diff --git a/resources/repomap b/resources/repomap index 165ca5c..8f8ff6a 100644 --- a/resources/repomap +++ b/resources/repomap @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ go.wit.com/toolkits/andlabs git.wit.org/toolkits/andlabs Platform Native GUI (GT go.wit.com/toolkits/gocui git.wit.org/toolkits/gocui A console based GUI (like ncurses) go.wit.com/toolkits/nocui git.wit.org/toolkits/nocui A minimum toolkit plugin using STDIN/STDOUT go.wit.com/toolkits/pixelgl git.wit.org/jcarr/pixelgl an experiment with opengl (no widgets yet) +go.wit.com/toolkits/fyne git.wit.org/jcarr/fyne fyne.io (early stages. only makes windows and buttons) go.wit.com/toolkits/debian git.wit.org/toolkits/debian make a .deb of the toolkit plugin binaries # log/ (modified for the gui)