Queue() around SetText is helping userspace crashing
merge forceDump(bool) into Dump()
debugging output configuration is pretty clean
keep cutting down duplicate things
--gui-verbose flag works
make label "standard" code
add debug.FreeOSMemory()
move the GO language internals to display in the GUI
update push to do tags and go to github.com/wit-go/
remove the other license file
it might be confusing golang.org and github
proper WidgetType
added a Quit() button
Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <jcarr@wit.com>
the gui enabled debugging works
--gui-debug works from the command line
The debug window can now select things
debugging now includes widget types
all the debug flags work
finally working debugging flags via gui checkboxes
add debian packaging rules
use log() in the toolkit
use a standard log() to simplify debugging flags
add reference to 'GO Style Guide'
use the same LICENSE from the GO developers.
TODO: make this threadsafe
TODO: fix plugin stuff
Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <jcarr@wit.com>
notes from github remote
keep removing os.Exit()
rename from andlabs2 back to andlabs
rename files for windows andlabs/ui
gocui always sets STDOUT a file in /tmp/
Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <jcarr@wit.com>
update README.md
set xterm title. make os.Exit() default on window close
add a toolkit.Widget to the node structure
remove 'Greeter' symbol mapping scheme
removed the testing greeter code
attempt to load plugins in a sensible order
working andlabs/ui plugin (andlabs2)
buttons work in andlabs plugin
TODO: re-implement non-plugin version for Windows
mswindows doesn't support go plugins yet
put the gocui console so file in the binary
does a full init of gocui plugin
Button() and Group() working very well with gogui
cleanly exit gocui
technically you can load two toolkits at the same time
kinda both working at the same time. esoteric
two working plugins at the same time
give up working on two gui's at the same time
this is fun, but _not interesting
wow. this actually works. NewButton() from both toolkits
all the examples run again
remove early helloplugin example
buttonplugin example cmd code
buttonplugin runs and ldd is minimum
Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <jcarr@wit.com>