TEST_ARGS ?= --count=1 default: goimports test goimports: goimports -w *.go generate: static-build/install/lib/libgit2.a go generate --tags "static" ./... # System library # ============== # This uses whatever version of libgit2 can be found in the system. test: go-mod-clean # go install go.wit.com/apps/go-mod-clean@latest go run script/check-MakeGitError-thread-lock.go go test $(TEST_ARGS) ./... install: go install ./... clean: rm go.* # Bundled dynamic library # ======================= # In order to avoid having to manipulate `git_dynamic.go`, which would prevent # the system-wide libgit2.so from being used in a sort of ergonomic way, this # instead moves the complexity of overriding the paths so that the built # libraries can be found by the build and tests. .PHONY: build-libgit2-dynamic build-libgit2-dynamic: ./script/build-libgit2-dynamic.sh dynamic-build/install/lib/libgit2.so: ./script/build-libgit2-dynamic.sh test-dynamic: dynamic-build/install/lib/libgit2.so PKG_CONFIG_PATH=dynamic-build/install/lib/pkgconfig \ go run script/check-MakeGitError-thread-lock.go PKG_CONFIG_PATH=dynamic-build/install/lib/pkgconfig \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=dynamic-build/install/lib \ go test $(TEST_ARGS) ./... install-dynamic: dynamic-build/install/lib/libgit2.so PKG_CONFIG_PATH=dynamic-build/install/lib/pkgconfig \ go install ./... # Bundled static library # ====================== # This is mostly used in tests, but can also be used to provide a # statically-linked library with the bundled version of libgit2. .PHONY: build-libgit2-static build-libgit2-static: ./script/build-libgit2-static.sh static-build/install/lib/libgit2.a: ./script/build-libgit2-static.sh test-static: static-build/install/lib/libgit2.a go run script/check-MakeGitError-thread-lock.go go test --tags "static" $(TEST_ARGS) ./... install-static: static-build/install/lib/libgit2.a go install --tags "static" ./...