
293 lines
6.6 KiB

// This creates a simple hello world window
package main
import (
// "log"
// this doesn't work
func watchNetworkInterfaces() {
// Get list of network interfaces
interfaces, _ := net.Interfaces()
// Set up a notification channel
notification := make(chan net.Interface)
log.Log(NET, "watchNet()")
// Start goroutine to watch for changes
go func() {
log.Log(NET, "watchNet() func")
for {
log.Log(NET, "forever loop start")
// Check for changes in each interface
for _, i := range interfaces {
log.Log(NET, "something on i =", i)
if status := i.Flags & net.FlagUp; status != 0 {
notification <- i
log.Log(NET, "something on i =", i)
log.Log(NET, "forever loop end")
func IsIPv6(address string) bool {
return strings.Count(address, ":") >= 2
func (t *IPtype) IsReal() bool {
if (t.ip.IsPrivate() || t.ip.IsLoopback() || t.ip.IsLinkLocalUnicast()) {
log.Log(NET, "\t\tIP is Real = false")
return false
} else {
log.Log(NET, "\t\tIP is Real = true")
return true
func IsReal(ip *net.IP) bool {
if (ip.IsPrivate() || ip.IsLoopback() || ip.IsLinkLocalUnicast()) {
log.Log(NET, "\t\tIP is Real = false")
return false
} else {
log.Log(NET, "\t\tIP is Real = true")
return true
func renameInterface(i *net.Interface) {
/sbin/ip link set eth1 down
/sbin/ip link set eth1 name eth123
/sbin/ip link set eth123 up
// Will figure out if an interface was just added
func checkInterface(i net.Interface) {
val, ok := me.ifmap[i.Index]
if ! ok {
log.Info(i.Name, "is a new network interface. The linux kernel index =", i.Index)
me.ifmap[i.Index] = new(IFtype)
me.ifmap[i.Index].gone = false
me.ifmap[i.Index].iface = &i
me.changed = true
if (me.Interfaces != nil) {
me.ifmap[i.Index].gone = false
log.Log(NET, "me.ifmap[i] does exist. Need to compare everything.", i.Index, i.Name, val.iface.Index, val.iface.Name)
if (val.iface.Name != i.Name) {
log.Info(val.iface.Name, "has changed to it's name to", i.Name)
me.ifmap[i.Index].iface = &i
me.changed = true
if (me.Interfaces != nil) {
These are the real IP address you have been
given from DHCP
func dhcpAAAA() []string {
var aaaa []string
for s, t := range me.ipmap {
if (t.IsReal()) {
if (t.ipv6) {
aaaa = append(aaaa, s)
return aaaa
func realA() []string {
var a []string
for s, t := range me.ipmap {
if (t.IsReal()) {
if (t.ipv4) {
a = append(a, s)
return a
func checkDNS() (map[string]*IPtype, map[string]*IPtype) {
var ipv4s map[string]*IPtype
var ipv6s map[string]*IPtype
ipv4s = make(map[string]*IPtype)
ipv6s = make(map[string]*IPtype)
for s, t := range me.ipmap {
i := t.iface
ipt := "IPv4"
if (t.ipv6) {
ipt = "IPv6"
if (t.IsReal()) {
log.Info("\tIP is Real ", ipt, i.Index, i.Name, s)
if (t.ipv6) {
ipv6s[s] = t
} else {
ipv4s[s] = t
} else {
log.Info("\tIP is not Real", ipt, i.Index, i.Name, s)
return ipv6s, ipv4s
// Will figure out if an IP address is new
func checkIP(ip *net.IPNet, i net.Interface) bool {
log.Log(NET, "\t\taddr.(type) = *net.IPNet")
log.Log(NET, "\t\taddr.(type) =", ip)
var realip string
realip = ip.IP.String()
val, ok := me.ipmap[realip]
if ok {
log.Log(NET, val.ipnet.IP.String(), "is already a defined IP address")
me.ipmap[realip].gone = false
return false
me.ipmap[realip] = new(IPtype)
me.ipmap[realip].gone = false
me.ipmap[realip].ipv4 = true
me.ipmap[realip].ipnet = ip
me.ipmap[realip].ip = ip.IP
me.ipmap[realip].iface = &i
t := "IPv4"
if (IsIPv6(ip.String())) {
me.ipmap[realip].ipv6 = true
me.ipmap[realip].ipv4 = false
t = "IPv6"
if (me.IPv6 != nil) {
} else {
me.ipmap[realip].ipv6 = false
me.ipmap[realip].ipv4 = true
if (me.IPv4 != nil) {
if (IsReal(&ip.IP)) {
log.Info("\tIP is Real ", t, i.Index, i.Name, realip)
} else {
log.Info("\tIP is not Real", t, i.Index, i.Name, realip)
log.Log(NET, "\t\tIP is IsPrivate() =", ip.IP.IsPrivate())
log.Log(NET, "\t\tIP is IsLoopback() =", ip.IP.IsLoopback())
log.Log(NET, "\t\tIP is IsLinkLocalUnicast() =", ip.IP.IsLinkLocalUnicast())
// log.Info("HERE HERE", "realip =", realip, "me.ip[realip]=", me.ipmap[realip])
return true
func scanInterfaces() {
log.Log(NET, "scanInterfaces() START")
ifaces, _ := net.Interfaces()
// me.ifnew = ifaces
log.Log(NET, SPEW, ifaces)
for _, i := range ifaces {
addrs, _ := i.Addrs()
// log.Info("range ifaces = ", i)
log.Log(NET, "*net.Interface.Name = ", i.Name, i.Index)
log.Log(NET, SPEW, i)
log.Log(NET, SPEW, addrs)
for _, addr := range addrs {
log.Log(NET, "\taddr =", addr)
log.Log(NET, SPEW, addrs)
ips, _ := net.LookupIP(addr.String())
log.Log(NET, "\tLookupIP(addr) =", ips)
switch v := addr.(type) {
case *net.IPNet:
if checkIP(v, i) {
log.Log(true, "scanInterfaces() IP is new () i =", v.IP.String())
log.Log(NET, "\t\taddr.(type) = NO IDEA WHAT TO DO HERE v =", v)
if deleteChanges() {
me.changed = true
log.Log(NET, "deleteChanges() detected network changes")
log.Log(NET, "scanInterfaces() END")
// displays the IP address found on your network interfaces
func updateRealAAAA() {
var all4 string
var all6 string
for s, t := range me.ipmap {
if (t.ipv4) {
all4 += s + "\n"
log.Log(NET, "IPv4 =", s)
} else if (t.ipv6) {
all6 += s + "\n"
log.Log(NET, "IPv6 =", s)
} else {
log.Log(NET, "???? =", s)
all4 = sortLines(all4)
all6 = sortLines(all6)
if (me.IPv4.S != all4) {
log.Log(NET, "IPv4 addresses have changed", all4)
if (me.IPv6.S != all6) {
log.Log(NET, "IPv6 addresses have changed", all6)
// delete network interfaces and ip addresses from the gui
func deleteChanges() bool {
var changed bool = false
for i, t := range me.ifmap {
if (t.gone) {
log.Log(LogChange, "DELETE int =", i, "name =",, t.iface)
delete(me.ifmap, i)
changed = true
t.gone = true
for s, t := range me.ipmap {
if (t.gone) {
log.Log(LogChange, "DELETE name =", s, "IPv4 =", t.ipv4)
log.Log(LogChange, "DELETE name =", s, "IPv6 =", t.ipv6)
log.Log(LogChange, "DELETE name =", s, "iface =", t.iface)
log.Log(LogChange, "DELETE name =", s, "ip =", t.ip)
delete(me.ipmap, s)
changed = true
t.gone = true
return changed