722 lines
19 KiB
722 lines
19 KiB
package git
#include <git2.h>
extern int _go_git_diff_foreach(git_diff *diff, int eachFile, int eachHunk, int eachLine, void *payload);
extern void _go_git_setup_diff_notify_callbacks(git_diff_options* opts);
extern int _go_git_diff_blobs(git_blob *old, const char *old_path, git_blob *new, const char *new_path, git_diff_options *opts, int eachFile, int eachHunk, int eachLine, void *payload);
import "C"
import (
type DiffFlag int
const (
DiffFlagBinary DiffFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY
DiffFlagNotBinary DiffFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FLAG_NOT_BINARY
DiffFlagValidOid DiffFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FLAG_VALID_ID
type Delta int
const (
DeltaUnmodified Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED
DeltaAdded Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_ADDED
DeltaDeleted Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_DELETED
DeltaModified Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_MODIFIED
DeltaRenamed Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_RENAMED
DeltaCopied Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_COPIED
DeltaIgnored Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_IGNORED
DeltaUntracked Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_UNTRACKED
DeltaTypeChange Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_TYPECHANGE
DeltaConflicted Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_CONFLICTED
type DiffLineType int
const (
DiffLineContext DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT
DiffLineAddition DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADDITION
DiffLineDeletion DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_DELETION
DiffLineFileHdr DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_FILE_HDR
DiffLineHunkHdr DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_HUNK_HDR
DiffLineBinary DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_BINARY
type DiffFile struct {
Path string
Oid *Oid
Size int
Flags DiffFlag
Mode uint16
func diffFileFromC(file *C.git_diff_file) DiffFile {
return DiffFile{
Path: C.GoString(file.path),
Oid: newOidFromC(&file.id),
Size: int(file.size),
Flags: DiffFlag(file.flags),
Mode: uint16(file.mode),
type DiffDelta struct {
Status Delta
Flags DiffFlag
Similarity uint16
OldFile DiffFile
NewFile DiffFile
func diffDeltaFromC(delta *C.git_diff_delta) DiffDelta {
return DiffDelta{
Status: Delta(delta.status),
Flags: DiffFlag(delta.flags),
Similarity: uint16(delta.similarity),
OldFile: diffFileFromC(&delta.old_file),
NewFile: diffFileFromC(&delta.new_file),
type DiffHunk struct {
OldStart int
OldLines int
NewStart int
NewLines int
Header string
func diffHunkFromC(hunk *C.git_diff_hunk) DiffHunk {
return DiffHunk{
OldStart: int(hunk.old_start),
OldLines: int(hunk.old_lines),
NewStart: int(hunk.new_start),
NewLines: int(hunk.new_lines),
Header: C.GoStringN(&hunk.header[0], C.int(hunk.header_len)),
type DiffLine struct {
Origin DiffLineType
OldLineno int
NewLineno int
NumLines int
Content string
func diffLineFromC(line *C.git_diff_line) DiffLine {
return DiffLine{
Origin: DiffLineType(line.origin),
OldLineno: int(line.old_lineno),
NewLineno: int(line.new_lineno),
NumLines: int(line.num_lines),
Content: C.GoStringN(line.content, C.int(line.content_len)),
type Diff struct {
ptr *C.git_diff
func (diff *Diff) NumDeltas() (int, error) {
if diff.ptr == nil {
return -1, ErrInvalid
return int(C.git_diff_num_deltas(diff.ptr)), nil
func (diff *Diff) GetDelta(index int) (DiffDelta, error) {
if diff.ptr == nil {
return DiffDelta{}, ErrInvalid
ptr := C.git_diff_get_delta(diff.ptr, C.size_t(index))
return diffDeltaFromC(ptr), nil
func newDiffFromC(ptr *C.git_diff) *Diff {
if ptr == nil {
return nil
diff := &Diff{
ptr: ptr,
runtime.SetFinalizer(diff, (*Diff).Free)
return diff
func (diff *Diff) Free() error {
if diff.ptr == nil {
return ErrInvalid
runtime.SetFinalizer(diff, nil)
diff.ptr = nil
return nil
func (diff *Diff) FindSimilar(opts *DiffFindOptions) error {
var copts *C.git_diff_find_options
if opts != nil {
copts = &C.git_diff_find_options{
flags: C.uint32_t(opts.Flags),
rename_threshold: C.uint16_t(opts.RenameThreshold),
copy_threshold: C.uint16_t(opts.CopyThreshold),
rename_from_rewrite_threshold: C.uint16_t(opts.RenameFromRewriteThreshold),
break_rewrite_threshold: C.uint16_t(opts.BreakRewriteThreshold),
rename_limit: C.size_t(opts.RenameLimit),
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ecode := C.git_diff_find_similar(diff.ptr, copts)
if ecode < 0 {
return MakeGitError(ecode)
return nil
type DiffStats struct {
ptr *C.git_diff_stats
func (stats *DiffStats) Free() error {
if stats.ptr == nil {
return ErrInvalid
runtime.SetFinalizer(stats, nil)
stats.ptr = nil
return nil
func (stats *DiffStats) Insertions() int {
return int(C.git_diff_stats_insertions(stats.ptr))
func (stats *DiffStats) Deletions() int {
return int(C.git_diff_stats_deletions(stats.ptr))
func (stats *DiffStats) FilesChanged() int {
return int(C.git_diff_stats_files_changed(stats.ptr))
func (diff *Diff) Stats() (*DiffStats, error) {
stats := new(DiffStats)
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
if ecode := C.git_diff_get_stats(&stats.ptr, diff.ptr); ecode < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ecode)
runtime.SetFinalizer(stats, (*DiffStats).Free)
return stats, nil
type diffForEachData struct {
FileCallback DiffForEachFileCallback
HunkCallback DiffForEachHunkCallback
LineCallback DiffForEachLineCallback
Error error
type DiffForEachFileCallback func(DiffDelta, float64) (DiffForEachHunkCallback, error)
type DiffDetail int
const (
DiffDetailFiles DiffDetail = iota
func (diff *Diff) ForEach(cbFile DiffForEachFileCallback, detail DiffDetail) error {
if diff.ptr == nil {
return ErrInvalid
intHunks := C.int(0)
if detail >= DiffDetailHunks {
intHunks = C.int(1)
intLines := C.int(0)
if detail >= DiffDetailLines {
intLines = C.int(1)
data := &diffForEachData{
FileCallback: cbFile,
handle := pointerHandles.Track(data)
defer pointerHandles.Untrack(handle)
ecode := C._go_git_diff_foreach(diff.ptr, 1, intHunks, intLines, handle)
if ecode < 0 {
return data.Error
return nil
//export diffForEachFileCb
func diffForEachFileCb(delta *C.git_diff_delta, progress C.float, handle unsafe.Pointer) int {
payload := pointerHandles.Get(handle)
data, ok := payload.(*diffForEachData)
if !ok {
panic("could not retrieve data for handle")
data.HunkCallback = nil
if data.FileCallback != nil {
cb, err := data.FileCallback(diffDeltaFromC(delta), float64(progress))
if err != nil {
data.Error = err
return -1
data.HunkCallback = cb
return 0
type DiffForEachHunkCallback func(DiffHunk) (DiffForEachLineCallback, error)
//export diffForEachHunkCb
func diffForEachHunkCb(delta *C.git_diff_delta, hunk *C.git_diff_hunk, handle unsafe.Pointer) int {
payload := pointerHandles.Get(handle)
data, ok := payload.(*diffForEachData)
if !ok {
panic("could not retrieve data for handle")
data.LineCallback = nil
if data.HunkCallback != nil {
cb, err := data.HunkCallback(diffHunkFromC(hunk))
if err != nil {
data.Error = err
return -1
data.LineCallback = cb
return 0
type DiffForEachLineCallback func(DiffLine) error
//export diffForEachLineCb
func diffForEachLineCb(delta *C.git_diff_delta, hunk *C.git_diff_hunk, line *C.git_diff_line, handle unsafe.Pointer) int {
payload := pointerHandles.Get(handle)
data, ok := payload.(*diffForEachData)
if !ok {
panic("could not retrieve data for handle")
err := data.LineCallback(diffLineFromC(line))
if err != nil {
data.Error = err
return -1
return 0
func (diff *Diff) Patch(deltaIndex int) (*Patch, error) {
if diff.ptr == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalid
var patchPtr *C.git_patch
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ecode := C.git_patch_from_diff(&patchPtr, diff.ptr, C.size_t(deltaIndex))
if ecode < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ecode)
return newPatchFromC(patchPtr), nil
type DiffOptionsFlag int
const (
DiffNormal DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_NORMAL
DiffReverse DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_REVERSE
DiffIncludeIgnored DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_IGNORED
DiffRecurseIgnoredDirs DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_RECURSE_IGNORED_DIRS
DiffIncludeUntracked DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED
DiffRecurseUntracked DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_RECURSE_UNTRACKED_DIRS
DiffIncludeUnmodified DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_UNMODIFIED
DiffIncludeTypeChange DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_TYPECHANGE
DiffIncludeTypeChangeTrees DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_TYPECHANGE_TREES
DiffIgnoreFilemode DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_FILEMODE
DiffIgnoreSubmodules DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_SUBMODULES
DiffIgnoreCase DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_CASE
DiffDisablePathspecMatch DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH
DiffSkipBinaryCheck DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_SKIP_BINARY_CHECK
DiffEnableFastUntrackedDirs DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_ENABLE_FAST_UNTRACKED_DIRS
DiffForceText DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FORCE_TEXT
DiffForceBinary DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FORCE_BINARY
DiffIgnoreWhitespace DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_WHITESPACE
DiffIgnoreWhitespaceChange DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_WHITESPACE_CHANGE
DiffIgnoreWitespaceEol DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_WHITESPACE_EOL
DiffShowUntrackedContent DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_SHOW_UNTRACKED_CONTENT
DiffShowUnmodified DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_SHOW_UNMODIFIED
DiffPatience DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_PATIENCE
DiffMinimal DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_MINIMAL
type DiffNotifyCallback func(diffSoFar *Diff, deltaToAdd DiffDelta, matchedPathspec string) error
type DiffOptions struct {
Flags DiffOptionsFlag
IgnoreSubmodules SubmoduleIgnore
Pathspec []string
NotifyCallback DiffNotifyCallback
ContextLines uint32
InterhunkLines uint32
IdAbbrev uint16
MaxSize int
OldPrefix string
NewPrefix string
func DefaultDiffOptions() (DiffOptions, error) {
opts := C.git_diff_options{}
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ecode := C.git_diff_init_options(&opts, C.GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_VERSION)
if ecode < 0 {
return DiffOptions{}, MakeGitError(ecode)
return DiffOptions{
Flags: DiffOptionsFlag(opts.flags),
IgnoreSubmodules: SubmoduleIgnore(opts.ignore_submodules),
Pathspec: makeStringsFromCStrings(opts.pathspec.strings, int(opts.pathspec.count)),
ContextLines: uint32(opts.context_lines),
InterhunkLines: uint32(opts.interhunk_lines),
IdAbbrev: uint16(opts.id_abbrev),
MaxSize: int(opts.max_size),
OldPrefix: "a",
NewPrefix: "b",
}, nil
type DiffFindOptionsFlag int
const (
DiffFindByConfig DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_BY_CONFIG
DiffFindRenames DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_RENAMES
DiffFindRenamesFromRewrites DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_RENAMES_FROM_REWRITES
DiffFindCopies DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_COPIES
DiffFindCopiesFromUnmodified DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_COPIES_FROM_UNMODIFIED
DiffFindRewrites DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_REWRITES
DiffFindBreakRewrites DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_BREAK_REWRITES
DiffFindAndBreakRewrites DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_AND_BREAK_REWRITES
DiffFindForUntracked DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_FOR_UNTRACKED
DiffFindAll DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_ALL
DiffFindIgnoreLeadingWhitespace DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_IGNORE_LEADING_WHITESPACE
DiffFindIgnoreWhitespace DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_IGNORE_WHITESPACE
DiffFindDontIgnoreWhitespace DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_DONT_IGNORE_WHITESPACE
DiffFindExactMatchOnly DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_EXACT_MATCH_ONLY
DiffFindBreakRewritesForRenamesOnly DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_BREAK_REWRITES_FOR_RENAMES_ONLY
DiffFindRemoveUnmodified DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_REMOVE_UNMODIFIED
//TODO implement git_diff_similarity_metric
type DiffFindOptions struct {
Flags DiffFindOptionsFlag
RenameThreshold uint16
CopyThreshold uint16
RenameFromRewriteThreshold uint16
BreakRewriteThreshold uint16
RenameLimit uint
func DefaultDiffFindOptions() (DiffFindOptions, error) {
opts := C.git_diff_find_options{}
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ecode := C.git_diff_find_init_options(&opts, C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_OPTIONS_VERSION)
if ecode < 0 {
return DiffFindOptions{}, MakeGitError(ecode)
return DiffFindOptions{
Flags: DiffFindOptionsFlag(opts.flags),
RenameThreshold: uint16(opts.rename_threshold),
CopyThreshold: uint16(opts.copy_threshold),
RenameFromRewriteThreshold: uint16(opts.rename_from_rewrite_threshold),
BreakRewriteThreshold: uint16(opts.break_rewrite_threshold),
RenameLimit: uint(opts.rename_limit),
}, nil
var (
ErrDeltaSkip = errors.New("Skip delta")
type diffNotifyData struct {
Callback DiffNotifyCallback
Diff *Diff
Error error
//export diffNotifyCb
func diffNotifyCb(_diff_so_far unsafe.Pointer, delta_to_add *C.git_diff_delta, matched_pathspec *C.char, handle unsafe.Pointer) int {
diff_so_far := (*C.git_diff)(_diff_so_far)
payload := pointerHandles.Get(handle)
data, ok := payload.(*diffNotifyData)
if !ok {
panic("could not retrieve data for handle")
if data != nil {
if data.Diff == nil {
data.Diff = newDiffFromC(diff_so_far)
err := data.Callback(data.Diff, diffDeltaFromC(delta_to_add), C.GoString(matched_pathspec))
if err == ErrDeltaSkip {
return 1
} else if err != nil {
data.Error = err
return -1
} else {
return 0
return 0
func diffOptionsToC(opts *DiffOptions) (copts *C.git_diff_options, notifyData *diffNotifyData) {
cpathspec := C.git_strarray{}
if opts != nil {
notifyData = &diffNotifyData{
Callback: opts.NotifyCallback,
if opts.Pathspec != nil {
cpathspec.count = C.size_t(len(opts.Pathspec))
cpathspec.strings = makeCStringsFromStrings(opts.Pathspec)
copts = &C.git_diff_options{
flags: C.uint32_t(opts.Flags),
ignore_submodules: C.git_submodule_ignore_t(opts.IgnoreSubmodules),
pathspec: cpathspec,
context_lines: C.uint32_t(opts.ContextLines),
interhunk_lines: C.uint32_t(opts.InterhunkLines),
id_abbrev: C.uint16_t(opts.IdAbbrev),
max_size: C.git_off_t(opts.MaxSize),
old_prefix: C.CString(opts.OldPrefix),
new_prefix: C.CString(opts.NewPrefix),
if opts.NotifyCallback != nil {
copts.payload = pointerHandles.Track(notifyData)
func freeDiffOptions(copts *C.git_diff_options) {
if copts != nil {
cpathspec := copts.pathspec
if copts.payload != nil {
func (v *Repository) DiffTreeToTree(oldTree, newTree *Tree, opts *DiffOptions) (*Diff, error) {
var diffPtr *C.git_diff
var oldPtr, newPtr *C.git_tree
if oldTree != nil {
oldPtr = oldTree.cast_ptr
if newTree != nil {
newPtr = newTree.cast_ptr
copts, notifyData := diffOptionsToC(opts)
defer freeDiffOptions(copts)
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ecode := C.git_diff_tree_to_tree(&diffPtr, v.ptr, oldPtr, newPtr, copts)
if ecode < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ecode)
if notifyData != nil && notifyData.Diff != nil {
return notifyData.Diff, nil
return newDiffFromC(diffPtr), nil
func (v *Repository) DiffTreeToWorkdir(oldTree *Tree, opts *DiffOptions) (*Diff, error) {
var diffPtr *C.git_diff
var oldPtr *C.git_tree
if oldTree != nil {
oldPtr = oldTree.cast_ptr
copts, notifyData := diffOptionsToC(opts)
defer freeDiffOptions(copts)
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ecode := C.git_diff_tree_to_workdir(&diffPtr, v.ptr, oldPtr, copts)
if ecode < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ecode)
if notifyData != nil && notifyData.Diff != nil {
return notifyData.Diff, nil
return newDiffFromC(diffPtr), nil
func (v *Repository) DiffTreeToWorkdirWithIndex(oldTree *Tree, opts *DiffOptions) (*Diff, error) {
var diffPtr *C.git_diff
var oldPtr *C.git_tree
if oldTree != nil {
oldPtr = oldTree.cast_ptr
copts, notifyData := diffOptionsToC(opts)
defer freeDiffOptions(copts)
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ecode := C.git_diff_tree_to_workdir_with_index(&diffPtr, v.ptr, oldPtr, copts)
if ecode < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ecode)
if notifyData != nil && notifyData.Diff != nil {
return notifyData.Diff, nil
return newDiffFromC(diffPtr), nil
func (v *Repository) DiffIndexToWorkdir(index *Index, opts *DiffOptions) (*Diff, error) {
var diffPtr *C.git_diff
var indexPtr *C.git_index
if index != nil {
indexPtr = index.ptr
copts, notifyData := diffOptionsToC(opts)
defer freeDiffOptions(copts)
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ecode := C.git_diff_index_to_workdir(&diffPtr, v.ptr, indexPtr, copts)
if ecode < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ecode)
if notifyData != nil && notifyData.Diff != nil {
return notifyData.Diff, nil
return newDiffFromC(diffPtr), nil
// DiffBlobs performs a diff between two arbitrary blobs. You can pass
// whatever file names you'd like for them to appear as in the diff.
func DiffBlobs(oldBlob *Blob, oldAsPath string, newBlob *Blob, newAsPath string, opts *DiffOptions, fileCallback DiffForEachFileCallback, detail DiffDetail) error {
data := &diffForEachData{
FileCallback: fileCallback,
intHunks := C.int(0)
if detail >= DiffDetailHunks {
intHunks = C.int(1)
intLines := C.int(0)
if detail >= DiffDetailLines {
intLines = C.int(1)
handle := pointerHandles.Track(data)
defer pointerHandles.Untrack(handle)
var oldBlobPtr, newBlobPtr *C.git_blob
if oldBlob != nil {
oldBlobPtr = oldBlob.cast_ptr
if newBlob != nil {
newBlobPtr = newBlob.cast_ptr
oldBlobPath := C.CString(oldAsPath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(oldBlobPath))
newBlobPath := C.CString(newAsPath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(newBlobPath))
copts, _ := diffOptionsToC(opts)
defer freeDiffOptions(copts)
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ecode := C._go_git_diff_blobs(oldBlobPtr, oldBlobPath, newBlobPtr, newBlobPath, copts, 1, intHunks, intLines, handle)
if ecode < 0 {
return MakeGitError(ecode)
return nil