293 lines
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293 lines
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package git
#include <git2.h>
#include <git2/sys/openssl.h>
import "C"
import (
type ErrorClass int
const (
ErrClassNone ErrorClass = C.GITERR_NONE
ErrClassNoMemory ErrorClass = C.GITERR_NOMEMORY
ErrClassOs ErrorClass = C.GITERR_OS
ErrClassInvalid ErrorClass = C.GITERR_INVALID
ErrClassReference ErrorClass = C.GITERR_REFERENCE
ErrClassZlib ErrorClass = C.GITERR_ZLIB
ErrClassRepository ErrorClass = C.GITERR_REPOSITORY
ErrClassConfig ErrorClass = C.GITERR_CONFIG
ErrClassRegex ErrorClass = C.GITERR_REGEX
ErrClassOdb ErrorClass = C.GITERR_ODB
ErrClassIndex ErrorClass = C.GITERR_INDEX
ErrClassObject ErrorClass = C.GITERR_OBJECT
ErrClassNet ErrorClass = C.GITERR_NET
ErrClassTag ErrorClass = C.GITERR_TAG
ErrClassTree ErrorClass = C.GITERR_TREE
ErrClassIndexer ErrorClass = C.GITERR_INDEXER
ErrClassSSL ErrorClass = C.GITERR_SSL
ErrClassSubmodule ErrorClass = C.GITERR_SUBMODULE
ErrClassThread ErrorClass = C.GITERR_THREAD
ErrClassStash ErrorClass = C.GITERR_STASH
ErrClassCheckout ErrorClass = C.GITERR_CHECKOUT
ErrClassFetchHead ErrorClass = C.GITERR_FETCHHEAD
ErrClassMerge ErrorClass = C.GITERR_MERGE
ErrClassSsh ErrorClass = C.GITERR_SSH
ErrClassFilter ErrorClass = C.GITERR_FILTER
ErrClassRevert ErrorClass = C.GITERR_REVERT
ErrClassCallback ErrorClass = C.GITERR_CALLBACK
type ErrorCode int
const (
// No error
ErrOk ErrorCode = C.GIT_OK
// Generic error
ErrGeneric ErrorCode = C.GIT_ERROR
// Requested object could not be found
ErrNotFound ErrorCode = C.GIT_ENOTFOUND
// Object exists preventing operation
ErrExists ErrorCode = C.GIT_EEXISTS
// More than one object matches
ErrAmbigious ErrorCode = C.GIT_EAMBIGUOUS
// Output buffer too short to hold data
ErrBuffs ErrorCode = C.GIT_EBUFS
// GIT_EUSER is a special error that is never generated by libgit2
// code. You can return it from a callback (e.g to stop an iteration)
// to know that it was generated by the callback and not by libgit2.
ErrUser ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUSER
// Operation not allowed on bare repository
ErrBareRepo ErrorCode = C.GIT_EBAREREPO
// HEAD refers to branch with no commits
ErrUnbornBranch ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUNBORNBRANCH
// Merge in progress prevented operation
ErrUnmerged ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUNMERGED
// Reference was not fast-forwardable
ErrNonFastForward ErrorCode = C.GIT_ENONFASTFORWARD
// Name/ref spec was not in a valid format
ErrInvalidSpec ErrorCode = C.GIT_EINVALIDSPEC
// Merge conflicts prevented operation
ErrMergeConflict ErrorCode = C.GIT_EMERGECONFLICT
// Lock file prevented operation
ErrLocked ErrorCode = C.GIT_ELOCKED
// Reference value does not match expected
ErrModified ErrorCode = C.GIT_EMODIFIED
// Internal only
ErrPassthrough ErrorCode = C.GIT_PASSTHROUGH
// Signals end of iteration with iterator
ErrIterOver ErrorCode = C.GIT_ITEROVER
var (
ErrInvalid = errors.New("Invalid state for operation")
var pointerHandles *HandleList
func init() {
pointerHandles = NewHandleList()
// This is not something we should be doing, as we may be
// stomping all over someone else's setup. The user should do
// this themselves or use some binding/wrapper which does it
// in such a way that they can be sure they're the only ones
// setting it up.
// Oid represents the id for a Git object.
type Oid [20]byte
func newOidFromC(coid *C.git_oid) *Oid {
if coid == nil {
return nil
oid := new(Oid)
copy(oid[0:20], C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(coid), 20))
return oid
func NewOidFromBytes(b []byte) *Oid {
oid := new(Oid)
copy(oid[0:20], b[0:20])
return oid
func (oid *Oid) toC() *C.git_oid {
return (*C.git_oid)(unsafe.Pointer(oid))
func NewOid(s string) (*Oid, error) {
if len(s) > C.GIT_OID_HEXSZ {
return nil, errors.New("string is too long for oid")
o := new(Oid)
slice, error := hex.DecodeString(s)
if error != nil {
return nil, error
if len(slice) != 20 {
return nil, &GitError{"Invalid Oid", ErrClassNone, ErrGeneric}
copy(o[:], slice[:20])
return o, nil
func (oid *Oid) String() string {
return hex.EncodeToString(oid[:])
func (oid *Oid) Cmp(oid2 *Oid) int {
return bytes.Compare(oid[:], oid2[:])
func (oid *Oid) Copy() *Oid {
ret := new(Oid)
copy(ret[:], oid[:])
return ret
func (oid *Oid) Equal(oid2 *Oid) bool {
return bytes.Equal(oid[:], oid2[:])
func (oid *Oid) IsZero() bool {
for _, a := range oid {
if a != 0 {
return false
return true
func (oid *Oid) NCmp(oid2 *Oid, n uint) int {
return bytes.Compare(oid[:n], oid2[:n])
func ShortenOids(ids []*Oid, minlen int) (int, error) {
shorten := C.git_oid_shorten_new(C.size_t(minlen))
if shorten == nil {
panic("Out of memory")
defer C.git_oid_shorten_free(shorten)
var ret C.int
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
for _, id := range ids {
buf := make([]byte, 41)
C.git_oid_fmt((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), id.toC())
buf[40] = 0
ret = C.git_oid_shorten_add(shorten, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])))
if ret < 0 {
return int(ret), MakeGitError(ret)
return int(ret), nil
type GitError struct {
Message string
Class ErrorClass
Code ErrorCode
func (e GitError) Error() string {
return e.Message
func IsErrorClass(err error, c ErrorClass) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
if gitError, ok := err.(*GitError); ok {
return gitError.Class == c
return false
func IsErrorCode(err error, c ErrorCode) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
if gitError, ok := err.(*GitError); ok {
return gitError.Code == c
return false
func MakeGitError(errorCode C.int) error {
var errMessage string
var errClass ErrorClass
if errorCode != C.GIT_ITEROVER {
err := C.giterr_last()
if err != nil {
errMessage = C.GoString(err.message)
errClass = ErrorClass(err.klass)
} else {
errClass = ErrClassInvalid
return &GitError{errMessage, errClass, ErrorCode(errorCode)}
func MakeGitError2(err int) error {
return MakeGitError(C.int(err))
func cbool(b bool) C.int {
if b {
return C.int(1)
return C.int(0)
func ucbool(b bool) C.uint {
if b {
return C.uint(1)
return C.uint(0)
func Discover(start string, across_fs bool, ceiling_dirs []string) (string, error) {
ceildirs := C.CString(strings.Join(ceiling_dirs, string(C.GIT_PATH_LIST_SEPARATOR)))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ceildirs))
cstart := C.CString(start)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstart))
var buf C.git_buf
defer C.git_buf_free(&buf)
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ret := C.git_repository_discover(&buf, cstart, cbool(across_fs), ceildirs)
if ret < 0 {
return "", MakeGitError(ret)
return C.GoString(buf.ptr), nil