package git /* #include <git2.h> */ import "C" import ( "runtime" "unsafe" ) // This object represents the possible operations which can be // performed on the collection of notes for a repository. type NoteCollection struct { repo *Repository } // Create adds a note for an object func (c *NoteCollection) Create( ref string, author, committer *Signature, id *Oid, note string, force bool) (*Oid, error) { oid := new(Oid) var cref *C.char if ref == "" { cref = nil } else { cref = C.CString(ref) defer } authorSig, err := author.toC() if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.git_signature_free(authorSig) committerSig, err := committer.toC() if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.git_signature_free(committerSig) cnote := C.CString(note) defer runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() ret := C.git_note_create( oid.toC(), c.repo.ptr, cref, authorSig, committerSig, id.toC(), cnote, cbool(force)) if ret < 0 { return nil, MakeGitError(ret) } return oid, nil } // Read reads the note for an object func (c *NoteCollection) Read(ref string, id *Oid) (*Note, error) { var cref *C.char if ref == "" { cref = nil } else { cref = C.CString(ref) defer } note := new(Note) runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() if ret := C.git_note_read(¬e.ptr, c.repo.ptr, cref, id.toC()); ret < 0 { return nil, MakeGitError(ret) } runtime.SetFinalizer(note, (*Note).Free) return note, nil } // Remove removes the note for an object func (c *NoteCollection) Remove(ref string, author, committer *Signature, id *Oid) error { var cref *C.char if ref == "" { cref = nil } else { cref = C.CString(ref) defer } authorSig, err := author.toC() if err != nil { return err } defer C.git_signature_free(authorSig) committerSig, err := committer.toC() if err != nil { return err } defer C.git_signature_free(committerSig) runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() ret := C.git_note_remove(c.repo.ptr, cref, authorSig, committerSig, id.toC()) if ret < 0 { return MakeGitError(ret) } return nil } // DefaultRef returns the default notes reference for a repository func (c *NoteCollection) DefaultRef() (string, error) { buf := C.git_buf{} runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() if ret := C.git_note_default_ref(&buf, c.repo.ptr); ret < 0 { return "", MakeGitError(ret) } ret := C.GoString(buf.ptr) C.git_buf_free(&buf) return ret, nil } // Note type Note struct { ptr *C.git_note } // Free frees a git_note object func (n *Note) Free() error { if n.ptr == nil { return ErrInvalid } runtime.SetFinalizer(n, nil) C.git_note_free(n.ptr) n.ptr = nil return nil } // Author returns the signature of the note author func (n *Note) Author() *Signature { ptr := C.git_note_author(n.ptr) return newSignatureFromC(ptr) } // Id returns the note object's id func (n *Note) Id() *Oid { ptr := C.git_note_id(n.ptr) return newOidFromC(ptr) } // Committer returns the signature of the note committer func (n *Note) Committer() *Signature { ptr := C.git_note_committer(n.ptr) return newSignatureFromC(ptr) } // Message returns the note message func (n *Note) Message() string { return C.GoString(C.git_note_message(n.ptr)) } // NoteIterator type NoteIterator struct { ptr *C.git_note_iterator } // NewNoteIterator creates a new iterator for notes func (repo *Repository) NewNoteIterator(ref string) (*NoteIterator, error) { var cref *C.char if ref == "" { cref = nil } else { cref = C.CString(ref) defer } var ptr *C.git_note_iterator runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() if ret := C.git_note_iterator_new(&ptr, repo.ptr, cref); ret < 0 { return nil, MakeGitError(ret) } iter := &NoteIterator{ptr: ptr} runtime.SetFinalizer(iter, (*NoteIterator).Free) return iter, nil } // Free frees the note interator func (v *NoteIterator) Free() { runtime.SetFinalizer(v, nil) C.git_note_iterator_free(v.ptr) } // Next returns the current item (note id & annotated id) and advances the // iterator internally to the next item func (it *NoteIterator) Next() (noteId, annotatedId *Oid, err error) { noteId, annotatedId = new(Oid), new(Oid) runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() if ret := C.git_note_next(noteId.toC(), annotatedId.toC(), it.ptr); ret < 0 { err = MakeGitError(ret) } return }