
102 lines
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package gitpb
// runs git, parses output
// types faster than you can
import (
sync "sync"
var ErrorMissingGitConfig error = errors.New("missing .git/config")
var ErrorGitPullOnLocal error = errors.New("git pull on local only branch")
var ErrorGitPullOnDirty error = errors.New("cannot git pull on dirty repo")
func (repo *Repo) GitPull() (*cmd.Status, error) {
currentName := repo.GetCurrentBranchName()
if repo.IsOnlyLocalTag(currentName) {
var result cmd.Status
result.Exit = 21
result.Error = ErrorGitPullOnLocal
// log.Info("git pull skipped on local only branch", repo.GetGoPath())
return result
var cmd []string
cmd = append(cmd, "git", "pull")
return nil, repo.RunVerbose(cmd)
// rill is awesome. long live rill
// attempt scan with rill
func (all *Repos) RillGitPull(part1 int, part2 int) map[*Repo]*cmd.Status {
var lock sync.Mutex
var allerr map[*Repo]*cmd.Status
allerr = make(map[*Repo]*cmd.Status)
// Convert a slice of user IDs into a channel
ids := rill.FromSlice(all.Repos, nil)
var counter int
// Read users from the API.
// Concurrency = 20
dirs := rill.Map(ids, part1, func(id *Repo) (*Repo, error) {
return id, nil
rill.ForEach(dirs, part2, func(repo *Repo) error {
counter += 1
if repo.CheckDirty() {
// log.Info("git pull skipped on dirty repo", repo.GoPath)
result := new(cmd.Status)
result.Error = ErrorGitPullOnDirty
defer lock.Unlock()
allerr[repo] = result
} else {
// todo: sort out what the hell is wrong with my code
// something seems to be trampling things
var dur time.Duration
dur = time.Duration((1+rand.Intn(50))*20) * time.Millisecond
var result *cmd.Status
result, _ = repo.GitPull()
log.Info("git pull", repo.GetGoPath())
// log.Info(strings.Join(result.Stdout, "\n"))
defer lock.Unlock()
allerr[repo] = result
return nil
// for r, err := range allerr {
// log.Info("git pull error:", r.GoPath, err)
// }
return allerr
func (repo *Repo) GitPullRealtime() cmd.Status {
currentName := repo.GetCurrentBranchName()
if repo.IsOnlyLocalTag(currentName) {
var result cmd.Status
result.Exit = 21
result.Error = ErrorGitPullOnLocal
// log.Info("git pull skipped on local only branch", repo.GoPath)
return result
var cmd []string
cmd = append(cmd, "git", "pull")
r := repo.RunRealtime(cmd)
return r