VERSION = $(shell git describe --tags) BUILDTIME = $(shell date +%Y.%m.%d) all: install goimports: reset goimports -w *.go # // to globally reset paths: # // gofmt -w -r " ->" . vet: GO111MODULE=off go vet build: echo "build it!" touch resources/ -rm resources/*.so -mkdir resources/ -cp -a ~/go/src/*/*.so resources/ touch resources/ GO111MODULE=off go build \ -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.BUILDTIME=${BUILDTIME} -X gui.GUIVERSION=${VERSION}" clean: rm -f go.* -rm resources/*.so touch resources/ install: goimports touch resources/ -rm resources/*.so # -cp -a ~/go/src/*/*.so resources/ touch resources/ GO111MODULE=off go install \ -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.BUILDTIME=${BUILDTIME} -X gui.GUIVERSION=${VERSION}" check-git-clean: @git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || (echo "Git repository is dirty, please commit your changes first"; exit 1) curl-help: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/help curl-rescan-All: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/rescanAll curl-whitelist-stuff: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/whitelist? curl --silent http://localhost:9419/whitelist? curl-setBranchesToMasterB: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/setBranchesToMasterB # report on the release findNext: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/findNext fixNext: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/fixNext showNext: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/showNext testNext: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/testNext doRelease: reset make curl-list-changed make showNext sleep 10 curl --silent http://localhost:9419/doRelease curl-setCurrent-go-wit-com-gui: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/setCurrentRepo? curl-setCurrent-go-clone: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/setCurrentRepo? make showNext curl-setTargetVersion-virtigo-v0.1.1: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/setTargetVersion?version=v0.1.1 # CAN NOT HAVE v0.6 -- MUST BE v0.6.0 curl-setTargetVersion-go-clone-v0.6.0: curl --silent "http://localhost:9419/setTargetVersion?repo=go-clone&version=v0.6.0" curl-incrementAllTargetVersions: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/setAllTargetVersions # report on the release list-release-notdone: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/releaseList?readonly=true list-all: curl --silent http://localhost:9419/list?readonly=true safe-build: install forge list --private wit-test --no-gui --make-install cd ~/go/src/ && GUIRELEASE_REASON="safe-build" guireleaser