.Frees) out += fmt.Sprintln("heap-alloc:", s.HeapAlloc, "bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("heap-sys:", s.HeapSys, "bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("heap-idle:", s.HeapIdle,"bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("heap-in-use:", s.HeapInuse, "bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("heap-released:", s.HeapReleased, "bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("heap-objects:", s.HeapObjects) out += fmt.Sprintln("stack-in-use:", s.StackInuse, "bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("stack-sys", s.StackSys, "bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("next-gc: when heap-alloc >=", s.NextGC, "bytes") out += fmt.Sprintln("last-gc:", s.LastGC, "ns") out += fmt.Sprintln("gc-pause:", s.PauseTotalNs, "ns") out += fmt.Sprintln("num-gc:", s.NumGC) out += fmt.Sprintln("enable-gc:", s.EnableGC) out += fmt.Sprintln("debug-gc:", s.DebugGC) return out } func dumpModuleInfo() string { var out string tmp, _ := debug.ReadBuildInfo() if tmp == nil { out += fmt.Sprintln("This wasn't compiled with go module support") return "" } out += fmt.Sprintln("mod.Path = ", tmp.Path) out += fmt.Sprintln("mod.Main.Path = ", tmp.Main.Path) out += fmt.Sprintln("mod.Main.Version = ", tmp.Main.Version) out += fmt.Sprintln("mod.Main.Sum = ", tmp.Main.Sum) for _, value := range tmp.Deps { out += fmt.Sprintln("\tmod.Path = ", value.Path) out += fmt.Sprintln("\tmod.Version = ", value.Version) } return out }