package main /* this parses the command line arguements */ var argv args type args struct { Recursive bool `arg:"--recursive" default:"false" help:"clean every repo found in go/src or"` Auto bool `arg:"--auto" help:"don't approve via STDIN"` } func (args) Version() string { return "go-clean " + VERSION + " Built on " + BUILDTIME } func (a args) Description() string { return ` This will: * Remove your existing go.mod and go.sum files. * Run 'go mod init' and 'go mod tidy' * Trim your 'go.sum' file of missing entries * Test that your binary still builds with 'go build' (testing can only be done if you are working from ~/go/src) * This tool is used by forge to also identify golang 'primative' libraries which are libraries that are completely cleanly implemented and self-defined. ` }