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package gitpb
import (
2024-12-06 01:50:28 -06:00
timestamppb ""
2024-12-17 01:15:31 -06:00
// reload the tags
func (repo *Repo) reloadGitTags() error {
// todo: look for changes in the tags?
2024-11-29 21:51:30 -06:00
repo.Tags = new(GitTags)
tags := []string{"%(objectname)", "%(creatordate)", "%(*authordate)", "%(refname)", "%(subject)"}
format := strings.Join(tags, "_,,,_")
cmd := []string{"git", "for-each-ref", "--sort=taggerdate", "--format", format}
// log.Info("RUNNING:", strings.Join(cmd, " "))
result := shell.PathRunQuiet(repo.FullPath, cmd)
if result.Error != nil {
log.Warn("git for-each-ref error:", result.Error)
return result.Error
lines := result.Stdout
// reverse the git order
var refname string
var hash string
var subject string
var ctime *timestamppb.Timestamp
var atime *timestamppb.Timestamp
for i, line := range lines {
var parts []string
parts = make([]string, 0)
parts = strings.Split(line, "_,,,_")
if len(parts) != 5 {
log.Info("tag error:", i, parts)
hash = parts[0]
if parts[1] != "" {
tmp := getGitDateStamp(parts[1])
ctime = timestamppb.New(tmp)
if parts[2] != "" {
tmp := getGitDateStamp(parts[2])
atime = timestamppb.New(tmp)
refname = parts[3]
subject = parts[4]
2024-11-29 02:01:25 -06:00
newr := GitTag{
Refname: refname,
2024-11-29 23:19:09 -06:00
Hash: hash,
2024-11-29 02:01:25 -06:00
Subject: subject,
Creatordate: ctime,
Authordate: atime,
2024-11-29 02:01:25 -06:00
// also set the repo.NewestCommit
cmd = []string{"git", "log", "-1", "--format=%cd"}
result = shell.PathRunQuiet(repo.FullPath, cmd)
if result.Error != nil {
log.Warn("git for-each-ref error:", result.Error)
return result.Error
newest := strings.Join(result.Stdout, "\n")
newest = strings.TrimSpace(newest)
tmp := getGitDateStamp(newest)
repo.Times.NewestCommit = timestamppb.New(tmp)
return nil
2025-01-17 11:00:06 -06:00
// attempt to parse "2024-12-13 15:39:57 -0600"
func parseGitDate(dateString string) time.Time {
// now := time.Now().Format("Wed Feb 7 10:13:38 2024 -0600")
const gitLayout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0600"
tagTime, err := time.Parse(gitLayout, dateString)
if err != nil {
const gitLayout2 = "2006-01-02 15:04:05 +0600"
tagTime, err = time.Parse(gitLayout2, dateString)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("GOT THIS IN PARSE AAA." + dateString + ".AAA")
return time.Now()
return tagTime
// attempt to parse strict ISO 8601 format // 2025-01-07T21:22:16-06:00
func parseDateRFC3339(dateString string) time.Time {
tagTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, dateString)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("GOT THIS IN PARSE AAA." + dateString + ".AAA")
return time.Now()
return tagTime
// converts a git for-each-ref date. "Wed Feb 7 10:13:38 2024 -0600"
func getGitDateStamp(gitdefault string) time.Time {
// now := time.Now().Format("Wed Feb 7 10:13:38 2024 -0600")
const gitLayout = "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 2006 -0700"
tagTime, err := time.Parse(gitLayout, gitdefault)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("GOT THIS IN PARSE AAA." + gitdefault + ".AAA")
return time.Now()
return tagTime
2024-12-03 03:19:22 -06:00
func (tag *GitTag) GetAge() time.Duration {
return time.Since(tag.GetAuthordate().AsTime())
func (repo *Repo) NewestTag() *GitTag {
loop := repo.Tags.SortByAge()
for loop.Scan() {
r := loop.Next()
return r
return nil
2024-12-06 01:50:28 -06:00
func (repo *Repo) LocalTagExists(findname string) bool {
loop := repo.Tags.SortByRefname()
for loop.Scan() {
ref := loop.Next()
// log.Info(repo.GoPath, ref.Refname)
if strings.HasPrefix(ref.Refname, "refs/remotes") {
_, tagname := filepath.Split(ref.Refname)
// log.Info("tag:", path, tagname, "from", repo.GoPath)
if tagname == findname {
// log.Info("found tag:", path, tagname, "from", repo.GoPath)
return true
return false
// returns true if 'taggy' is _ONLY_ a local tag
// this means you can not do a git pull or git push on it
func (repo *Repo) IsOnlyLocalTag(taggy string) bool {
// first make sure the tag is actually even local
if !repo.LocalTagExists(taggy) {
// this means it's not even local now.
return false
// okay, taggy exists, does it exist in a remote repo?
loop := repo.Tags.SortByRefname()
for loop.Scan() {
ref := loop.Next()
tagname := ref.Refname
if strings.HasPrefix(tagname, "refs/remotes") {
path, filename := filepath.Split(tagname)
if filename == taggy {
2025-01-08 03:13:09 -06:00
log.Log(INFO, "found tag:", path, filename, "from", repo.GetGoPath())
2024-12-06 01:50:28 -06:00
return false
// we couldn't find the local tag anywhere remote, so it's probably only local
return true