package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" ) // remove '?' part and trailing '/' func cleanURL(url string) string { url = "/" + strings.Trim(url, "/") return url } func okHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var route string route = cleanURL(r.URL.Path) log.HttpMode(w) defer log.HttpMode(nil) // common http args that can be set repoName := r.URL.Query().Get("repo") version := r.URL.Query().Get("version") comment := r.URL.Query().Get("comment") switch route { case "/help": log.Info("list/ list modified repos") log.Info("list?readonly=true shows every repo") log.Info("") log.Info("doRelease runs doRelease()") log.Info("findNext runs findNext()") log.Info("showNext shows the repo for doRelease()") log.Info("setTargetVersion set the target version for findNext()") log.Info("setAllTargetVersions?version=v0.12.4 set ever repo to target version") log.Info("setCurrentRepo? runs setCurrentRepo(repo)") log.Info("") log.Info("setAllBranchesToMaster git checkout master on every repo") log.Info("") log.Info("setVersion? attempts to set the target version to 0.2") log.Info("") case "/doRelease": buttonDisable() if err := doRelease(); err == nil { buttonEnable() log.Info("doRelease() worked") } else { log.Info("doRelease() failed") } case "/findNext": me.Disable() defer me.Enable() if findNext() { log.Info("findNext() found a repo") } else { log.Info("findNext() did not find a repo. You might be finished?") } log.Info("repo: " + me.release.repo.String()) log.Info("name: " + me.release.version.String()) log.Info("notes: " + me.release.notes.String()) log.Info("status: " + me.release.status.String()) if me.current == nil { log.Info("findNext() == nil") return } // log.Info(me.current.StandardHeader()) log.Info(me.forge.StandardReleaseHeader(me.current, "todoing")) case "/setCurrentRepo": log.Info("repo: " + repoName) log.Info("version: " + version) log.Info("comment: " + comment) repo := me.forge.FindByGoPath(repoName) if repo == nil { log.Info("FindRepoByName() returned nil") return } setCurrentRepo(repo, "HTTP", "doRelease() ?") return case "/fixNext": check := me.forge.FindByGoPath(me.current.GetGoPath()) if check == nil { log.Info("boo, you didn't git clone", me.current.GetGoPath()) return } // destroy and recreate the go.sum fixGodepsOLD(check) findOk = true return case "/showNext": check := me.forge.FindByGoPath(me.current.GetGoPath()) if check == nil { log.Info("boo, current is missing", me.current.GetGoPath()) return } testGoRepo(check) me.forge.HumanPrintRepo(check) return case "/list": me.forge.PrintHumanTable(me.found) return case "/releaseList": me.forge.PrintHumanTable(me.found) return default: log.Info("BAD URL = " + route) } } func testGoRepo(check *gitpb.Repo) { data, _ := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(check.FullPath, "go.mod")) log.Info(string(data)) if err := me.forge.FinalGoDepsCheckOk(check, true); err == nil { log.Info("forge.FinalGoDepsCheck(check) worked!") } else { log.Info("forge.FinalGoDepsCheck(check) failed. boo.") } } // starts and sits waiting for HTTP requests func startHTTP() { http.HandleFunc("/", okHandler) p := fmt.Sprintf(":%d", argv.Port) log.Println("Running on port", p) err := http.ListenAndServe(p, nil) if err != nil { log.Println("Error starting server:", err) } }