start deprecating toolkit.Widget
switch to variable name 'ParentId'
use 'ActionType' and 'WidgetType'
preliminary redraw()
final definition of variables 'Name' and 'Text'
more cleaning of the code
remove lots of dumb code
bind 'd' key press to dump out debugging info
early color handling in gocui!
Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <>
good standard release
really clean interaction to plugin
really clean debug flags implementation
common doAppend() idea, but it probably won't work
re-implement combobox. this code base almost doesn't suck
slider & spinner set values now
tab set margin works
convert dropdown to Send()
lots of other changes to try to implement single line Entry()
I guess use golang file names even though internalally the go developers
use underscore chars in the actual go sources.
Maybe there is a reason for that?
go channel debug window does something
make a debug window for channels. add sample icons
Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <>
the gui enabled debugging works
--gui-debug works from the command line
The debug window can now select things
debugging now includes widget types
all the debug flags work
finally working debugging flags via gui checkboxes
add debian packaging rules
use log() in the toolkit
use a standard log() to simplify debugging flags
add reference to 'GO Style Guide'
use the same LICENSE from the GO developers.
TODO: make this threadsafe
TODO: fix plugin stuff
Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <>
Add command line argv handling using go-arg
make hello world dumb stupid simple again
more swtiching to common code
move debugging options to support go-args
more debugging output cleanup
more debugging cleanups
fix null pointer crash