// This is a simple example package main import ( "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "go.wit.com/lib/gui/shell" "go.wit.com/log" ) func doRelease() bool { log.Info("doRelease() on", release.current.String()) // double check release version logic if release.releaseVersionB.String() != "release version "+release.version.String() { log.Warn("something went wrong with the release.version:", release.version.String()) return false } if strings.HasPrefix(release.version.String(), "v") { log.Warn("everything is ok. version starts with v.", release.version.String()) } else { log.Warn("version does not start with v.", release.version.String()) return false } switch release.status.String() { case "PRIMATIVE": log.Warn("can do PRIMATIVE", release.version.String()) case "GOOD": log.Warn("GOOD. lots of go.sum checks passed", release.version.String()) case "manually chosen": log.Warn("attempting manual release", release.version.String()) /* case "NOT READY": log.Warn("attempting to release. TODO: recheck go.sum here", release.version.String()) log.Warn("Sleep 10") log.Sleep(10) case "UNRELEASED": log.Warn("attempting to release. TODO: dig deep on go.sum here", release.version.String()) log.Warn("Sleep 10") log.Sleep(10) */ default: log.Warn("what is this?", release.version.String(), release.status.String()) return false } if release.current.status.ReadOnly() { log.Info("sorry, it's read-only") return true } if release.current.status.CheckDirty() { log.Info("sorry, it's still dirty") return false } curName := release.current.status.GetCurrentBranchName() mName := release.current.status.GetMasterBranchName() if curName != mName { log.Info("\trepo is not working from main branch", curName, "!=", mName) return false } log.Info("\ttag and push", curName, release.version.String(), me.releaseReasonS) var all [][]string all = append(all, []string{"git", "add", "-f", "go.mod"}) if release.current.status.CheckPrimativeGoMod() { // don't add go.sum here. TODO: check for go.sum file and fail } else { all = append(all, []string{"git", "add", "-f", "go.sum"}) } all = append(all, []string{"git", "commit", "-m", me.releaseReasonS}) all = append(all, []string{"git", "push"}) all = append(all, []string{"git", "tag", "-m", me.releaseReasonS, release.version.String()}) all = append(all, []string{"git", "push", "origin", release.version.String()}) if !release.current.status.DoAll(all) { log.Info("failed to make new release", release.version.String()) return false } log.Info("RELEASE OK") // 'publish' the version to the golang package versioning system if !doPublishVersion() { log.Info("PUBLISH FAILED") return false } log.Info("PUBLISH OK") release.current.setGoSumStatus("RELEASED") // unwind and re-tag. Now that the go.mod and go.sum are published, revert // to the development branch if !release.current.status.RevertMasterToDevel() { log.Info("Revert Failed") return false } // update tag var retag [][]string retag = append(retag, []string{"git", "tag", "--delete", release.version.String()}) retag = append(retag, []string{"git", "push", "--delete", "origin", release.version.String()}) retag = append(retag, []string{"git", "tag", "-m", me.releaseReasonS, release.version.String()}) retag = append(retag, []string{"git", "push", "origin", release.version.String()}) if !release.current.status.DoAll(retag) { log.Info("retag failed") return false } log.Info("EVERYTHING OK. RERELEASED", release.current.String()) // update the package versions used for checking go.sum validity release.current.status.UpdateCurrent() cbname := release.current.status.GetCurrentBranchName() cbversion := release.current.status.GetCurrentBranchVersion() lasttag := release.current.status.GetLastTagVersion() // update the values in the GUI release.current.lastTag.SetLabel(lasttag) release.current.vLabel.SetLabel(cbname + " " + cbversion) // attempt to find another repo to release if !doReleaseFindNext() { log.Info("doReleaseFindNext() could not find a new") return false } log.Info("GOOD TO RUN ANOTHER DAY ON:", release.current.String()) return true } // try to figure out if there is another package to update func doReleaseFindNext() bool { // scan for new repo if findNextDirty("") { log.Info("findNextDirty() found something") } else { log.Info("findNextDirty() could not find anything") return false } release.current.status.CheckSafeGoSumRemake() if release.current.status.MakeRedomod() { log.Info("Redo mod ok") } else { log.Info("go mod tidy not ok") return false } if ok, _ := release.current.status.CheckGoSum(); ok { log.Info("repo has go.sum requirements that are clean") // release.current.setGoSumStatus("CLEAN") release.status.SetValue("GOOD") release.notes.SetValue("CheckGoSum() does not seem to lie") return true } release.notes.SetValue("CheckGoSum() failed") return false } // this pulls the new tag from the golang package repository // to insert the new version func doPublishVersion() bool { gopath := release.current.String() cmd := []string{"go", "get", "-v", gopath + "@" + release.version.String()} log.Info("SHOULD RUN cmd HERE:", cmd) // right now, you can't publish this because the go.* files in this project are screwed up if release.guireleaser == nil { log.Info("CAN NOT SELF UPDATE HERE. cmd =", cmd) return false } homeDir, _ := os.UserHomeDir() gosum := filepath.Join(homeDir, "go/src/go.wit.com/apps/guireleaser/go.sum") if !shell.Exists(gosum) { log.Info("go.sum must exist here") release.guireleaser.status.MakeRedomod() } os.Unsetenv("GO111MODULE") log.Info("TRYING TO SELF UPDATE HERE. cmd =", cmd) err, out := release.guireleaser.status.RunCmd(cmd) if gopath == "go.wit.com/apps/guireleaser" { // ignore errors on updating myself log.Info("IGNORE SELF UPDATE ERROR. cmd =", cmd) err = nil } if err == nil { log.Info("SELF UPDATE OK. out =", out) log.Info("SELF UPDATE WORKED") release.current.setGoSumStatus("RELEASED") return true } return false }