
142 lines
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// figures out if your hostname is valid
// then checks if your DNS is setup correctly
package linuxstatus
import (
// will try to get this hosts FQDN
func (ls *LinuxStatus) GetDomainName() string {
if ! me.Ready() {return ""}
return me.domainname.Get()
func (ls *LinuxStatus) setDomainName() {
if ! me.Ready() {return}
dn := run("domainname")
if (me.domainname.Get() != dn) {
log.Log(CHANGE, "domainname has changed from", me.GetDomainName(), "to", dn)
me.changed = true
func (ls *LinuxStatus) GetHostname() string {
if ! me.Ready() {return ""}
return me.hostname.Get()
func (ls *LinuxStatus) ValidHostname() bool {
if ! me.Ready() {return false}
if me.hostnameStatus.Get() == "VALID" {
return true
return false
func (ls *LinuxStatus) setHostname(newname string) {
if ! me.Ready() {return}
if newname == me.hostname.Get() {
log.Log(CHANGE, "hostname has changed from", me.GetHostname(), "to", newname)
me.changed = true
func (ls *LinuxStatus) GetHostShort() string {
if ! me.Ready() {return ""}
return me.hostshort.Get()
func (ls *LinuxStatus) setHostShort() {
if ! me.Ready() {return}
hshort := run("hostname -s")
if (me.hostshort.Get() != hshort) {
log.Log(CHANGE, "hostname -s has changed from", me.hostshort.Get(), "to", hshort)
me.changed = true
func lookupHostname() {
if ! me.Ready() {return}
var err error
var hostfqdn string = "broken"
hostfqdn, err = fqdn.FqdnHostname()
if (err != nil) {
log.Error(err, "FQDN hostname error")
log.Log(NET, "full hostname should be: ", hostfqdn)
// these are authoritative
// if they work wrong, your linux configuration is wrong.
// Do not complain.
// Fix your distro if your box is otherwise not working this way
hshort := me.GetHostShort() // from `hostname -s`
dn := me.GetDomainName() // from `domanname`
hostname := me.GetHostname() // from `hostname -f`
if hostfqdn != hostname {
log.Log(WARN, "hostname", hostname, "does not equal fqdn.FqdnHostname()", hostfqdn)
// TODO: figure out what is wrong
var test string
test = hshort + "." + dn
if (hostname != test) {
log.Log(CHANGE, "hostname", hostname, "does not equal", test)
if (me.hostnameStatus.Get() != "BROKEN") {
log.Log(CHANGE, "hostname", hostname, "does not equal", test)
me.changed = true
} else {
if (me.hostnameStatus.Get() != "VALID") {
log.Log(CHANGE, "hostname", hostname, "is valid")
me.changed = true
// returns true if the hostname is good
// check that all the OS settings are correct here
// On Linux, /etc/hosts, /etc/hostname
// and domainname and hostname
func goodHostname() bool {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/hostname")
if err != nil {
// this needs to be a fixWindow() error
hostname := string(content)
log.Log(NOW, "hostname =", hostname)
hs := run("hostname -s")
dn := run("domainname")
log.Log(NOW, "hostname short =", hs, "domainname =", dn)
tmp := hs + "." + dn
if (hostname == tmp) {
log.Log(NOW, "hostname seems to be good", hostname)
return true
return false