65 lines
2.0 KiB
65 lines
2.0 KiB
<!-- Background: if defined, load the image from /config.params.mainbg, else use an image from picsum -->
id = "mainBG"
style = "background-image: url(' {{ if $.Site.Params.mainbg }} {{ $.Site.Params.mainbg }} {{ else }} https://picsum.photos/1920/1080 {{ end }} ');"
<!-- layouts file variable -->
{{ $layouts := .Site.Data.site.layouts }}
<!-- Wave: load if enabled in data/site/layouts.home.enableWave -->
{{ range $layouts.home }}
{{if eq .enableWave "true"}}
{{ partial "utilities/wave" .}}
<!-- Title and maintext, centered on the background image -->
<div class="centerAll">
<!-- Site title -->
<div class="title text-6xl font-bold text-center">
{{if $.Site.Params.maintitle }}
{{ $.Site.Params.maintitle }}
Hello, World
<!-- Site maintext/description -->
<div class="text text-xl text-center">
{{if $.Site.Params.maintext}}
{{ $.Site.Params.maintext }}
Edit config.toml/params
<!-- Page content: load widget only if enabled in data/site/layouts.home -->
<main class="container mx-auto mt-8 px-4 xl:px-0">
{{ range $layouts.home }}
{{if eq .enableTopWidget "true"}}
{{partial "utilities/widgetSocial" $.Site}}
{{if eq .enableMiddleWidget "true"}}
{{partial "utilities/widgetBoxIconText" $.Site}}
{{if eq .enableBottomWidget "true"}}
{{partial "utilities/widgetBoxImageText" $.Site}}
{{if eq .enableGalleryWidget "true"}}
{{partial "utilities/widgetGallery" $.Site}}