# DNS over Wikipedia Wikipedia keeps track of official URLs for popular websites. With DNS over Wikipedia installed, domains ending with `.idk` are redirected by searching Wikipedia and extracting the relevant URL from the infobox. Example: 1. Type `scihub.idk/` in browser address bar 2. Observe redirect to `https://sci-hub.tw` (at the time of writing) > Instead of googling for the site, I google for the site's Wikipedia article ("schihub wiki") which usually has an up-to-date link to the site in the sidebar, whereas Google is forced to censor their results. > > If you Google "Piratebay", the first search result is a fake "thepirate-bay.org" (with a dash) but the Wikipedia article lists the right one. > — [shpx](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22414031) ## Installation Options #### [Chrome Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mjmjpfncapfopnommmngnmjalkopljji/) #### [Firefox Extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dns-over-wikipedia/) #### [(optional) Rust Redirect Script](./hosts-file)