/* * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc. * Copyright 2009 Johannes Berg <johannes@sipsolutions.net> * Copyright 2009-2011 Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@googlemail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "carl9170.h" #include "shared/phy.h" #include "hostif.h" #include "printf.h" #include "timer.h" #include "rom.h" #include "wl.h" #include "wol.h" #ifdef CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_USB void usb_putc(const char c) { fw.usb.put_buffer[fw.usb.put_index++] = (uint8_t) c; if (fw.usb.put_index == CARL9170_MAX_CMD_PAYLOAD_LEN || c == '\0') { fw.usb.put_buffer[fw.usb.put_index] = 0; send_cmd_to_host(__roundup(fw.usb.put_index, 4), CARL9170_RSP_TEXT, fw.usb.put_index, fw.usb.put_buffer); fw.usb.put_index = 0; } } void usb_print_hex_dump(const void *buf, int len) { unsigned int offset = 0, block = 0; while (len > 0) { block = min(__roundup(len, 4), CARL9170_MAX_CMD_PAYLOAD_LEN); send_cmd_to_host(block, CARL9170_RSP_HEXDUMP, len, (const uint8_t *) buf + offset); offset += block; len -= block; } } #endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_USB */ /* grab a buffer from the interrupt in queue ring-buffer */ static struct carl9170_rsp *get_int_buf(void) { struct carl9170_rsp *tmp; /* fetch the _oldest_ buffer from the ring */ tmp = &fw.usb.int_buf[fw.usb.int_tail_index]; /* assign a unique sequence for every response/trap */ tmp->hdr.seq = fw.usb.int_tail_index; fw.usb.int_tail_index++; fw.usb.int_tail_index %= CARL9170_INT_RQ_CACHES; if (fw.usb.int_pending != CARL9170_INT_RQ_CACHES) fw.usb.int_pending++; return tmp; } /* Pop up data from Interrupt IN Queue to USB Response buffer */ static struct carl9170_rsp *dequeue_int_buf(unsigned int space) { struct carl9170_rsp *tmp = NULL; if (fw.usb.int_pending > 0) { tmp = &fw.usb.int_buf[fw.usb.int_head_index]; if ((unsigned int)(tmp->hdr.len + 8) > space) return NULL; fw.usb.int_head_index++; fw.usb.int_head_index %= CARL9170_INT_RQ_CACHES; fw.usb.int_pending--; } return tmp; } static void usb_data_in(void) { } static void usb_reg_out(void) { uint32_t *regaddr = (uint32_t *) &dma_mem.reserved.cmd; uint16_t usbfifolen, i; usb_reset_out(); usbfifolen = getb(AR9170_USB_REG_EP4_BYTE_COUNT_LOW) | getb(AR9170_USB_REG_EP4_BYTE_COUNT_HIGH) << 8; if (usbfifolen & 0x3) usbfifolen = (usbfifolen >> 2) + 1; else usbfifolen = usbfifolen >> 2; for (i = 0; i < usbfifolen; i++) *regaddr++ = get(AR9170_USB_REG_EP4_DATA); handle_cmd(get_int_buf()); usb_trigger_in(); } static void usb_status_in(void) { struct carl9170_rsp *rsp; unsigned int rem, tlen, elen; if (!fw.usb.int_desc_available) return ; fw.usb.int_desc_available = 0; rem = AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE - AR9170_INT_MAGIC_HEADER_SIZE; tlen = AR9170_INT_MAGIC_HEADER_SIZE; usb_reset_in(); while (fw.usb.int_pending) { rsp = dequeue_int_buf(rem); if (!rsp) break; elen = rsp->hdr.len + 4; memcpy(DESC_PAYLOAD_OFF(fw.usb.int_desc, tlen), rsp, elen); rem -= elen; tlen += elen; } if (tlen == AR9170_INT_MAGIC_HEADER_SIZE) { DBG("attempted to send an empty int response!\n"); goto reclaim; } fw.usb.int_desc->ctrl = AR9170_CTRL_FS_BIT | AR9170_CTRL_LS_BIT; fw.usb.int_desc->totalLen = tlen; fw.usb.int_desc->dataSize = tlen; /* Put to UpQ */ dma_put(&fw.pta.up_queue, fw.usb.int_desc); /* Trigger PTA UP DMA */ set(AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_DMA_TRIGGER, 1); usb_trigger_out(); return ; reclaim: /* TODO: not sure what to do here */ fw.usb.int_desc_available = 1; } void send_cmd_to_host(const uint8_t len, const uint8_t type, const uint8_t ext, const uint8_t *body) { struct carl9170_cmd *resp; #ifdef CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG if (unlikely(len > sizeof(resp->data))) { DBG("CMD too long:%x %d\n", type, len); return ; } /* Element length must be a multiple of 4. */ if (unlikely(len & 0x3)) { DBG("CMD length not mult. of 4:%x %d\n", type, len); return ; } #endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG */ resp = (struct carl9170_cmd *) get_int_buf(); if (unlikely(resp == NULL)) { /* not very helpful for NON UART users */ DBG("out of msg buffers\n"); return ; } resp->hdr.len = len; resp->hdr.cmd = type; resp->hdr.ext = ext; memcpy(resp->data, body, len); usb_trigger_in(); } /* Turn off ADDA/RF power, PLL */ static void turn_power_off(void) { set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ACTIVE, AR9170_PHY_ACTIVE_DIS); set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ADC_CTL, 0xa0000000 | AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_PWDADC | AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_PWDDAC); /* This will also turn-off the LEDs */ set(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_DATA, 0); set(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_TYPE, 0xf); set(AR9170_PWR_REG_BASE, 0x40021); set(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TRIGGER, 0); andl(AR9170_USB_REG_DMA_CTL, ~(AR9170_USB_DMA_CTL_ENABLE_TO_DEVICE | AR9170_USB_DMA_CTL_ENABLE_FROM_DEVICE | AR9170_USB_DMA_CTL_UP_PACKET_MODE | AR9170_USB_DMA_CTL_DOWN_STREAM)); /* Do a software reset to PTA component */ orl(AR9170_PTA_REG_DMA_MODE_CTRL, AR9170_PTA_DMA_MODE_CTRL_RESET); andl(AR9170_PTA_REG_DMA_MODE_CTRL, ~AR9170_PTA_DMA_MODE_CTRL_RESET); orl(AR9170_PTA_REG_DMA_MODE_CTRL, AR9170_PTA_DMA_MODE_CTRL_DISABLE_USB); set(AR9170_MAC_REG_POWER_STATE_CTRL, AR9170_MAC_POWER_STATE_CTRL_RESET); /* Reset USB FIFO */ set(AR9170_PWR_REG_RESET, AR9170_PWR_RESET_COMMIT_RESET_MASK | AR9170_PWR_RESET_DMA_MASK | AR9170_PWR_RESET_WLAN_MASK); set(AR9170_PWR_REG_RESET, 0x0); clock_set(AHB_20_22MHZ, false); set(AR9170_PWR_REG_PLL_ADDAC, 0x5163); /* 0x502b; */ set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ADC_SERIAL_CTL, AR9170_PHY_ADC_SCTL_SEL_EXTERNAL_RADIO); set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 7-0 */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 15-8 */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 23-16 */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 31- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 39- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 47- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 55- */ set(0x1c589c, 0xf8); /* 63- */ set(0x1c589c, 0x27); /* 0x24; 71- modified */ set(0x1c589c, 0xf9); /* 79- */ set(0x1c589c, 0x90); /* 87- */ set(0x1c589c, 0x04); /* 95- */ set(0x1c589c, 0x48); /* 103- */ set(0x1c589c, 0x19); /* 0; 111- modified */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 119- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 127- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 135- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 143- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 151- */ set(0x1c589c, 0x70); /* 159- */ set(0x1c589c, 0x0c); /* 167- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 175- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 183-176 */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 191-184 */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 199- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 207- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 215- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 223- */ set(0x1c589c, 0); /* 231- */ set(0x1c58c4, 0); /* 233- 232 */ set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ADC_SERIAL_CTL, AR9170_PHY_ADC_SCTL_SEL_INTERNAL_ADDAC); } static void disable_watchdog(void) { if (!fw.watchdog_enable) return; /* write watchdog magic pattern for suspend */ andl(AR9170_PWR_REG_WATCH_DOG_MAGIC, 0xffff); orl(AR9170_PWR_REG_WATCH_DOG_MAGIC, 0x98760000); /* Disable watchdog */ set(AR9170_TIMER_REG_WATCH_DOG, 0xffff); } void __noreturn reboot(void) { disable_watchdog(); /* Turn off power */ turn_power_off(); /* clean bootloader workspace */ memset(&dma_mem, 0, sizeof(dma_mem)); /* add by ygwei for work around USB PHY chirp sequence problem */ set(0x10f100, 0x12345678); /* Jump to boot code */ jump_to_bootcode(); } /* service USB events and re-enable USB interrupt */ static void usb_handler(uint8_t usb_interrupt_level1) { uint8_t usb_interrupt_level2; if (usb_interrupt_level1 & BIT(5)) usb_data_in(); if (usb_interrupt_level1 & BIT(4)) usb_reg_out(); if (usb_interrupt_level1 & BIT(6)) usb_status_in(); if (usb_interrupt_level1 & BIT(0)) { usb_interrupt_level2 = getb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_0); if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC0_SETUP) usb_ep0setup(); if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC0_IN) usb_ep0tx(); if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC0_OUT) usb_ep0rx(); if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC0_ABORT) { /* Clear the command abort interrupt */ andb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_0, (uint8_t) ~AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC0_ABORT); } if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC0_FAIL || fw.usb.ep0_action & CARL9170_EP0_STALL) { /* * transmission failure. * stall ep 0 */ setb(AR9170_USB_REG_CX_CONFIG_STATUS, BIT(2)); fw.usb.ep0_action &= ~CARL9170_EP0_STALL; } if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC0_END || fw.usb.ep0_action & CARL9170_EP0_TRIGGER) { /* * transmission done. * set DONE bit. */ setb(AR9170_USB_REG_CX_CONFIG_STATUS, BIT(0)); fw.usb.ep0_action &= ~CARL9170_EP0_TRIGGER; } } if (usb_interrupt_level1 & BIT(7)) { usb_interrupt_level2 = getb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_7); if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC7_RX0BYTE) usb_data_out0Byte(); if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC7_TX0BYTE) usb_data_in0Byte(); if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC7_USB_RESET) { usb_reset_ack(); reboot(); } if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC7_USB_SUSPEND) { usb_suspend_ack(); fw.suspend_mode = CARL9170_HOST_SUSPENDED; #ifdef CONFIG_CARL9170FW_WOL if (!(fw.usb.device_feature & USB_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) || !fw.wol.cmd.flags) { disable_watchdog(); /* GO_TO_SUSPEND stops the CPU clock too. */ orb(AR9170_USB_REG_MAIN_CTRL, AR9170_USB_MAIN_CTRL_GO_TO_SUSPEND); } else { wol_prepare(); } #else /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_WOL */ disable_watchdog(); /* GO_TO_SUSPEND stops the CPU clock too. */ orb(AR9170_USB_REG_MAIN_CTRL, AR9170_USB_MAIN_CTRL_GO_TO_SUSPEND); #endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_WOL */ } if (usb_interrupt_level2 & AR9170_USB_INTR_SRC7_USB_RESUME) { usb_resume_ack(); fw.suspend_mode = CARL9170_HOST_AWAKE; set(AR9170_USB_REG_WAKE_UP, 0); reboot(); } } } void handle_usb(void) { uint8_t usb_interrupt_level1; usb_interrupt_level1 = getb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_GROUP); if (usb_interrupt_level1) usb_handler(usb_interrupt_level1); if (fw.usb.int_pending > 0) usb_trigger_in(); } void usb_timer(void) { }