527 lines
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527 lines
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package git
#include <git2.h>
extern git_annotated_commit** _go_git_make_merge_head_array(size_t len);
extern void _go_git_annotated_commit_array_set(git_annotated_commit** array, git_annotated_commit* ptr, size_t n);
extern git_annotated_commit* _go_git_annotated_commit_array_get(git_annotated_commit** array, size_t n);
extern int _go_git_merge_file(git_merge_file_result*, char*, size_t, char*, unsigned int, char*, size_t, char*, unsigned int, char*, size_t, char*, unsigned int, git_merge_file_options*);
import "C"
import (
type AnnotatedCommit struct {
ptr *C.git_annotated_commit
r *Repository
func newAnnotatedCommitFromC(ptr *C.git_annotated_commit, r *Repository) *AnnotatedCommit {
mh := &AnnotatedCommit{ptr: ptr, r: r}
runtime.SetFinalizer(mh, (*AnnotatedCommit).Free)
return mh
func (mh *AnnotatedCommit) Id() *Oid {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ret := newOidFromC(C.git_annotated_commit_id(mh.ptr))
return ret
func (mh *AnnotatedCommit) Free() {
runtime.SetFinalizer(mh, nil)
func (r *Repository) AnnotatedCommitFromFetchHead(branchName string, remoteURL string, oid *Oid) (*AnnotatedCommit, error) {
cbranchName := C.CString(branchName)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cbranchName))
cremoteURL := C.CString(remoteURL)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cremoteURL))
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
var ptr *C.git_annotated_commit
ret := C.git_annotated_commit_from_fetchhead(&ptr, r.ptr, cbranchName, cremoteURL, oid.toC())
if ret < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ret)
annotatedCommit := newAnnotatedCommitFromC(ptr, r)
return annotatedCommit, nil
func (r *Repository) LookupAnnotatedCommit(oid *Oid) (*AnnotatedCommit, error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
var ptr *C.git_annotated_commit
ret := C.git_annotated_commit_lookup(&ptr, r.ptr, oid.toC())
if ret < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ret)
annotatedCommit := newAnnotatedCommitFromC(ptr, r)
return annotatedCommit, nil
func (r *Repository) AnnotatedCommitFromRef(ref *Reference) (*AnnotatedCommit, error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
var ptr *C.git_annotated_commit
ret := C.git_annotated_commit_from_ref(&ptr, r.ptr, ref.ptr)
if ret < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ret)
annotatedCommit := newAnnotatedCommitFromC(ptr, r)
return annotatedCommit, nil
func (r *Repository) AnnotatedCommitFromRevspec(spec string) (*AnnotatedCommit, error) {
crevspec := C.CString(spec)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(crevspec))
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
var ptr *C.git_annotated_commit
ret := C.git_annotated_commit_from_revspec(&ptr, r.ptr, crevspec)
if ret < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ret)
annotatedCommit := newAnnotatedCommitFromC(ptr, r)
return annotatedCommit, nil
type MergeTreeFlag int
const (
// Detect renames that occur between the common ancestor and the "ours"
// side or the common ancestor and the "theirs" side. This will enable
// the ability to merge between a modified and renamed file.
MergeTreeFindRenames MergeTreeFlag = C.GIT_MERGE_FIND_RENAMES
// If a conflict occurs, exit immediately instead of attempting to
// continue resolving conflicts. The merge operation will fail with
// GIT_EMERGECONFLICT and no index will be returned.
MergeTreeFailOnConflict MergeTreeFlag = C.GIT_MERGE_FAIL_ON_CONFLICT
// MergeTreeSkipREUC specifies not to write the REUC extension on the
// generated index.
MergeTreeSkipREUC MergeTreeFlag = C.GIT_MERGE_SKIP_REUC
// MergeTreeNoRecursive specifies not to build a recursive merge base (by
// merging the multiple merge bases) if the commits being merged have
// multiple merge bases. Instead, the first base is used.
// This flag provides a similar merge base to `git-merge-resolve`.
MergeTreeNoRecursive MergeTreeFlag = C.GIT_MERGE_NO_RECURSIVE
type MergeOptions struct {
Version uint
TreeFlags MergeTreeFlag
RenameThreshold uint
TargetLimit uint
RecursionLimit uint
FileFavor MergeFileFavor
//TODO: Diff similarity metric
func mergeOptionsFromC(opts *C.git_merge_options) MergeOptions {
return MergeOptions{
Version: uint(opts.version),
TreeFlags: MergeTreeFlag(opts.flags),
RenameThreshold: uint(opts.rename_threshold),
TargetLimit: uint(opts.target_limit),
RecursionLimit: uint(opts.recursion_limit),
FileFavor: MergeFileFavor(opts.file_favor),
func DefaultMergeOptions() (MergeOptions, error) {
opts := C.git_merge_options{}
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ecode := C.git_merge_options_init(&opts, C.GIT_MERGE_OPTIONS_VERSION)
if ecode < 0 {
return MergeOptions{}, MakeGitError(ecode)
return mergeOptionsFromC(&opts), nil
func populateMergeOptions(copts *C.git_merge_options, opts *MergeOptions) *C.git_merge_options {
C.git_merge_options_init(copts, C.GIT_MERGE_OPTIONS_VERSION)
if opts == nil {
return nil
copts.flags = C.uint32_t(opts.TreeFlags)
copts.rename_threshold = C.uint(opts.RenameThreshold)
copts.target_limit = C.uint(opts.TargetLimit)
copts.recursion_limit = C.uint(opts.RecursionLimit)
copts.file_favor = C.git_merge_file_favor_t(opts.FileFavor)
return copts
func freeMergeOptions(copts *C.git_merge_options) {
type MergeFileFavor int
const (
MergeFileFavorNormal MergeFileFavor = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_FAVOR_NORMAL
MergeFileFavorOurs MergeFileFavor = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_FAVOR_OURS
MergeFileFavorTheirs MergeFileFavor = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_FAVOR_THEIRS
MergeFileFavorUnion MergeFileFavor = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_FAVOR_UNION
func (r *Repository) Merge(theirHeads []*AnnotatedCommit, mergeOptions *MergeOptions, checkoutOptions *CheckoutOptions) error {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
var err error
cMergeOpts := populateMergeOptions(&C.git_merge_options{}, mergeOptions)
defer freeMergeOptions(cMergeOpts)
cCheckoutOptions := populateCheckoutOptions(&C.git_checkout_options{}, checkoutOptions, &err)
defer freeCheckoutOptions(cCheckoutOptions)
gmerge_head_array := make([]*C.git_annotated_commit, len(theirHeads))
for i := 0; i < len(theirHeads); i++ {
gmerge_head_array[i] = theirHeads[i].ptr
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&gmerge_head_array[0])
ret := C.git_merge(r.ptr, (**C.git_annotated_commit)(ptr), C.size_t(len(theirHeads)), cMergeOpts, cCheckoutOptions)
if ret == C.int(ErrorCodeUser) && err != nil {
return err
if ret < 0 {
return MakeGitError(ret)
return nil
type MergeAnalysis int
const (
MergeAnalysisNone MergeAnalysis = C.GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_NONE
MergeAnalysisNormal MergeAnalysis = C.GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_NORMAL
MergeAnalysisUpToDate MergeAnalysis = C.GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_UP_TO_DATE
MergeAnalysisFastForward MergeAnalysis = C.GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_FASTFORWARD
MergeAnalysisUnborn MergeAnalysis = C.GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_UNBORN
type MergePreference int
const (
MergePreferenceNone MergePreference = C.GIT_MERGE_PREFERENCE_NONE
MergePreferenceNoFastForward MergePreference = C.GIT_MERGE_PREFERENCE_NO_FASTFORWARD
MergePreferenceFastForwardOnly MergePreference = C.GIT_MERGE_PREFERENCE_FASTFORWARD_ONLY
// MergeAnalysis returns the possible actions which could be taken by
// a 'git-merge' command. There may be multiple answers, so the first
// return value is a bitmask of MergeAnalysis values.
func (r *Repository) MergeAnalysis(theirHeads []*AnnotatedCommit) (MergeAnalysis, MergePreference, error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
gmerge_head_array := make([]*C.git_annotated_commit, len(theirHeads))
for i := 0; i < len(theirHeads); i++ {
gmerge_head_array[i] = theirHeads[i].ptr
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&gmerge_head_array[0])
var analysis C.git_merge_analysis_t
var preference C.git_merge_preference_t
err := C.git_merge_analysis(&analysis, &preference, r.ptr, (**C.git_annotated_commit)(ptr), C.size_t(len(theirHeads)))
if err < 0 {
return MergeAnalysisNone, MergePreferenceNone, MakeGitError(err)
return MergeAnalysis(analysis), MergePreference(preference), nil
func (r *Repository) MergeCommits(ours *Commit, theirs *Commit, options *MergeOptions) (*Index, error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
copts := populateMergeOptions(&C.git_merge_options{}, options)
defer freeMergeOptions(copts)
var ptr *C.git_index
ret := C.git_merge_commits(&ptr, r.ptr, ours.cast_ptr, theirs.cast_ptr, copts)
if ret < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ret)
return newIndexFromC(ptr, r), nil
func (r *Repository) MergeTrees(ancestor *Tree, ours *Tree, theirs *Tree, options *MergeOptions) (*Index, error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
copts := populateMergeOptions(&C.git_merge_options{}, options)
defer freeMergeOptions(copts)
var ancestor_ptr *C.git_tree
if ancestor != nil {
ancestor_ptr = ancestor.cast_ptr
var ptr *C.git_index
ret := C.git_merge_trees(&ptr, r.ptr, ancestor_ptr, ours.cast_ptr, theirs.cast_ptr, copts)
if ret < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ret)
return newIndexFromC(ptr, r), nil
func (r *Repository) MergeBase(one *Oid, two *Oid) (*Oid, error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
var oid C.git_oid
ret := C.git_merge_base(&oid, r.ptr, one.toC(), two.toC())
if ret < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ret)
return newOidFromC(&oid), nil
// MergeBases retrieves the list of merge bases between two commits.
// If none are found, an empty slice is returned and the error is set
// approprately
func (r *Repository) MergeBases(one, two *Oid) ([]*Oid, error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
var coids C.git_oidarray
ret := C.git_merge_bases(&coids, r.ptr, one.toC(), two.toC())
if ret < 0 {
return make([]*Oid, 0), MakeGitError(ret)
oids := make([]*Oid, coids.count)
hdr := reflect.SliceHeader{
Data: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(coids.ids)),
Len: int(coids.count),
Cap: int(coids.count),
goSlice := *(*[]C.git_oid)(unsafe.Pointer(&hdr))
for i, cid := range goSlice {
oids[i] = newOidFromC(&cid)
return oids, nil
//TODO: int git_merge_base_many(git_oid *out, git_repository *repo, size_t length, const git_oid input_array[]);
//TODO: GIT_EXTERN(int) git_merge_base_octopus(git_oid *out,git_repository *repo,size_t length,const git_oid input_array[]);
type MergeFileResult struct {
Automergeable bool
Path string
Mode uint
Contents []byte
ptr *C.git_merge_file_result
func newMergeFileResultFromC(c *C.git_merge_file_result) *MergeFileResult {
var path string
if c.path != nil {
path = C.GoString(c.path)
originalBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(c.ptr), C.int(c.len))
gobytes := make([]byte, len(originalBytes))
copy(gobytes, originalBytes)
r := &MergeFileResult{
Automergeable: c.automergeable != 0,
Path: path,
Mode: uint(c.mode),
Contents: gobytes,
ptr: c,
runtime.SetFinalizer(r, (*MergeFileResult).Free)
return r
func (r *MergeFileResult) Free() {
runtime.SetFinalizer(r, nil)
type MergeFileInput struct {
Path string
Mode uint
Contents []byte
type MergeFileFlags int
const (
MergeFileDefault MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_DEFAULT
// Create standard conflicted merge files
MergeFileStyleMerge MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_STYLE_MERGE
// Create diff3-style files
MergeFileStyleDiff MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_STYLE_DIFF3
// Condense non-alphanumeric regions for simplified diff file
MergeFileStyleSimplifyAlnum MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_SIMPLIFY_ALNUM
// Ignore all whitespace
MergeFileIgnoreWhitespace MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_IGNORE_WHITESPACE
// Ignore changes in amount of whitespace
MergeFileIgnoreWhitespaceChange MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_IGNORE_WHITESPACE_CHANGE
// Ignore whitespace at end of line
MergeFileIgnoreWhitespaceEOL MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_IGNORE_WHITESPACE_EOL
// Use the "patience diff" algorithm
MergeFileDiffPatience MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_DIFF_PATIENCE
// Take extra time to find minimal diff
MergeFileDiffMinimal MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_DIFF_MINIMAL
type MergeFileOptions struct {
AncestorLabel string
OurLabel string
TheirLabel string
Favor MergeFileFavor
Flags MergeFileFlags
MarkerSize uint16
func mergeFileOptionsFromC(c C.git_merge_file_options) MergeFileOptions {
return MergeFileOptions{
AncestorLabel: C.GoString(c.ancestor_label),
OurLabel: C.GoString(c.our_label),
TheirLabel: C.GoString(c.their_label),
Favor: MergeFileFavor(c.favor),
Flags: MergeFileFlags(c.flags),
MarkerSize: uint16(c.marker_size),
func populateMergeFileOptions(copts *C.git_merge_file_options, opts *MergeFileOptions) *C.git_merge_file_options {
C.git_merge_file_options_init(copts, C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_OPTIONS_VERSION)
if opts == nil {
return nil
copts.ancestor_label = C.CString(opts.AncestorLabel)
copts.our_label = C.CString(opts.OurLabel)
copts.their_label = C.CString(opts.TheirLabel)
copts.favor = C.git_merge_file_favor_t(opts.Favor)
copts.flags = C.uint32_t(opts.Flags)
copts.marker_size = C.ushort(opts.MarkerSize)
return copts
func freeMergeFileOptions(copts *C.git_merge_file_options) {
if copts == nil {
func MergeFile(ancestor MergeFileInput, ours MergeFileInput, theirs MergeFileInput, options *MergeFileOptions) (*MergeFileResult, error) {
ancestorPath := C.CString(ancestor.Path)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ancestorPath))
var ancestorContents *byte
if len(ancestor.Contents) > 0 {
ancestorContents = &ancestor.Contents[0]
oursPath := C.CString(ours.Path)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(oursPath))
var oursContents *byte
if len(ours.Contents) > 0 {
oursContents = &ours.Contents[0]
theirsPath := C.CString(theirs.Path)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(theirsPath))
var theirsContents *byte
if len(theirs.Contents) > 0 {
theirsContents = &theirs.Contents[0]
var copts *C.git_merge_file_options
if options != nil {
copts = &C.git_merge_file_options{}
ecode := C.git_merge_file_options_init(copts, C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_OPTIONS_VERSION)
if ecode < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ecode)
populateMergeFileOptions(copts, options)
defer freeMergeFileOptions(copts)
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
var result C.git_merge_file_result
ecode := C._go_git_merge_file(&result,
(*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(ancestorContents)), C.size_t(len(ancestor.Contents)), ancestorPath, C.uint(ancestor.Mode),
(*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(oursContents)), C.size_t(len(ours.Contents)), oursPath, C.uint(ours.Mode),
(*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(theirsContents)), C.size_t(len(theirs.Contents)), theirsPath, C.uint(theirs.Mode),
if ecode < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ecode)
return newMergeFileResultFromC(&result), nil
// TODO: GIT_EXTERN(int) git_merge_file_from_index(git_merge_file_result *out,git_repository *repo,const git_index_entry *ancestor, const git_index_entry *ours, const git_index_entry *theirs, const git_merge_file_options *opts);