gocui: working towards correct layout
make a gocui widget binary tree more debugging cleanups sample button app displays in gocui geometry logic closer to correct improvements in gocui layout continued attempts to clean up tabs dump binary tree moving towards proper chan callback() deprecate Widget.Name Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <jcarr@wit.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -73,14 +73,11 @@ clean:
rm -f toolkit/*.so
cd debian && make clean
plugins: plugins-gocui plugins-democui plugins-andlabs
plugins: plugins-gocui plugins-andlabs
make -C toolkit/gocui
make -C toolkit/democui
cd toolkit/andlabs/ && GO111MODULE="off" go build -buildmode=plugin -o ../andlabs.so
# make -C toolkit/andlabs
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Creates a window helpful for debugging this package
`func ExampleCatcher(f func())`
### func [Indent](/debug.go#L125)
### func [Indent](/debug.go#L120)
`func Indent(b bool, a ...interface{})`
@ -15,6 +15,35 @@ func (n *Node) NewButton(name string, custom func()) *Node {
return newNode
func callback(i int) {
log(debugError, "button callback() i =", i)
func callback(i int) bool {
log(debugError, "callback() for widget id =", i)
n := Config.rootNode.FindId(i)
log(debugError, "callback() found node =", n)
// running custom here means the button get's clicked twice
if (n.Custom == nil) {
log(debugError, "callback() = nil. SKIPPING")
return false
return true
// find widget by number
func (n *Node) FindId(i int) (*Node) {
if (n == nil) {
return nil
if (n.id == i) {
return n
for _, child := range n.children {
newN := child.FindId(i)
if (newN != nil) {
return newN
return nil
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
run: build
# ./buttonplugin >/tmp/buttonplugin.log 2>&1
./buttonplugin >/tmp/witgui.log.stderr 2>&1
@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ func buttonWindow() {
w = gui.NewWindow()
t = w.NewTab("buttonTab")
g = t.NewGroup("buttonGroup")
g1 := t.NewGroup("buttonGroup 2")
more = g1.NewGroup("more")
g1.NewButton("hello2", func () {
more2 = g1.NewGroup("more2")
g.NewButton("this app is useful for plugin debuggin", func () {
@ -66,17 +72,16 @@ func buttonWindow() {
g.NewButton("hello", func () {
more = g.NewGroup("more")
g.NewButton("Load 'democui'", func () {
g.NewButton("Load 'gocui'", func () {
// this set the xterm and mate-terminal window title. maybe works generally?
fmt.Println("\033]0;" + title + "blah \007")
g.NewButton("Redraw 'democui'", func () {
g.NewButton("Redraw 'gocui'", func () {
fmt.Println("\033]0;" + title + "blah2 \007")
g.NewButton("NewButton(more)", func () {
@ -107,6 +112,4 @@ func buttonWindow() {
g.NewButton("gui.DebugWindow()", func () {
more2 = g.NewGroup("more2")
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import (
func main() {
// gui.InitPlugins([]string{"democui"})
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ func main() {
// gui.SetDebug(true)
// gui.InitPlugins([]string{"gocui"})
// gui.InitPlugins([]string{"democui"})
@ -102,11 +102,6 @@ func (n *Node) Dump(b bool) {
Indent(b, "Height = ", n.Height)
Indent(b, "(X,Y) = ", n.X, n.Y)
Indent(b, "Next (X,Y) = ", n.NextX, n.NextY)
Indent(b, "Widget Name = ", n.widget.Name)
Indent(b, "Widget Type = ", n.widget.Type)
Indent(b, "Widget Id = ", n.widget.Id)
if (n.parent == nil) {
Indent(b, "parent = nil")
@ -133,13 +128,9 @@ func (n *Node) dumpWidget(b bool) string {
log(debugError, "dumpWidget() node == nil")
return ""
info = n.widget.Type.String()
info = n.WidgetType.String()
info += ", " + n.widget.Name
if (n.Name != n.widget.Name) {
info += " NAME MISMATCH"
if (n.widget.Type == toolkit.Checkbox) {
if (n.WidgetType == toolkit.Checkbox) {
info += " = " + strconv.FormatBool(n.widget.B)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ func (n *Node) DebugFlags(makeWindow bool) {
g.NewLabel("like verbose=1")
cb1.Custom = func() {
debugGui = cb1.widget.B
log(debugGui, "Custom() n.widget =", cb1.widget.Name, cb1.widget.B)
log(debugGui, "Custom() n.widget =", cb1.Name, cb1.widget.B)
// errors. by default these always output somewhere
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func setActiveWidget(w *Node) {
// TODO: make a fake binary tree for this(?)
title := "ID =" + strconv.Itoa(w.id) + " " + w.widget.Name
title := "ID =" + strconv.Itoa(w.id) + " " + w.Name
activeLabelType.SetText("widget.Type = " + w.widget.Type.String())
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ func (n *Node) debugAddWidgetButtons() {
a.AddText("make something for tim for qflow")
a.AddText("and for riscv")
a.Custom = func () {
log("custom dropdown() a =", a.widget.Name, a.widget.S, "id=", a.id)
log("custom dropdown() a =", a.Name, a.widget.S, "id=", a.id)
n.NewButton("Combobox", func () {
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func (n *Node) debugAddWidgetButtons() {
a.Custom = func () {
log("custom combobox() a =", a.widget.Name, a.widget.S, "id=", a.id)
log("custom combobox() a =", a.Name, a.widget.S, "id=", a.id)
n.NewButton("Grid", func () {
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func (n *Node) DebugTab(title string) *Node {
cb := gog.NewCheckbox("Seperate windows")
cb.Custom = func() {
makeTabs = cb.widget.B
log(debugGui, "Custom() n.widget =", cb.widget.Name, cb.widget.B)
log(debugGui, "Custom() n.widget =", cb.Name, cb.widget.B)
makeTabs = false
@ -97,12 +97,8 @@ func (n *Node) DebugTab(title string) *Node {
g2.NewButton("load plugin 'democui'", func () {
g2.NewButton("Redraw(democui)", func () {
g2.NewButton("Redraw(gocui)", func () {
return newN
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ func (n *Node) NewGrid(name string, x int, y int) *Node {
func (n *Node) NewBox(name string, b bool) *Node {
newNode := n.New(name, toolkit.Box, nil)
newNode.B = b
var a toolkit.Action
a.ActionType = toolkit.Add
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ func (n *Node) NewGroup(name string) *Node {
var a toolkit.Action
a.ActionType = toolkit.Add
a.Name = name
a.Text = name
newaction(&a, newNode, n)
newBox := newNode.NewBox("group vBox", false)
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ func (n *Node) New(title string, t toolkit.WidgetType, custom func()) *Node {
log(debugChange, "newT.Custom() == nil. Not doing anything. SEND SOMETHING TO THE CHANNEL")
log(debugChange, "newT.Custom() START SEND SOMETHING TO THE CHANNEL widget.Name =", newN.widget.Name)
log(debugChange, "newT.Custom() START SEND SOMETHING TO THE CHANNEL node =", newN.Name)
// send something to the channel here????
log(debugChange, "newT.Custom() END SEND SOMETHING TO THE CHANNEL widget.Name =", newN.widget.Name)
log(debugChange, "newT.Custom() END SEND SOMETHING TO THE CHANNEL node =", newN.Name)
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ func addNode(title string) *Node {
n := new(Node)
n.Name = title
n.Text = title
n.widget.Name = title
n.id = Config.counter
n.widget.Id = n.id
log(debugNode, "addNode = widget setid =", n.id)
@ -37,18 +37,35 @@ func (n *Node) Redraw(p *aplug) {
func (n *Node) redo(p *aplug) {
log(logNow, "redo() on n.Widget")
log(logNow, "redo()", n.id, n.WidgetType, n.Name)
var a *toolkit.Action
a = new(toolkit.Action)
a.Name = n.Name
a.Text = n.Text
a.ActionType = toolkit.Add
a.WidgetType = n.WidgetType
a.WidgetId = n.id
// used for Windows
a.Width = n.Width
a.Height = n.Height
// used for anything that needs a range
a.X = n.X
a.Y = n.Y
// used for grids and tables
// a.NextX = n.NextX
// a.NextY = n.NextY
// used for values
a.I = n.I
a.S = n.S
a.B = n.B
if (n.parent == nil) {
a.ParentId = 0
} else {
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func pad(a *toolkit.Action) {
switch t.Type {
switch t.WidgetType {
case toolkit.Group:
switch a.ActionType {
case toolkit.Margin:
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ func move(a *toolkit.Action) {
switch tParent.Type {
switch tParent.WidgetType {
case toolkit.Group:
switch a.ActionType {
case toolkit.Margin:
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ func uiDelete(a *toolkit.Action) {
switch tParent.Type {
switch tParent.WidgetType {
case toolkit.Group:
switch a.ActionType {
case toolkit.Margin:
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func place(a *toolkit.Action, t *andlabsT, newt *andlabsT) bool {
if (andlabs[a.WidgetId] == nil) {
log(logInfo, "newTab() MAPPED", a.WidgetId, a.ParentId)
andlabs[a.WidgetId] = newt
newt.Type = a.WidgetType
newt.WidgetType = a.WidgetType
} else {
log(debugError, "newTab() DO WHAT?", a.WidgetId, a.ParentId)
log(debugError, "THIS IS BAD")
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ func place(a *toolkit.Action, t *andlabsT, newt *andlabsT) bool {
return false
switch where.Type {
switch where.WidgetType {
case toolkit.Grid:
log(debugGrid, "add() Grid try at Parent X,Y =", a.X, a.Y)
newt.gridX = a.X
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ func newButton(a *toolkit.Action) {
newt.uiButton = b
newt.uiControl = b
newt.tw = a.Widget
newt.Type = a.WidgetType
newt.WidgetType = a.WidgetType
newt.parent = t
b.OnClicked(func(*ui.Button) {
@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ import (
func (t *andlabsT) newCheckbox(a *toolkit.Action) *andlabsT {
var newt andlabsT
w := a.Widget
log(debugToolkit, "newCheckbox()", w.Name, w.Type)
log(debugToolkit, "newCheckbox()", a.Name, a.WidgetType)
newt.tw = w
newt.Type = w.Type
newt.WidgetType = a.WidgetType
newt.wId = a.WidgetId
newt.Name = a.Name
newt.Text = a.Text
newt.uiCheckbox = ui.NewCheckbox(w.Name)
newt.uiCheckbox = ui.NewCheckbox(a.Text)
newt.uiControl = newt.uiCheckbox
newt.uiCheckbox.OnToggled(func(spin *ui.Checkbox) {
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import (
func (t *andlabsT) newCombobox(a *toolkit.Action) *andlabsT {
var newt andlabsT
w := a.Widget
log(debugToolkit, "newCombobox() START", w.Name)
log(debugToolkit, "newCombobox() START", a.Name)
newt.tw = w
newt.wId = a.WidgetId
newt.Type = w.Type
newt.WidgetType = a.WidgetType
s := ui.NewEditableCombobox()
newt.uiEditableCombobox = s
newt.uiControl = s
@ -5,13 +5,17 @@ import (
func (t *andlabsT) commonChange(tw *toolkit.Widget, wId int) {
log(debugChange, "commonChange() START widget =", t.tw.Name, t.tw.Type)
log(debugChange, "commonChange() START widget =", t.Name, t.WidgetType)
if (sendToChan(wId)) {
log(debugChange, "commonChange() END attempted channel worked", t.Name, t.WidgetType)
if (tw == nil) {
log(true, "commonChange() What the fuck. there is no widget t.tw == nil")
if (tw.Custom == nil) {
log(debugChange, "commonChange() END Widget.Custom() = nil", t.tw.Name, t.tw.Type)
log(debugChange, "commonChange() END Widget.Custom() = nil", t.Name, t.WidgetType)
@ -20,16 +24,15 @@ func (t *andlabsT) commonChange(tw *toolkit.Widget, wId int) {
log(debugError, "commonChange() ERROR: wId map == nil", wId)
log(debugChange, "commonChange() END Widget.Custom()", t.tw.Name, t.tw.Type)
log(debugChange, "commonChange() END Widget.Custom()", t.Name, t.WidgetType)
func sendToChan(i int) {
func sendToChan(i int) bool {
if (callback == nil) {
log(debugError, "commonChange() SHOULD SEND int back here, but callback == nil", i)
return false
log(debugError, "commonChange() Running callback() i =", i)
return callback(i)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ func destroy(pId int, cId int) {
switch ct.Type {
switch ct.WidgetType {
case toolkit.Button:
log(true, "Should delete Button here:", ct.Name)
log(true, "Parent:")
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ func destroy(pId int, cId int) {
case toolkit.Window:
log(true, "Should delete Window here:", ct.Name)
log(true, "Don't know how to delete pt =", pt.tw.Type, pt.tw.Name, pt.uiButton)
log(true, "Don't know how to delete ct =", ct.tw.Type, ct.tw.Name, ct.uiButton)
log(true, "Don't know how to delete pt =", pt.WidgetType, pt.Name, pt.uiButton)
log(true, "Don't know how to delete ct =", ct.WidgetType, ct.Name, ct.uiButton)
log(true, "Parent:")
log(true, "Child:")
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ func (t *andlabsT) newDropdown(a *toolkit.Action) *andlabsT {
log(debugToolkit, "gui.Toolbox.newDropdown() START", a.Name)
newt.tw = w
newt.Type = w.Type
newt.WidgetType = a.WidgetType
newt.wId = a.WidgetId
s := ui.NewCombobox()
newt.uiCombobox = s
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func AddDropdownName(a *toolkit.Action) {
t := andlabs[a.WidgetId]
if (t == nil) {
log(debugToolkit, "go.andlabs.AddDropdownName() toolkit struct == nil. name=", a.Widget.Name, a.S)
log(debugToolkit, "go.andlabs.AddDropdownName() toolkit struct == nil. name=", a.Name, a.S)
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ func newGrid(a *toolkit.Action) {
newt.uiGrid = c
newt.uiControl = c
newt.tw = a.Widget
newt.Type = toolkit.Grid
newt.WidgetType = toolkit.Grid
newt.gridX = 0
newt.gridY = 0
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ import (
func newGroup(a *toolkit.Action) {
w := a.Widget
log(debugToolkit, "NewGroup()", w.Name)
// w := a.Widget
log(debugToolkit, "NewGroup()", a.Name)
t := andlabs[a.ParentId]
if (t == nil) {
log(debugToolkit, "NewGroup() toolkit struct == nil. name=", w.Name)
log(debugToolkit, "NewGroup() toolkit struct == nil. name=", a.Name)
newt := t.rawGroup(w.Name)
newt := t.rawGroup(a.Name)
place(a, t, newt)
@ -9,15 +9,14 @@ import (
// make new Image here
func newImage(a *toolkit.Action) {
w := a.Widget
log(debugToolkit, "newImage()", w.Name)
log(debugToolkit, "newImage()", a.Name)
t := andlabs[a.ParentId]
if (t == nil) {
log(debugToolkit, "newImage() toolkit struct == nil. name=", w.Name)
log(debugToolkit, "newImage() toolkit struct == nil. name=", a.Name)
newt := t.rawImage(w.Name)
newt := t.rawImage(a.Name)
place(a, t, newt)
@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ func (t *andlabsT) rawImage(title string) *andlabsT {
return &newt
if (w.Name == "image") {
if (a.Name == "image") {
log(true, "NewTextbox() trying to add a new image")
i := ui.NewImage(16, 16)
img, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(rawImage))
@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ import (
func newLabel(a *toolkit.Action) {
var newt *andlabsT
w := a.Widget
log(debugToolkit, "NewLabel()", w.Name)
log(debugToolkit, "NewLabel()", a.Name)
t := andlabs[a.ParentId]
if (t == nil) {
@ -21,11 +20,11 @@ func newLabel(a *toolkit.Action) {
log(debugToolkit, "NewLabel()", w.Name)
log(debugToolkit, "NewLabel()", a.Name)
newt = new(andlabsT)
c := ui.NewLabel(w.Name)
c := ui.NewLabel(a.Name)
newt.uiLabel = c
newt.uiControl = c
@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ func setText(a *toolkit.Action) {
actionDump(debugError, a)
log(debugChange, "setText() Attempt on", t.Type, "with", a.S)
log(debugChange, "setText() Attempt on", t.WidgetType, "with", a.S)
switch t.Type {
switch t.WidgetType {
case toolkit.Window:
case toolkit.Tab:
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ func setText(a *toolkit.Action) {
// t.uiCheckbox.SetChecked(a.B)
t.tw.B = a.B
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.tw.Name)
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.Name)
case toolkit.Textbox:
switch a.ActionType {
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ func setText(a *toolkit.Action) {
case toolkit.GetText:
t.tw.S = t.s
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.tw.Name)
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.Name)
case toolkit.Label:
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ func setText(a *toolkit.Action) {
case toolkit.Set:
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.tw.Name)
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.Name)
case toolkit.Spinner:
switch a.ActionType {
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ func setText(a *toolkit.Action) {
case toolkit.Set:
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.tw.Name)
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.Name)
case toolkit.Dropdown:
switch a.ActionType {
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ func setText(a *toolkit.Action) {
case toolkit.GetText:
t.tw.S = t.s
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.tw.Name)
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.Name)
case toolkit.Combobox:
switch a.ActionType {
@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ func setText(a *toolkit.Action) {
case toolkit.GetText:
t.tw.S = t.s
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.tw.Name)
log(debugError, "setText() unknown", a.ActionType, "on checkbox", t.Name)
log(debugError, "plugin Send() Don't know how to setText on", t.tw.Type, "yet", a.ActionType)
log(debugError, "plugin Send() Don't know how to setText on", t.WidgetType, "yet", a.ActionType)
@ -10,13 +10,12 @@ import (
func (t *andlabsT) newSlider(a *toolkit.Action) *andlabsT {
var newt andlabsT
w := a.Widget
// log(debugToolkit, w.Name, w.Type, w.X, w.Y)
s := ui.NewSlider(a.X, a.Y)
newt.uiSlider = s
newt.uiControl = s
newt.tw = w
newt.Type = toolkit.Slider
newt.WidgetType = toolkit.Slider
newt.wId = a.WidgetId
s.OnChanged(func(spin *ui.Slider) {
@ -29,16 +28,13 @@ func (t *andlabsT) newSlider(a *toolkit.Action) *andlabsT {
func newSlider(a *toolkit.Action) {
var newt *andlabsT
w := a.Widget
log(debugToolkit, "newSlider()", w.Name)
log(debugToolkit, "newSlider()", a.Name)
t := andlabs[a.ParentId]
if (t == nil) {
log(debugError, "newSlider() ERROR toolkit struct == nil. name=", w.Name)
log(debugError, "newSlider() ERROR toolkit struct == nil. name=", a.Name)
// w.X = a.X
// w.Y = a.Y
newt = t.newSlider(a)
place(a, t, newt)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ func (t *andlabsT) newSpinner(a *toolkit.Action) *andlabsT {
newt.uiControl = s
newt.tw = w
newt.wId = a.WidgetId
newt.Type = toolkit.Spinner
newt.WidgetType = toolkit.Spinner
s.OnChanged(func(s *ui.Spinbox) {
newt.tw.I = newt.uiSpinbox.Value()
@ -29,11 +29,10 @@ func (t *andlabsT) newSpinner(a *toolkit.Action) *andlabsT {
func newSpinner(a *toolkit.Action) {
var newt *andlabsT
w := a.Widget
t := andlabs[a.ParentId]
if (t == nil) {
log(debugError, "NewSpinner() toolkit struct == nil. name=", w.Name)
log(debugError, "NewSpinner() toolkit struct == nil. name=", a.Name)
newt = t.newSpinner(a)
@ -6,14 +6,15 @@ import "github.com/andlabs/ui"
import _ "github.com/andlabs/ui/winmanifest"
var andlabs map[int]*andlabsT
var callback func(int)
var callback func(int) bool
// stores the raw toolkit internals
type andlabsT struct {
wId int // widget ID
Type toolkit.WidgetType
WidgetType toolkit.WidgetType
Name string
Text string
// Type toolkit.WidgetType
Width int
Height int
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (t *andlabsT) newTab(a *toolkit.Action) {
if (andlabs[a.WidgetId] == nil) {
log(logInfo, "newTab() MAPPED", a.WidgetId, a.ParentId)
andlabs[a.WidgetId] = newt
newt.Type = a.Widget.Type
newt.WidgetType = a.WidgetType
} else {
log(debugError, "newTab() DO WHAT?", a.WidgetId, a.ParentId)
log(debugError, "THIS IS BAD")
@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ func (t *andlabsT) newTextbox(w *toolkit.Widget) *andlabsT {
newt.uiMultilineEntry = c
newt.uiControl = c
newt.Name = w.Name
newt.tw = w
newt.Type = toolkit.Textbox
newt.WidgetType = toolkit.Textbox
c.OnChanged(func(spin *ui.MultilineEntry) {
t.s = spin.Text()
@ -30,14 +29,15 @@ func (t *andlabsT) newTextbox(w *toolkit.Widget) *andlabsT {
func newTextbox(a *toolkit.Action) {
w := a.Widget
log(debugToolkit, "newCombobox()", w.Name)
log(debugToolkit, "newCombobox()", a.Name)
t := andlabs[a.ParentId]
if (t == nil) {
log(debugToolkit, "newCombobox() toolkit struct == nil. name=", w.Name)
log(debugToolkit, "newCombobox() toolkit struct == nil. name=", a.Name)
newt := t.newTextbox(w)
newt.Name = a.Name
place(a, t, newt)
@ -16,22 +16,14 @@ func (t *andlabsT) ErrorWindow(msg1 string, msg2 string) {
func newWindow(a *toolkit.Action) {
w := a.Widget
var newt *andlabsT
// log(debugToolkit, "toolkit NewWindow", w.Name, w.Width, w.Height)
if (w == nil) {
log(debugToolkit, "wit/gui plugin error. widget == nil")
newt = new(andlabsT)
newt.tw = w
newt.Type = toolkit.Window
newt.WidgetType = toolkit.Window
newt.wId = a.WidgetId
// menubar bool is if the OS defined border on the window should be used
win := ui.NewWindow(w.Name, a.Width, a.Height, menubar)
win := ui.NewWindow(a.Name, a.Width, a.Height, menubar)
win.OnClosing(func(*ui.Window) bool {
@ -41,8 +33,7 @@ func newWindow(a *toolkit.Action) {
newt.uiWindow = win
newt.uiControl = win
// newt.UiWindowBad = win // deprecate this as soon as possible
newt.Name = w.Name
newt.Name = a.Name
andlabs[a.WidgetId] = newt
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
all: plugin
ldd ../democui.so
GO111MODULE="off" go build
GO111MODULE="off" go build -buildmode=plugin -o ../democui.so
objdump -t ../democui.so |less
tail -f /tmp/witgui.* /tmp/guilogfile
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
// "git.wit.org/wit/gui/toolkit"
func click(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
var l string
var err error
log(logNow, "click() START", v.Name())
i, err := strconv.Atoi(v.Name())
if (err != nil) {
log(logNow, "click() Can't find widget. error =", err)
} else {
log(logNow, "click() Found widget id =", i)
if (me.widgets[i] != nil) {
w := me.widgets[i]
log(logNow, "click() Found widget =", w)
if _, err := g.SetCurrentView(v.Name()); err != nil {
return err
_, cy := v.Cursor()
if l, err = v.Line(cy); err != nil {
l = ""
maxX, maxY := g.Size()
if v, err := g.SetView("msg", maxX/2-10, maxY/2, maxX/2+10, maxY/2+2, 0); err == nil || errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorCyan
v.SelFgColor = gocui.ColorBlack
fmt.Fprintln(v, l)
// this seems to delete the button(?)
// g.SetViewOnBottom(v.Name())
log(logNow, "click() END")
return nil
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
func setupWidgetT(a *toolkit.Action) *cuiWidget {
var w *cuiWidget
w = new(cuiWidget)
w.name = a.Name
w.text = a.Text
w.widgetType = a.WidgetType
w.id = a.WidgetId
if (w.id > me.highest) {
me.highest = w.id
w.parentId = a.ParentId
me.widgets[w.id] = w
// w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow)
return w
// ColorBlack ColorRed ColorGreen ColorYellow ColorBlue ColorMagenta ColorCyan ColorWhite
// gocui.GetColor("#FFAA55") // Dark Purple
func (w *cuiWidget) SetDefaultWidgetColor() {
log(logInfo, "SetDefaultWidgetColor() on", w.widgetType, w.name)
if (w.v == nil) {
log(logError, "SetDefaultWidgetColor() failed on view == nil")
switch w.widgetType {
case toolkit.Button:
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorGreen
w.v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorGreen
case toolkit.Checkbox:
w.v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#FFAA55") // Dark Purple
w.v.FrameColor = gocui.GetColor("#FFEE11")
case toolkit.Dropdown:
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorCyan
w.v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorGreen
case toolkit.Textbox:
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorYellow
w.v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorGreen
case toolkit.Slider:
w.v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#FFAA55") // Dark Purple
w.v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorRed
case toolkit.Label:
w.v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorRed
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorYellow
// SetColor("#FFAA55") // purple
func (w *cuiWidget) SetColor(c string) {
if (w.v == nil) {
log(logError, "SetColor() failed on view == nil")
w.v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorCyan
w.v.SelFgColor = gocui.ColorBlack
switch c {
case "Green":
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorGreen
case "Purple":
w.v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#FFAA55")
case "Yellow":
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorYellow
case "Blue":
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorBlue
case "Red":
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorRed
w.v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor(c)
func (w *cuiWidget) SetDefaultHighlight() {
if (w.v == nil) {
log(logError, "SetColor() failed on view == nil")
w.v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorGreen
w.v.SelFgColor = gocui.ColorBlack
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
// var debugError bool = true
// This is important. This sets the defaults for the gui. Without this, there isn't correct padding, etc
func setDefaultBehavior(s bool) {
me.defaultBehavior = s
if (me.defaultBehavior) {
log(logInfo, "Setting this toolkit to use the default behavior.")
log(logInfo, "This is the 'guessing' part as defined by the wit/gui 'Principles'. Refer to the docs.")
me.stretchy = false
me.padded = true
me.menubar = true
me.margin = true
me.canvas = false
me.bookshelf = true // 99% of the time, things make a vertical stack of objects
} else {
log(logInfo, "This toolkit is set to ignore the default behavior.")
func actionDump(b bool, a *toolkit.Action) {
if (a == nil) {
log(b, "action = nil")
log(b, "a.Name =", a.Name)
log(b, "a.Text =", a.Text)
log(b, "a.WidgetId =", a.WidgetId)
log(b, "a.ParentId =", a.ParentId)
log(b, "a.B =", a.B)
log(b, "a.S =", a.S)
widgetDump(b, a.Widget)
func widgetDump(b bool, w *toolkit.Widget) {
if (w == nil) {
log(b, "widget = nil")
log(b, "widget.Name =", w.Name)
log(b, "widget.Type =", w.Type)
log(b, "widget.Custom =", w.Custom)
log(b, "widget.B =", w.B)
log(b, "widget.I =", w.I)
log(b, "widget.Width =", w.Width)
log(b, "widget.Height =", w.Height)
log(b, "widget.X =", w.X)
log(b, "widget.Y =", w.Y)
func dumpWidgets(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) {
for _, view := range g.Views() {
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(view.Name())
if (me.widgets[i] != nil) {
log(logNow, "dump() not a widget. view.Name =", view.Name())
for i := 0; i <= me.highest; i++ {
w := me.widgets[i]
if (w == nil) {
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "")
if (w.v == nil) {
log(logError, "dump() ERROR w.v == nil")
} else {
if (strconv.Itoa(i) != w.v.Name()) {
log(logError, "dump() ERROR unequal str.Itoa(i) =", strconv.Itoa(i))
log(logError, "dump() ERROR unequal w.v.Name() =", w.v.Name())
func (w *cuiWidget) showWidgetPlacement(b bool, s string) {
log(b, "dump()", s,
fmt.Sprintf("(wId,pId)=(%3d,%3d)", w.id, w.parentId),
fmt.Sprintf("real()=(%3d,%3d,%3d,%3d)", w.realSize.w0, w.realSize.h0, w.realSize.w1, w.realSize.h1),
"next()=(", w.nextX, ",", w.nextY, ")",
"logical()=(", w.logicalSize.w0, ",", w.logicalSize.h0, ",", w.logicalSize.w1, ",", w.logicalSize.h1, ")",
w.widgetType, ",", w.name, "text=", w.text)
if (w.realWidth != (w.realSize.w1 - w.realSize.w0)) {
log(b, "dump()", s,
"badsize()=(", w.realWidth, ",", w.realHeight, ")",
"badreal()=(", w.realSize.w0, ",", w.realSize.h0, ",", w.realSize.w1, ",", w.realSize.h1, ")",
w.widgetType, ",", w.name)
if (w.realHeight != (w.realSize.h1 - w.realSize.h0)) {
log(b, "dump()", s,
"badsize()=(", w.realWidth, ",", w.realHeight, ")",
"badreal()=(", w.realSize.w0, ",", w.realSize.h0, ",", w.realSize.w1, ",", w.realSize.h1, ")",
w.widgetType, ",", w.name)
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The gocui Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func defaultKeybindings(g *gocui.Gui) error {
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyCtrlC, gocui.ModNone, quit); err != nil {
return err
for _, n := range []string{"but1", "but2", "help", "but3"} {
if err := g.SetKeybinding(n, gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModNone, showMsg); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.MouseRelease, gocui.ModNone, mouseUp); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModNone, globalDown); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("msg", gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModNone, msgDown); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// dump out the widgets
func addDebugKeys(g *gocui.Gui) {
// dump all widget info to the log
g.SetKeybinding("", 'd', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
dumpWidgets(g, v)
return nil
// hide all widgets
g.SetKeybinding("", 'h', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return nil
// show all widgets
g.SetKeybinding("", 's', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return nil
// try to adjust all the widget positions
g.SetKeybinding("", 'r', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return nil
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
witlog "git.wit.org/wit/gui/log"
// various debugging flags
var logNow bool = true // useful for active development
var logError bool = true
var logWarn bool = false
var logInfo bool = false
var logVerbose bool = false
func log(a ...any) {
witlog.Where = "wit/democui"
func sleep(a ...any) {
func exit(a ...any) {
func setOutput(f *os.File) {
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
// if you include more than just this import
// then your plugin might be doing something un-ideal (just a guess from 2023/02/27)
func Quit() {
func Action(a *toolkit.Action) {
log(logNow, "Action()", a)
w := setupWidgetT(a)
place(w, a)
log(logInfo, "Action() END")
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
package main
// implements widgets 'Window' and 'Tab'
import (
// "fmt"
// "git.wit.org/wit/gui/toolkit"
// "github.com/awesome-gocui/gocui"
func adjustWidgets() {
for i := 0; i <= me.highest; i++ {
w := me.widgets[i]
if (w == nil) {
p := me.widgets[w.parentId]
if (p != nil) {
func hideWidgets() {
for i := 0; i <= me.highest; i++ {
w := me.widgets[i]
if (w == nil) {
if (w.visable) {
if (w.v != nil) {
cuiName := strconv.Itoa(i)
log(logNow, "about to delete", cuiName, w.name)
func showWidgets() {
for i := 0; i <= me.highest; i++ {
w := me.widgets[i]
if (w == nil) {
if (w.visable) {
@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
var adjusted bool = false
// expands the logical size of the parents
func (w *cuiWidget) setParentLogical(p *cuiWidget) {
if (w.visable) {
// expand the parent logicalsize to include the widget realSize
if (p.logicalSize.w0 > w.realSize.w0) {
p.logicalSize.w0 = w.realSize.w0
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.h0 > w.realSize.h0) {
p.logicalSize.h0 = w.realSize.h0
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.w1 < w.realSize.w1) {
p.logicalSize.w1 = w.realSize.w1
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.h1 < w.realSize.h1) {
p.logicalSize.h1 = w.realSize.h1
adjusted = true
} else {
// expand the parent logicalsize to include the widget logicalsize
if (p.logicalSize.w0 > w.logicalSize.w0) {
p.logicalSize.w0 = w.logicalSize.w0
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.h0 > w.logicalSize.h0) {
p.logicalSize.h0 = w.logicalSize.h0
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.w1 < w.logicalSize.w1) {
p.logicalSize.w1 = w.logicalSize.w1
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.h1 < w.logicalSize.h1) {
p.logicalSize.h1 = w.logicalSize.h1
adjusted = true
if (w.visable) {
// adjust the widget realSize to the top left corner of the logicalsize
if (w.logicalSize.w0 > w.realSize.w0) {
w.realSize.w0 = w.logicalSize.w0
w.realSize.w1 = w.realSize.w0 + w.realWidth
adjusted = true
if (w.logicalSize.h0 > w.realSize.h0) {
w.realSize.h0 = w.logicalSize.h0
w.realSize.h1 = w.realSize.h0 + w.realHeight
adjusted = true
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "setParentLogical() widget")
p.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "setParentLogical() parent")
if (w.id == 0) || (p.id == 0) {
// stop resizing when you hit the root widget
// pass the logical resizing up
pP := me.widgets[p.parentId]
if (pP != nil) {
var fakeStartWidth int = 80
var fakeStartHeight int = 0
func (w *cuiWidget) setFake() {
if (w.visable) {
// setup fake labels for non-visable things off screen
w.realWidth = me.defaultWidth
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = fakeStartWidth
w.realSize.h0 = fakeStartHeight
w.realSize.w1 = w.realSize.w0 + me.defaultWidth
w.realSize.h1 = w.realSize.h0 + me.defaultHeight
fakeStartHeight += 2
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "setFake()")
func drawView(w *cuiWidget) *gocui.View {
var newName string = ""
newName = strconv.Itoa(w.id)
if (me.baseGui == nil) {
log(logError, "drawView() me.baseGui == nil")
return nil
a := w.realSize.w0
b := w.realSize.h0
c := w.realSize.w1
d := w.realSize.h1
v, err := me.baseGui.SetView(newName, a, b, c, d, 0)
if err == nil {
log(logError, "drawView() internal plugin error err = nil")
return nil
if !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
log(logError, "drawView() internal plugin error error.IS()", err)
return nil
w.v = v
return v
func boxedPlace(w *cuiWidget) {
t := len(w.name)
if (w.id == 0) {
w.realWidth = 0
w.realHeight = 0
p := me.widgets[w.parentId]
if (p == nil) {
log(logError, "ERRRRRRRRRRRORRRRRRRRRRRRR: parentId widget == nil")
switch p.widgetType {
case toolkit.Box:
w.realWidth = t + 3
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = p.nextX
w.realSize.h0 = p.nextY
w.realSize.w1 = p.nextX + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = p.nextY + w.realHeight
w.logicalSize.w0 = p.nextX
w.logicalSize.h0 = p.nextY
w.logicalSize.w1 = p.nextX + w.realWidth
w.logicalSize.h1 = p.nextY + w.realHeight
w.nextX = p.nextX
w.nextY = p.nextY
if (w.horizontal) {
p.nextX += w.realWidth
} else {
p.nextY += w.realHeight
case toolkit.Group:
w.realWidth = t + 3
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = p.nextX
w.realSize.h0 = p.nextY
w.realSize.w1 = p.nextX + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = p.nextY + w.realHeight
w.logicalSize.w0 = p.nextX
w.logicalSize.h0 = p.nextY
w.logicalSize.w1 = p.nextX + w.realWidth
w.logicalSize.h1 = p.nextY + w.realHeight
w.nextX = w.logicalSize.w0 + 3 // default group padding
w.nextY = w.logicalSize.h1
// increment parent
p.nextY += w.realHeight
w.realWidth = t + 3
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = p.nextX
w.realSize.h0 = p.nextY
w.realSize.w1 = w.realSize.w0 + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = w.realSize.h0 + w.realHeight
// increment parent
p.nextY += w.realHeight
p.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "bP parent")
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "bP widget")
func findPlace(w *cuiWidget, a *toolkit.Action) {
t := len(w.name)
w.visable = true
switch w.widgetType {
case toolkit.Root:
w.visable = false
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "Root:")
case toolkit.Flag:
w.visable = false
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "Flag:")
case toolkit.Window:
w.realWidth = t + 3
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = me.nextW
w.realSize.h0 = 0
w.realSize.w1 = w.realSize.w0 + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = w.realHeight
w.logicalSize.w0 = me.nextW
w.logicalSize.h0 = 0
w.logicalSize.w1 = w.logicalSize.w0 + w.realWidth
w.logicalSize.h1 = w.realHeight
w.nextX = w.logicalSize.w0 + t // default group padding
w.nextY = w.logicalSize.h1
me.nextW += w.realWidth
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "window:")
case toolkit.Tab:
w.realWidth = t + 3
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = me.nextW
w.realSize.h0 = 0
w.realSize.w1 = w.realSize.w0 + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = w.realHeight
w.logicalSize.w0 = me.nextW
w.logicalSize.h0 = 0
w.logicalSize.w1 = w.logicalSize.w0 + w.realWidth
w.logicalSize.h1 = w.realHeight
w.nextX = w.logicalSize.w0 + t // default group padding
w.nextY = w.logicalSize.h1
me.nextW += w.realWidth
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "tab:")
case toolkit.Grid:
p := me.widgets[w.parentId]
w.horizontal = a.B
w.visable = false
if (p == nil) {
log(logError, "ERRRRRRRRRRRORRRRRRRRRRRRR: parentId widget == nil")
w.logicalSize.w0 = p.nextX
w.logicalSize.h0 = p.nextY
w.logicalSize.w1 = p.nextX
w.logicalSize.h1 = p.nextY
w.nextX = p.nextX
w.nextY = p.nextY
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "grid:")
case toolkit.Box:
p := me.widgets[w.parentId]
w.horizontal = a.B
w.visable = false
if (p == nil) {
log(logError, "ERRRRRRRRRRRORRRRRRRRRRRRR: parentId widget == nil")
w.logicalSize.w0 = p.nextX
w.logicalSize.h0 = p.nextY
w.logicalSize.w1 = p.nextX
w.logicalSize.h1 = p.nextY
w.nextX = p.nextX
w.nextY = p.nextY
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "box:")
case toolkit.Group:
p := me.widgets[w.parentId]
w.horizontal = a.B
w.visable = false
if (p == nil) {
log(logError, "ERRRRRRRRRRRORRRRRRRRRRRRR: parentId widget == nil")
w.logicalSize.w0 = p.nextX
w.logicalSize.h0 = p.nextY
w.logicalSize.w1 = p.nextX
w.logicalSize.h1 = p.nextY
w.nextX = p.nextX
w.nextY = p.nextY
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "group:")
func place(w *cuiWidget, a *toolkit.Action) {
log(logInfo, "place() START")
findPlace(w, a)
v := drawView(w)
if (v == nil) {
log(logError, "place() drawView(w) returned nil")
me.baseGui.SetKeybinding(v.Name(), gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModNone, click)
v.Wrap = true
fmt.Fprintln(v, " " + w.name)
log(logInfo, "place() END")
func (w *cuiWidget) drawView() {
var err error
if (me.baseGui == nil) {
log(logError, "drawView() me.baseGui == nil")
a := w.realSize.w0
b := w.realSize.h0
c := w.realSize.w1
d := w.realSize.h1
var newName string = ""
newName = strconv.Itoa(w.id)
w.v, err = me.baseGui.SetView(newName, a, b, c, d, 0)
if err == nil {
log(logError, "drawView() internal plugin error err = nil")
if !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
log(logError, "drawView() internal plugin error error.IS()", err)
me.baseGui.SetKeybinding(w.v.Name(), gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModNone, click)
w.v.Wrap = true
fmt.Fprintln(w.v, " " + w.text)
@ -9,3 +9,7 @@ plugin:
objdump -t ../gocui.so |less
tail -f /tmp/witgui.* /tmp/guilogfile
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
func newButton(parentW *toolkit.Widget, w *toolkit.Widget) {
log(true, "AddButton()", w.Name)
stringWidget[w.Name] = w
func addButton(name string) *gocui.View {
t := len(name)
if (baseGui == nil) {
v, err := baseGui.SetView(name, currentX, currentY, currentX+t+3, currentY+2, 0)
if err == nil {
log("wit/gui internal plugin error", err)
return nil
if !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
log("wit/gui internal plugin error", err)
return nil
v.Wrap = true
fmt.Fprintln(v, " " + name)
fmt.Fprintln(v, strings.Repeat("foo\n", 2))
currentView, err := baseGui.SetCurrentView(name)
if err != nil {
log("wit/gui internal plugin error", err)
return nil
log("wit/gui addbutton() current view name =", currentView.Name())
views = append(views, name)
curView = len(views) - 1
idxView += 1
currentY += 3
if (groupSize < len(name)) {
groupSize = len(name)
return currentView
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
package main
import (
func (w *cuiWidget) doWidgetClick() {
switch w.widgetType {
case toolkit.Root:
// me.rootNode.redoFake(true)
case toolkit.Flag:
case toolkit.Window:
case toolkit.Tab:
case toolkit.Box:
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "drawTree()")
if (w.horizontal) {
log("BOX IS HORIZONTAL", w.nextW, w.nextH, w.name)
} else {
log("BOX IS VERTICAL", w.nextW, w.nextH, w.name)
// w.redoBox(true)
// w.textResize()
// something
var toggle bool = true
func (w *cuiWidget) toggleTree() {
if (toggle) {
toggle = false
} else {
toggle = true
// display the widgets in the binary tree
func (w *cuiWidget) drawTree(draw bool) {
if (w == nil) {
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "drawTree()")
if (draw) {
} else {
w.v = nil
for _, child := range w.children {
func click(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
var l string
var err error
log(logNow, "click() START", v.Name())
i, err := strconv.Atoi(v.Name())
if (err != nil) {
log(logNow, "click() Can't find widget. error =", err)
} else {
log(logNow, "click() ok v.Name() =", v.Name())
w := findWidget(i, me.rootNode)
if (w == nil) {
log(logError, "click() CANT FIND VIEW in binary tree. v.Name =", v.Name())
return nil
log(logNow, "click() Found widget =", w.id, w.name, ",", w.text)
return nil
if _, err := g.SetCurrentView(v.Name()); err != nil {
return err
_, cy := v.Cursor()
if l, err = v.Line(cy); err != nil {
l = ""
maxX, maxY := g.Size()
if v, err := g.SetView("msg", maxX/2-10, maxY/2, maxX/2+10, maxY/2+2, 0); err == nil || errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorCyan
v.SelFgColor = gocui.ColorBlack
fmt.Fprintln(v, l)
// this seems to delete the button(?)
// g.SetViewOnBottom(v.Name())
log(logNow, "click() END")
return nil
// display the widgets in the binary tree
func ctrlDown(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
var widgets []*cuiWidget
var f func (widget *cuiWidget)
w, h := g.MousePosition()
f = func(widget *cuiWidget) {
if ((widget.logicalSize.w0 < w) && (w < widget.logicalSize.w1)) {
widgets = append(widgets, widget)
for _, child := range widget.children {
var t string
for i, widget := range widgets {
log(logNow, "ctrlDown() FOUND widget", i, widget.name)
t += widget.cuiName + " " + widget.name + "\n"
// widget.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "drawTree()")
t = strings.TrimSpace(t)
if (me.ctrlDown == nil) {
me.ctrlDown.text = t
me.ctrlDown.realSize.w0 = w
me.ctrlDown.realSize.h0 = h
v, err := g.SetView("ctrlDown", maxX/2-10, maxY/2, maxX/2+10, maxY/2+2, 0)
if (err != nil) {
log(logError, "ctrlDown() g.SetView() error:", err)
v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorCyan
v.SelFgColor = gocui.ColorBlack
fmt.Fprintln(v, l)
log(logNow, "ctrlDown()", w, h)
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
package main
import (
// ColorBlack ColorRed ColorGreen ColorYellow ColorBlue ColorMagenta ColorCyan ColorWhite
// gocui.GetColor("#FFAA55") // Dark Purple
func (w *cuiWidget) SetDefaultWidgetColor() {
log(logInfo, "SetDefaultWidgetColor() on", w.widgetType, w.name)
v, _ := me.baseGui.View(w.cuiName)
if (v == nil) {
log(logError, "SetDefaultWidgetColor() failed on view == nil")
// v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#FFAA55") // Dark Purple
// v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#88AA55") // heavy purple
// v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#111111") // crazy red
// v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#FF9911") // heavy red
// v.SelBgColor = gocui.GetColor("#FFEE11") // blood red
// v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#55AAFF") // super light grey
// v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#FFC0CB") // 'w3c pink' yellow
switch w.widgetType {
case toolkit.Root:
v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorRed
v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#B0E0E6") // w3c 'powerder blue'
case toolkit.Flag:
v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorRed
v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#B0E0E6") // w3c 'powerder blue'
case toolkit.Window:
v.FgColor = gocui.ColorCyan
v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorBlue
v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorBlue
case toolkit.Tab:
v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorBlue
v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorBlue
case toolkit.Button:
v.BgColor = gocui.ColorWhite
v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorGreen
v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorBlack
v.SelFgColor = gocui.ColorGreen
case toolkit.Label:
v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#55AAFF") // super light grey
v.SelBgColor = gocui.GetColor("#55AAFF") // super light grey
case toolkit.Box:
v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorRed
// v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#FFC0CB") // 'w3c pink' yellow
v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#DDDDDD") // light purple
case toolkit.Grid:
// v.FgColor = gocui.ColorCyan
// v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorBlue
// v.FrameColor = gocui.ColorBlue
case toolkit.Group:
v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#55AAFF") // super light grey
// SetColor("#FFAA55") // purple
func (w *cuiWidget) SetColor(c string) {
if (w.v == nil) {
log(logError, "SetColor() failed on view == nil")
w.v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorCyan
w.v.SelFgColor = gocui.ColorBlack
switch c {
case "Green":
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorGreen
case "Purple":
w.v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor("#FFAA55")
case "Yellow":
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorYellow
case "Blue":
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorBlue
case "Red":
w.v.BgColor = gocui.ColorRed
w.v.BgColor = gocui.GetColor(c)
func (w *cuiWidget) SetDefaultHighlight() {
if (w.v == nil) {
log(logError, "SetColor() failed on view == nil")
// w.v.SelBgColor = gocui.ColorGreen
// w.v.SelFgColor = gocui.ColorBlack
func randColor() gocui.Attribute {
colors := []string{"Green", "#FFAA55", "Yellow", "Blue", "Red", "Black", "White"}
i := rand.Intn(len(colors))
log("randColor() i =", i)
return gocui.GetColor(colors[i])
func (w *cuiWidget) redoColor(draw bool) {
if (w == nil) {
for _, child := range w.children {
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
package main
import (
// "github.com/awesome-gocui/gocui"
func setupWidget(a *toolkit.Action) *cuiWidget {
var w *cuiWidget
w = new(cuiWidget)
w.name = a.Name
w.text = a.Text
w.b = a.B
w.i = a.I
w.s = a.S
w.x = a.X
w.y = a.Y
w.width = a.Width
w.height = a.Height
w.widgetType = a.WidgetType
w.id = a.WidgetId
// set the name used by gocui to the id
w.cuiName = strconv.Itoa(w.id)
w.parent = findWidget(a.ParentId, me.rootNode)
log(logInfo, "setupWidget() w.id =", w.id, "w.parent", w.parent, "ParentId =", a.ParentId)
if (w.id == 0) {
me.rootNode = w
// this is the rootNode
return w
if (w.parent == nil) {
log(logError, "setupWidget() ERROR: PARENT = NIL w.id =", w.id, "w.parent", w.parent, "ParentId =", a.ParentId)
// just use the rootNode (hopefully it's not nil)
w.parent = me.rootNode
// return w
if (w.parent == nil) {
log(logError, "setupWidget() ERROR: PARENT = NIL w.id =", w.id, "w.parent", w.parent, "ParentId =", a.ParentId)
me.rootNode = w
return w
// add this widget as a child for the parent
if (a.WidgetType == toolkit.Box) {
if (a.B) {
w.horizontal = true
} else {
w.horizontal = false
// w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow)
return w
func setupCtrlDownWidget() {
var w *cuiWidget
w = new(cuiWidget)
w.name = "ctrlDown"
w.widgetType = toolkit.Flag
w.id = -1
me.ctrlDown = w
// me.rootNode.Append(w)
func (n *cuiWidget) Append(child *cuiWidget) {
n.children = append(n.children, child)
// child.parent = n
// find widget by number
func findWidget(i int, w *cuiWidget) (*cuiWidget) {
if (w == nil) {
log(logVerbose, "findWidget() Trying to find i =", i, "currently checking against w.id = nil")
return nil
log(logVerbose, "findWidget() Trying to find i =", i, "currently checking against w.id =", w.id)
if (w.id == i) {
log(logInfo, "findWidget() FOUND w.id ==", i, w.widgetType, w.name)
return w
for _, child := range w.children {
newW := findWidget(i, child)
log(logVerbose, "findWidget() Trying to find i =", i, "currently checking against child.id =", child.id)
if (newW != nil) {
return newW
return nil
@ -1,109 +1,70 @@
package main
import "git.wit.org/wit/gui/toolkit"
import (
var defaultBehavior bool = true
// "github.com/awesome-gocui/gocui"
var bookshelf bool // do you want things arranged in the box like a bookshelf or a stack?
var canvas bool // if set to true, the windows are a raw canvas
var menubar bool // for windows
var stretchy bool // expand things like buttons to the maximum size
var padded bool // add space between things like buttons
var margin bool // add space around the frames of windows
var debugToolkit bool
var debugChange bool
var debugPlugin bool
var debugFlags bool
var debugError bool = true
// This is important. This sets the defaults for the gui. Without this, there isn't correct padding, etc
func setDefaultBehavior(s bool) {
defaultBehavior = s
if (defaultBehavior) {
log(debugToolkit, "Setting this toolkit to use the default behavior.")
log(debugToolkit, "This is the 'guessing' part as defined by the wit/gui 'Principles'. Refer to the docs.")
stretchy = false
padded = true
menubar = true
margin = true
canvas = false
bookshelf = true // 99% of the time, things make a vertical stack of objects
} else {
log(debugToolkit, "This toolkit is set to ignore the default behavior.")
func ShowDebug () {
log(true, "debugToolkit =", debugToolkit)
log(true, "debugChange =", debugChange)
log(true, "debugPlugin =", debugPlugin)
log(true, "debugFlags =", debugFlags)
log(true, "debugError =", debugError)
func (t *gocuiT) Dump(b bool) {
if ! b {
func actionDump(b bool, a *toolkit.Action) {
if (a == nil) {
log(b, "action = nil")
log(b, "Name = ", t.Name, t.Width, t.Height)
if (t.uiBox != nil) {
log(b, "uiBox =", t.uiBox)
if (t.uiButton != nil) {
log(b, "uiButton =", t.uiButton)
if (t.uiCombobox != nil) {
log(b, "uiCombobox =", t.uiCombobox)
if (t.uiWindow != nil) {
log(b, "uiWindow =", t.uiWindow)
if (t.uiTab != nil) {
log(b, "uiTab =", t.uiTab)
if (t.uiGroup != nil) {
log(b, "uiGroup =", t.uiGroup)
if (t.uiEntry != nil) {
log(b, "uiEntry =", t.uiEntry)
if (t.uiMultilineEntry != nil) {
log(b, "uiMultilineEntry =", t.uiMultilineEntry)
if (t.uiSlider != nil) {
log(b, "uiSlider =", t.uiSlider)
if (t.uiCheckbox != nil) {
log(b, "uiCheckbox =", t.uiCheckbox)
widgetDump(b, t.tw)
func widgetDump(b bool, w *toolkit.Widget) {
log(b, "a.Name =", a.Name)
log(b, "a.Text =", a.Text)
log(b, "a.WidgetId =", a.WidgetId)
log(b, "a.ParentId =", a.ParentId)
log(b, "a.B =", a.B)
log(b, "a.S =", a.S)
func (w *cuiWidget) dumpTree(draw bool) {
log(logNow, "dumpTree() START", w)
if (w == nil) {
log(b, "widget = nil")
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "Tree:")
log(b, "widget.Name =", w.Name)
// log(b, "widget.Action =", w.Action)
log(b, "widget.Type =", w.Type)
log(b, "widget.Custom =", w.Custom)
log(b, "widget.B =", w.B)
log(b, "widget.I =", w.I)
log(b, "widget.Width =", w.Width)
log(b, "widget.Height =", w.Height)
log(b, "widget.X =", w.X)
log(b, "widget.Y =", w.Y)
for _, child := range w.children {
func GetDebugToolkit () bool {
return debugToolkit
func (w *cuiWidget) showWidgetPlacement(b bool, s string) {
if (w == nil) {
log(logError, "WTF w == nil")
if (w.id == 0) {
log(logVerbose, "showWidgetPlacement() parent == nil ok. This is the rootNode", w.id, w.cuiName)
if (w.parent == nil) {
log(logError, "showWidgetPlacement() WTF parent == nil", w.id, w.cuiName)
log(logError, "showWidgetPlacement() WTF parent == nil", w.id, w.cuiName)
log(logError, "showWidgetPlacement() WTF parent == nil", w.id, w.cuiName)
log(b, "dump()", s,
fmt.Sprintf("(wId,pId)=(%3d,%3d)", w.id, w.parent.id),
fmt.Sprintf("real()=(%3d,%3d,%3d,%3d)", w.realSize.w0, w.realSize.h0, w.realSize.w1, w.realSize.h1),
"next()=(", w.nextW, ",", w.nextH, ")",
"logical()=(", w.logicalSize.w0, ",", w.logicalSize.h0, ",", w.logicalSize.w1, ",", w.logicalSize.h1, ")",
w.widgetType, ",", w.name, "text=", w.text)
if (w.realWidth != (w.realSize.w1 - w.realSize.w0)) {
log(b, "dump()", s,
"badsize()=(", w.realWidth, ",", w.realHeight, ")",
"badreal()=(", w.realSize.w0, ",", w.realSize.h0, ",", w.realSize.w1, ",", w.realSize.h1, ")",
w.widgetType, ",", w.name)
if (w.realHeight != (w.realSize.h1 - w.realSize.h0)) {
log(b, "dump()", s,
"badsize()=(", w.realWidth, ",", w.realHeight, ")",
"badreal()=(", w.realSize.w0, ",", w.realSize.h0, ",", w.realSize.w1, ",", w.realSize.h1, ")",
w.widgetType, ",", w.name)
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The gocui Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const delta = 1
var (
views = []string{}
curView = -1
idxView = 0
currentX = 5
currentY = 2
groupSize = 0
baseGui *gocui.Gui
helpLabel *gocui.View
err error
ch chan(func ())
outf *os.File
func Init() {
baseGui, err = gocui.NewGui(gocui.OutputNormal, true)
if err != nil {
baseGui.Highlight = true
baseGui.SelFgColor = gocui.ColorRed
baseGui.SelFrameColor = gocui.ColorRed
baseGui.Cursor = true
baseGui.Mouse = true
if err := initKeybindings(baseGui); err != nil {
viewWidget = make(map[*gocui.View]*toolkit.Widget)
stringWidget = make(map[string]*toolkit.Widget)
ch = make(chan func())
outf, err = os.OpenFile("/tmp/witgui.log", os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
exit("error opening file: %v", err)
// hmm. where to put this?
// defer outf.Close()
log("This is a test log entry")
func Queue(f func()) {
func Main(f func()) {
// close the STDOUT log file
defer outf.Close()
if (baseGui == nil) {
panic("WTF Main()")
defer baseGui.Close()
// addButton("test 3")
if err := baseGui.MainLoop(); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrQuit) {
func layout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
var err error
maxX, _ := g.Size()
helpLabel, err = g.SetView("help", maxX-32, 0, maxX-1, 12, 0)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
return err
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "KEYBINDINGS")
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "Enter: Click Button")
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "Tab/Space: Switch Buttons")
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "")
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "h: Help")
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "Backspace: Delete Button")
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "Arrow keys: Move Button")
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "t: Move Button to the top")
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "b: Move Button to the button")
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "STDOUT: /tmp/witgui.log")
fmt.Fprintln(helpLabel, "Ctrl-C or Q: Exit")
return nil
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
func newGroup(parentW *toolkit.Widget, w *toolkit.Widget) {
if (parentW == nil) {
log(debugError, "plugin error. parent widget == nil")
if (w == nil) {
log(debugPlugin, "plugin error. widget == nil")
if (w.Name == "") {
w.Name = parentW.Name
if (w.Name == "") {
w.Name = "nil newGroup"
log("AddGroup", w.Name)
stringWidget[w.Name] = w
func addGroup(name string) {
log("addGroup() START name =", name)
log("addGroup() START groupSize =", groupSize, "currentY =", currentY, "currentX =", currentX)
currentY = 2
currentX += groupSize + 5
groupSize = 0
log("addGroup() START, RESET Y = 3, RESET X = ", currentX)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ func helplayout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
var err error
maxX, _ := g.Size()
help, err := g.SetView("help", maxX-32, 0, maxX-1, 12, 0)
help, err := g.SetView("help", maxX-32, 0, maxX-1, 17, 0)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
return err
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ func helplayout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
fmt.Fprintln(help, "Arrow keys: Move Button")
fmt.Fprintln(help, "t: Move Button to the top")
fmt.Fprintln(help, "b: Move Button to the button")
fmt.Fprintln(help, "h: hide buttons")
fmt.Fprintln(help, "s: show buttons")
fmt.Fprintln(help, "p: panic()")
fmt.Fprintln(help, "STDOUT: /tmp/witgui.log")
fmt.Fprintln(help, "Ctrl-C or Q: Exit")
if _, err := g.SetCurrentView("help"); err != nil {
@ -6,130 +6,66 @@ package main
import (
func initKeybindings(g *gocui.Gui) error {
log("got to initKeybindings")
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", 'q', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gocui.ErrQuit
}); err != nil {
func defaultKeybindings(g *gocui.Gui) error {
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyCtrlC, gocui.ModNone, quit); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", 'Q', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gocui.ErrQuit
}); err != nil {
for _, n := range []string{"but1", "but2", "help", "but3"} {
if err := g.SetKeybinding(n, gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModNone, showMsg); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyCtrlC, gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gocui.ErrQuit
}); err != nil {
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.MouseRelease, gocui.ModNone, mouseUp); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeySpace, gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return newView(g)
}); err != nil {
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModNone, globalDown); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyBackspace, gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return delView(g)
}); err != nil {
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModMouseCtrl, ctrlDown); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyBackspace2, gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return delView(g)
}); err != nil {
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModNone, globalDown); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyTab, gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
log("tab", v.Name())
return nextView(g, true)
}); err != nil {
if err := g.SetKeybinding("msg", gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModNone, msgDown); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyArrowLeft, gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return moveView(g, v, -delta, 0)
}); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyArrowRight, gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return moveView(g, v, delta, 0)
}); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyArrowDown, gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
log("down", v.Name())
return moveView(g, v, 0, delta)
}); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyArrowUp, gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
log("up", v.Name())
return moveView(g, v, 0, -delta)
}); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyEnter, gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
log("enter", v.Name())
var w *toolkit.Widget
w = stringWidget[v.Name()]
if (w == nil) {
log("COULD NOT FIND WIDGET", v.Name())
} else {
log("FOUND WIDGET!", w)
if (w.Custom != nil) {
return nil
// if (w.Event != nil) {
// w.Event(w)
// return nil
// }
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", 't', gocui.ModNone,
// dump out the widgets
func addDebugKeys(g *gocui.Gui) {
// dump all widget info to the log
g.SetKeybinding("", 'd', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
_, err := g.SetViewOnTop(views[curView])
return err
}); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", 'b', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
_, err := g.SetViewOnBottom(views[curView])
return err
}); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.SetKeybinding("", 'h', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
log("help", v.Name())
tmp, _ := g.SetViewOnTop("help")
log("help 2", tmp.Name())
// g.SetView("help", 2, 2, 30, 15, 0);
// moveView(g, tmp, 0, -delta)
if err := g.DeleteView("help"); err != nil {
exit("gocui SetKeybinding()", err)
log(logNow, "gocui.SetKeyBinding() dumpTree() START")
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
// hide all widgets
g.SetKeybinding("", 'h', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return nil
// show all widgets
g.SetKeybinding("", 's', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return nil
// panic
g.SetKeybinding("", 'p', gocui.ModNone,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
panic("forced panic in gocui")
return nil
@ -5,7 +5,15 @@ import (
witlog "git.wit.org/wit/gui/log"
// various debugging flags
var logNow bool = true // useful for active development
var logError bool = true
var logWarn bool = false
var logInfo bool = false
var logVerbose bool = false
func log(a ...any) {
witlog.Where = "wit/gocui"
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package main
import (
// "git.wit.org/wit/gui/toolkit"
var adjusted bool = false
// expands the logical size of the parents
func (w *cuiWidget) setParentLogical(p *cuiWidget) {
if (w.visable) {
// expand the parent logicalsize to include the widget realSize
if (p.logicalSize.w0 > w.realSize.w0) {
p.logicalSize.w0 = w.realSize.w0
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.h0 > w.realSize.h0) {
p.logicalSize.h0 = w.realSize.h0
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.w1 < w.realSize.w1) {
p.logicalSize.w1 = w.realSize.w1
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.h1 < w.realSize.h1) {
p.logicalSize.h1 = w.realSize.h1
adjusted = true
} else {
// expand the parent logicalsize to include the widget logicalsize
if (p.logicalSize.w0 > w.logicalSize.w0) {
p.logicalSize.w0 = w.logicalSize.w0
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.h0 > w.logicalSize.h0) {
p.logicalSize.h0 = w.logicalSize.h0
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.w1 < w.logicalSize.w1) {
p.logicalSize.w1 = w.logicalSize.w1
adjusted = true
if (p.logicalSize.h1 < w.logicalSize.h1) {
p.logicalSize.h1 = w.logicalSize.h1
adjusted = true
if (w.visable) {
// adjust the widget realSize to the top left corner of the logicalsize
if (w.logicalSize.w0 > w.realSize.w0) {
w.realSize.w0 = w.logicalSize.w0
w.realSize.w1 = w.realSize.w0 + w.realWidth
adjusted = true
if (w.logicalSize.h0 > w.realSize.h0) {
w.realSize.h0 = w.logicalSize.h0
w.realSize.h1 = w.realSize.h0 + w.realHeight
adjusted = true
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "setParentLogical() widget")
p.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "setParentLogical() parent")
if (w.id == 0) || (p.id == 0) {
// stop resizing when you hit the root widget
// pass the logical resizing up
pP := w.parent
if (pP != nil) {
@ -8,18 +8,15 @@ import (
func OnExit(f func(string)) {
Custom = f
func Init() {
log(logInfo, "Init() of democui")
me.widgets = make(map[int]*cuiWidget)
log(logInfo, "Init() of awesome-gocui")
me.defaultWidth = 10
me.defaultHeight = 2
me.defaultBehavior = true
me.horizontalPadding = 20
me.groupPadding = 2
me.buttonPadding = 2
func Exit() {
@ -27,18 +24,6 @@ func Exit() {
func mouseClick(name string) {
// output screws up the console. Need to fix this by redirecting all console output to a file from log.Println()
// log.Println("g.Close()")
// g.Close()
log("Found andlabs Running custom function for the mouse click")
// panic("got andlabs")
func Main(f func()) {
log("start Init()")
@ -53,15 +38,3 @@ func Main(f func()) {
func StartConsoleMouse() {
defer g.Close()
log("start Main()")
if err := g.MainLoop(); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrQuit) {
log("exit Main()")
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ func layout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
v.Frame = false
if v, err := g.SetView("but1", 2, 2, 22, 7, 0); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
return err
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ func layout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
v.SelFgColor = gocui.ColorBlack
fmt.Fprintln(v, "Button 2 - line 1")
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
package main
import (
// "github.com/awesome-gocui/gocui"
var fakeStartWidth int = 80
var fakeStartHeight int = 0
func (w *cuiWidget) setFake() {
if (w.visable) {
t := len(w.name)
// setup fake labels for non-visable things off screen
w.realWidth = t + 2
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = fakeStartWidth
w.realSize.h0 = fakeStartHeight
w.realSize.w1 = w.realSize.w0 + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = w.realSize.h0 + w.realHeight
fakeStartHeight += 3
if (fakeStartHeight > 24) {
fakeStartHeight = 0
fakeStartWidth += 20
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "setFake()")
func findPlace(w *cuiWidget) {
w.visable = true
switch w.widgetType {
case toolkit.Root:
w.visable = false
case toolkit.Flag:
w.visable = false
case toolkit.Grid:
w.visable = false
case toolkit.Box:
w.visable = false
func (w *cuiWidget) redoBox(draw bool) {
if (w == nil) {
if (me.rootNode == nil) {
p := w.parent
if (p == nil) {
log(logInfo, "redoBox()", w.id, "parent == nil")
t := len(w.text)
w.visable = true
switch w.widgetType {
case toolkit.Window:
for _, child := range w.children {
case toolkit.Tab:
for _, child := range w.children {
case toolkit.Grid:
// hmm
w.logicalSize.w0 = p.nextW
w.logicalSize.h0 = p.nextH
w.logicalSize.w1 = p.nextW
w.logicalSize.h1 = p.nextH
w.nextW = p.nextW
w.nextH = p.nextH
var wCount, hCount int
var b bool = true
for _, child := range w.children {
if (b) {
wCount += 1
b = false
} else {
wCount = 0
w.nextH += 1
b = true
w.nextW = p.nextW + wCount * 20
w.nextH = p.nextH + hCount * 4
log(logInfo, "redoBox(GRID) (w,h count)", wCount, hCount, "(X,Y)", w.x, w.y, w.name)
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "grid:")
case toolkit.Box:
w.logicalSize.w0 = p.nextW
w.logicalSize.h0 = p.nextH
w.logicalSize.w1 = p.nextW
w.logicalSize.h1 = p.nextH
w.nextW = p.nextW
w.nextH = p.nextH
for _, child := range w.children {
if (w.horizontal) {
log("BOX IS HORIZONTAL", p.nextW, p.nextW, p.name)
log("BOX IS HORIZONTAL", w.nextW, w.nextH, w.name)
// expand based on the child width
w.nextW = child.nextW + me.horizontalPadding
// reset height to parent
w.nextH = p.nextH
} else {
log("BOX IS VERTICAL", p.nextW, p.nextW, p.name)
log("BOX IS VERTICAL", w.nextW, w.nextH, w.name)
// go straight down
w.nextW = p.nextW
// expand based on the child height
w.nextH = child.nextH
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "box:")
case toolkit.Group:
w.realWidth = t + me.buttonPadding
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = p.nextW
w.realSize.h0 = p.nextH
w.realSize.w1 = w.realSize.w0 + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = w.realHeight
w.logicalSize.w0 = w.realSize.w0
w.logicalSize.h0 = w.realSize.h0
w.logicalSize.w1 = w.realSize.w1
w.logicalSize.h1 = w.realSize.h1
w.nextW = p.nextW + me.groupPadding
w.nextH = p.nextH + me.buttonPadding
for _, child := range w.children {
// reset nextW to straight down
w.nextW = p.nextW + 4
w.nextH = child.nextH
// expand the height of the parent now that the group is done
// p.nextW = w.nextW
// p.nextH = w.nextH
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "group:")
w.realWidth = t + 3
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = p.nextW
w.realSize.h0 = p.nextH
w.realSize.w1 = p.nextW + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = p.nextH + w.realHeight
w.logicalSize.w0 = p.nextW
w.logicalSize.h0 = p.nextH
w.logicalSize.w1 = p.nextW + w.realWidth
w.logicalSize.h1 = p.nextH + w.realHeight
w.nextW = w.realSize.w1
w.nextH = w.realSize.h1
func (w *cuiWidget) boxedPlace() {
t := len(w.name)
if (w.id == 0) {
w.realWidth = 0
w.realHeight = 0
p := w.parent
if (p == nil) {
log(logError, "boxedPlace() parentId widget == nil")
w.realWidth = t + 3
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = p.nextW
w.realSize.h0 = p.nextH
w.realSize.w1 = p.nextW + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = p.nextH + w.realHeight
w.logicalSize.w0 = p.nextW
w.logicalSize.h0 = p.nextH
w.logicalSize.w1 = p.nextW + w.realWidth
w.logicalSize.h1 = p.nextH + w.realHeight
w.nextW = w.realSize.w1
w.nextH = w.realSize.h1
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "bP widget")
func (w *cuiWidget) updateLogicalSizes() {
for _, child := range w.children {
if (w.logicalSize.w0 > child.logicalSize.w0) {
w.logicalSize.w0 = child.logicalSize.w0
if (w.logicalSize.w1 < child.logicalSize.w1) {
w.logicalSize.w1 = child.logicalSize.w1
if (w.logicalSize.h0 > child.logicalSize.h0) {
w.logicalSize.h0 = child.logicalSize.h0
if (w.logicalSize.h1 < child.logicalSize.h1) {
w.logicalSize.h1 = child.logicalSize.h1
@ -4,114 +4,77 @@ import (
// if you include more than just this import
// then your plugin might be doing something un-ideal (just a guess from 2023/02/27)
// This is a map between the widgets in wit/gui and the internal structures of gocui
var viewWidget map[*gocui.View]*toolkit.Widget
var stringWidget map[string]*toolkit.Widget
func Quit() {
// This lists out the know mappings
func listMap() {
for v, w := range viewWidget {
log("view =", v.Name, "widget name =", w.Name)
for s, w := range stringWidget {
log("string =", s, "widget =", w)
// This should be called ?
// Pass() ?
// This handles all interaction between the wit/gui package (what golang knows about)
// and this plugin that talks to the OS and does scary and crazy things to make
// a GUI on whatever OS or whatever GUI toolkit you might have (GTK, QT, WASM, libcurses)
// Once you are here, you should be in a protected goroutine created by the golang wit/gui package
// TODO: make sure you can't escape this goroutine
func Send(p *toolkit.Widget, c *toolkit.Widget) {
if (p == nil) {
log(debugPlugin, "Send() parent = nil")
func Action(a *toolkit.Action) {
log(logInfo, "Action() START", a.WidgetId, a.ActionType, a.WidgetType, a.Name)
w := findWidget(a.WidgetId, me.rootNode)
switch a.ActionType {
case toolkit.Add:
w = setupWidget(a)
case toolkit.Show:
if (a.B) {
} else {
log(debugPlugin, "Send() parent =", p.Name, ",", p.Type)
case toolkit.Set:
case toolkit.SetText:
case toolkit.AddText:
case toolkit.Move:
log(logNow, "attempt to move() =", a.ActionType, a.WidgetType, a.Name)
log(logError, "Action() Unknown =", a.ActionType, a.WidgetType, a.Name)
log(logInfo, "Action() END")
log(debugPlugin, "Send() child =", c.Name, ",", c.Type)
if (c.Action == "SetMargin") {
log(debugError, "need to implement SetMargin here")
setMargin(c, c.B)
func (w *cuiWidget) AddText(text string) {
if (w == nil) {
log(logNow, "widget is nil")
w.vals = append(w.vals, text)
for i, s := range w.vals {
log(logNow, "AddText()", w.name, i, s)
switch c.Type {
case toolkit.Window:
// doWindow(c)
case toolkit.Tab:
// doTab(p, c)
case toolkit.Group:
newGroup(p, c)
case toolkit.Button:
newButton(p, c)
case toolkit.Checkbox:
// doCheckbox(p, c)
case toolkit.Label:
// doLabel(p, c)
case toolkit.Textbox:
// doTextbox(p, c)
case toolkit.Slider:
// doSlider(p, c)
case toolkit.Spinner:
// doSpinner(p, c)
case toolkit.Dropdown:
// doDropdown(p, c)
case toolkit.Combobox:
// doCombobox(p, c)
case toolkit.Grid:
// doGrid(p, c)
case toolkit.Flag:
// log(debugFlags, "plugin Send() flag parent =", p.Name, p.Type)
// log(debugFlags, "plugin Send() flag child =", c.Name, c.Type)
// log(debugFlags, "plugin Send() flag child.Action =", c.Action)
// log(debugFlags, "plugin Send() flag child.S =", c.S)
// log(debugFlags, "plugin Send() flag child.B =", c.B)
// log(debugFlags, "plugin Send() what to flag?")
// should set the checkbox to this value
switch c.S {
case "Toolkit":
debugToolkit = c.B
case "Change":
debugChange = c.B
case "Plugin":
debugPlugin = c.B
case "Flags":
debugFlags = c.B
case "Error":
debugError = c.B
case "Show":
func (w *cuiWidget) SetText(text string) {
if (w == nil) {
log(logNow, "widget is nil")
w.text = text
w.s = text
func (w *cuiWidget) Set(val any) {
log(logInfo, "Set() value =", val)
var a toolkit.Action
a.ActionType = toolkit.Set
switch v := val.(type) {
case bool:
w.b = val.(bool)
case string:
case int:
w.i = val.(int)
log(debugError, "Can't set unknown flag", c.S)
log(debugError, "plugin Send() unknown parent =", p.Name, p.Type)
log(debugError, "plugin Send() unknown child =", c.Name, c.Type)
log(debugError, "plugin Send() Don't know how to do", c.Type, "yet")
log(logError, "Set() unknown type =", v, "a =", a)
@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ import (
var me config
type config struct {
highest int // highest widgetId
baseGui *gocui.Gui // the main gocui handle
widgets map[int]*cuiWidget
rootNode *cuiWidget // the base of the binary tree. it should have id == 0
ctrlDown *cuiWidget // shown if you click the mouse when the ctrl key is pressed
callback func(int)
helpLabel *gocui.View
@ -38,6 +39,10 @@ type config struct {
stretchy bool // expand things like buttons to the maximum size
padded bool // add space between things like buttons
margin bool // add space around the frames of windows
horizontalPadding int
groupPadding int
buttonPadding int
@ -73,11 +78,14 @@ type realSizeT struct {
type cuiWidget struct {
id int // widget ID
parentId int
// parentId int
widgetType toolkit.WidgetType
name string // a descriptive name of the widget
text string // the current text being displayed
cuiName string // what gocui uses to reference the widget
vals []string // dropdown menu options
visable bool // widget types like 'box' are 'false'
realWidth int // the real width
@ -85,8 +93,21 @@ type cuiWidget struct {
realSize rectType // the display size of this widget
logicalSize rectType // the logical size. Includes all the child widgets
nextX int
nextY int
nextW int
nextH int
// things from toolkit/action
b bool
i int
s string
x int
y int
width int
height int
// nextX int
// nextY int
// horizontal=true means layout widgets like books on a bookshelf
// horizontal=false means layout widgets like books in a stack
@ -94,18 +115,12 @@ type cuiWidget struct {
tainted bool
v *gocui.View
baseGui *gocui.Gui // use gogui.Manager ? as 'workspaces?'
// writeMutex protects locks the write process
writeMutex sync.Mutex
// deprecate
// logicalWidth int `default:8`
// logicalHeight int `default:2`
// rect rectType
// current rectType // the logical size. Includes all the child widgets
// width int
// height int
parent *cuiWidget
children []*cuiWidget
// from the gocui devs:
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package main
// implements widgets 'Window' and 'Tab'
import (
// "github.com/awesome-gocui/gocui"
func (w *cuiWidget) hideWidgets() {
switch w.widgetType {
case toolkit.Root:
case toolkit.Flag:
case toolkit.Window:
case toolkit.Tab:
case toolkit.Box:
case toolkit.Grid:
if (w.v != nil) {
w.v = nil
for _, child := range w.children {
func (w *cuiWidget) showWidgets() {
for _, child := range w.children {
func (w *cuiWidget) redoTabs(draw bool) {
log(logNow, "redoTabs() START", w.name)
if (w == nil) {
if (w.widgetType == toolkit.Root) {
w.logicalSize.w0 = 0
w.logicalSize.h0 = 0
w.logicalSize.w1 = 0
w.logicalSize.h1 = 0
w.nextW = 2
w.nextH = 2
log(logNow, "redoTabs() about to check for window and tab ", w.name)
w.text = w.name
t := len(w.text)
if ((w.widgetType == toolkit.Window) || (w.widgetType == toolkit.Tab)) {
log(logNow, "redoTabs() in Window and Tab", w.name)
w.realWidth = t + 2
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight
w.realSize.w0 = me.rootNode.logicalSize.w1
w.realSize.h0 = 0
w.realSize.w1 = w.realSize.w0 + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = w.realHeight
w.logicalSize.w0 = 0
w.logicalSize.h0 = 0
w.logicalSize.w1 = 0
w.logicalSize.h1 = w.realHeight
// spaces right 1 space to next tab widget
// spaces down 1 line to the next widget
w.nextW = 2
w.nextH = w.realHeight + 1
me.rootNode.logicalSize.w1 = w.realSize.w1 + 1
me.rootNode.logicalSize.h1 = 0
w.v = nil
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "redoTabs()")
log(logNow, "redoTabs() about to for loop children", w.name)
for _, child := range w.children {
log(logNow, "redoTabs() got to child", child.name)
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package main
import (
// "git.wit.org/wit/gui/toolkit"
func splitLines(s string) []string {
var lines []string
sc := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(s))
for sc.Scan() {
lines = append(lines, sc.Text())
return lines
func (w *cuiWidget) textResize() {
var width, height int
for i, s := range splitLines(w.text) {
log(logNow, "textResize() len =", len(s), i, s)
if (width < len(s)) {
width = len(s)
height = i
w.realWidth = width + 3
w.realHeight = me.defaultHeight + height
w.realSize.w1 = w.realSize.w0 + w.realWidth
w.realSize.h1 = w.realSize.h0 + w.realHeight
w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "textResize()")
func (w *cuiWidget) drawView() {
var err error
if (w.cuiName == "") {
log(logError, "drawView() w.cuiName was not set for widget", w)
w.cuiName = strconv.Itoa(w.id)
if (w.v != nil) {
log(logInfo, "drawView() w.v already defined for widget", w)
v, _ := me.baseGui.View(w.cuiName)
if (v == nil) {
log(logError, "drawView() ERROR view does not really exist", w)
w.v = nil
} else {
v, _ := me.baseGui.View(w.cuiName)
if (v != nil) {
log(logError, "drawView() already defined for name", w.cuiName)
w.v = v
a := w.realSize.w0
b := w.realSize.h0
c := w.realSize.w1
d := w.realSize.h1
w.v, err = me.baseGui.SetView(w.cuiName, a, b, c, d, 0)
if err == nil {
log(logError, "drawView() internal plugin error err = nil")
if !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
log(logError, "drawView() internal plugin error error.IS()", err)
me.baseGui.SetKeybinding(w.v.Name(), gocui.MouseLeft, gocui.ModNone, click)
w.v.Wrap = true
fmt.Fprintln(w.v, " " + w.text)
// w.SetDefaultWidgetColor()
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The gocui Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// "git.wit.org/wit/gui/toolkit"
func newView(g *gocui.Gui) error {
maxX, maxY := g.Size()
name := fmt.Sprintf("v%v", idxView)
v, err := g.SetView(name, maxX/2-5, maxY/2-5, maxX/2+5, maxY/2+5, 0)
if err == nil {
return err
if !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
return err
v.Wrap = true
fmt.Fprintln(v, strings.Repeat(name+" ", 30))
if _, err := g.SetCurrentView(name); err != nil {
return err
views = append(views, name)
curView = len(views) - 1
idxView += 1
return nil
func delView(g *gocui.Gui) error {
if len(views) <= 1 {
return nil
if err := g.DeleteView(views[curView]); err != nil {
return err
views = append(views[:curView], views[curView+1:]...)
return nextView(g, false)
func nextView(g *gocui.Gui, disableCurrent bool) error {
next := curView + 1
if next > len(views)-1 {
next = 0
if _, err := g.SetCurrentView(views[next]); err != nil {
return err
curView = next
return nil
func moveView(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View, dx, dy int) error {
name := v.Name()
x0, y0, x1, y1, err := g.ViewPosition(name)
if err != nil {
return err
log(x0, y0, x1, y1)
if _, err := g.SetView(name, x0+dx, y0+dy, x1+dx, y1+dy, 0); err != nil {
return err
x0, y0, x1, y1, err = g.ViewPosition(name)
log(x0, y0, x1, y1)
return nil
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
func NewWindow(w *toolkit.Widget) {
if (w == nil) {
log("wit/gui plugin error. widget == nil")
if (w.Name == "") {
w.Name = "nil newWindow"
log("gui.gocui.AddWindow", w.Name)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ type ActionType int
// "Interaction" as per wikipedia [[User interface]]
// Could a protobuf be used here? (Can functions be passed?)
type Widget struct {
Name string
// Name string
Type WidgetType
// This function is how you interact with the toolkit
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ type Widget struct {
// Hopefully this will be the barrier between the goroutines
// TODO: move this interaction to channels
Custom func()
Callback func()
// re-adding an id to test channels
Id int
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ type Action struct {
// this should be the widget
// if the action is New, Hide, Enable, etc
Widget *Widget
Callback func(int)
Callback func(int) bool
// This is how the values are passed back and forth
// values from things like checkboxes & dropdown's
@ -66,6 +65,8 @@ type Action struct {
// (still probably not, almost certainly not. not possible. layer violation?)
S string // not safe to have 'S'
A any
// This GUI is intended for simple things
// We are not laying out PDF's here
// This is used for things like a slider(0,100)
Reference in New Issue