package gui import "log" import "fmt" import "" import _ "" import pb "" import "" func CreateVmBox(gw *GuiWindow, vm *pb.Event_VM) { log.Println("CreateVmBox() START") log.Println("CreateVmBox() vm.Name =", vm.Name) log.Println("CreateVmBox() gw =", gw) var box *GuiBox box = new(GuiBox) vbox := ui.NewVerticalBox() vbox.SetPadded(true) log.Println("CreateVmBox() vbox =", vbox) log.Println("CreateVmBox() box.UiBox =", box.UiBox) box.UiBox = vbox log.Println("CreateVmBox() box.W =", box.W) box.W = gw log.Println("CreateVmBox() gw.BoxMap =", gw.BoxMap) gw.BoxMap[vm.Name] = box if (Data.Debug) { spew.Dump(vm) } hboxAccount := ui.NewHorizontalBox() hboxAccount.SetPadded(true) vbox.Append(hboxAccount, false) // Add hostname entry box makeEntryVbox(hboxAccount, "hostname:", vm.Hostname, true, "Hostname") makeEntryVbox(hboxAccount, "IPv6:", vm.IPv6, true, "IPv6") makeEntryVbox(hboxAccount, "RAM:", fmt.Sprintf("%d",vm.Memory), true, "Memory") makeEntryVbox(hboxAccount, "CPU:", fmt.Sprintf("%d",vm.Cpus), true, "Cpus") makeEntryVbox(hboxAccount, "Disk (GB):",fmt.Sprintf("%d",vm.Disk), true, "Disk") makeEntryVbox(hboxAccount, "OS Image:", vm.BaseImage, true, "BaseImage") vbox.Append(ui.NewHorizontalSeparator(), false) hboxButtons := ui.NewHorizontalBox() hboxButtons.SetPadded(true) vbox.Append(hboxButtons, false) a := CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Power On", "POWERON", nil) hboxButtons.Append(a.B, false) a = CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Power Off", "POWEROFF", nil) hboxButtons.Append(a.B, false) a = CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Destroy", "DESTROY", nil) hboxButtons.Append(a.B, false) a = CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "ping", "PING", runPingClick) hboxButtons.Append(a.B, false) a = CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Console", "XTERM", runTestExecClick) hboxButtons.Append(a.B, false) a = CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Save", "SAVE", nil) hboxButtons.Append(a.B, false) a = CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Done", "DONE", nil) hboxButtons.Append(a.B, false) AddBoxToTab(vm.Name, gw.UiTab, vbox) } func createAddVmBox(gw *GuiWindow, b *GuiButton) { log.Println("createAddVmBox() START") name := "(" + b.Account.Nick + ")" var box *GuiBox box = new(GuiBox) vbox := ui.NewVerticalBox() vbox.SetPadded(true) box.UiBox = vbox box.W = gw gw.BoxMap["ADD VM" + name] = box hbox := ui.NewHorizontalBox() hbox.SetPadded(true) vbox.Append(hbox, false) // Add hostname entry box hostname := makeEntryHbox(vbox, "Hostname:", "testhost", true, "Hostname") memory := makeEntryHbox(vbox, "Memory:", "512", true, "Memory") disk := makeEntryHbox(vbox, "Disk:", "20", true, "Disk") log.Println("createAddVmBox() hostname, memory, disk =", hostname, memory, disk) vbox.Append(ui.NewHorizontalSeparator(), false) hboxButtons := ui.NewHorizontalBox() hboxButtons.SetPadded(true) vbox.Append(hboxButtons, false) var newb GuiButton newb.Action = "CREATE" newb.VM = b.VM newb.Account = b.Account hostname.B = &newb memory.B = &newb disk.B = &newb hboxButtons.Append(AddButton(&newb, "Add Virtual Machine"), false) a := CreateButton(box, nil, nil, "Cancel", "CLOSE", nil) hboxButtons.Append(a.B, false) AddBoxToTab(name, gw.UiTab, vbox) } // // THIS IS THE STANDARD VM DISPLAY TABLE // This maps the 'human' indexed cells in the table // to the machine's andlabs/libui values. That way // if you want to work against column 4, then you // can just reference 4 instead of the internal number // which could be anything since TEXTCOLOR, TEXT, BG, etc // fields use between 1 and 3 values internally // func AddVmsTab(gw *GuiWindow, name string, count int, a *pb.Account) *TableData { var parts []TableColumnData human := 0 tmp := TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "BG" tmp.Heading = "background" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR" tmp.Heading = "name" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR" tmp.Heading = "hostname" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR" tmp.Heading = "IPv6" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR" tmp.Heading = "cpus" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR" tmp.Heading = "memory" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "BUTTON" tmp.Heading = "Details" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 mh := AddTableTab(gw, name, count, parts, a) // mh := return mh }