package git

#include <git2.h>
#include <git2/sys/openssl.h>
import "C"
import (

type ErrorClass int

const (
	ErrorClassNone       ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_NONE
	ErrorClassNoMemory   ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_NOMEMORY
	ErrorClassOS         ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_OS
	ErrorClassInvalid    ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_INVALID
	ErrorClassReference  ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_REFERENCE
	ErrorClassZlib       ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_ZLIB
	ErrorClassRepository ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_REPOSITORY
	ErrorClassConfig     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_CONFIG
	ErrorClassRegex      ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_REGEX
	ErrorClassOdb        ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_ODB
	ErrorClassIndex      ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_INDEX
	ErrorClassObject     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_OBJECT
	ErrorClassNet        ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_NET
	ErrorClassTag        ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_TAG
	ErrorClassTree       ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_TREE
	ErrorClassIndexer    ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_INDEXER
	ErrorClassSSL        ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_SSL
	ErrorClassSubmodule  ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_SUBMODULE
	ErrorClassThread     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_THREAD
	ErrorClassStash      ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_STASH
	ErrorClassCheckout   ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_CHECKOUT
	ErrorClassFetchHead  ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_FETCHHEAD
	ErrorClassMerge      ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_MERGE
	ErrorClassSSH        ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_SSH
	ErrorClassFilter     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_FILTER
	ErrorClassRevert     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_REVERT
	ErrorClassCallback   ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_CALLBACK
	ErrorClassRebase     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_REBASE
	ErrorClassPatch      ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_PATCH

type ErrorCode int

const (
	// ErrorCodeOK indicates that the operation completed successfully.
	ErrorCodeOK ErrorCode = C.GIT_OK

	// ErrorCodeGeneric represents a generic error.
	ErrorCodeGeneric ErrorCode = C.GIT_ERROR
	// ErrorCodeNotFound represents that the requested object could not be found
	ErrorCodeNotFound ErrorCode = C.GIT_ENOTFOUND
	// ErrorCodeExists represents that the object exists preventing operation.
	ErrorCodeExists ErrorCode = C.GIT_EEXISTS
	// ErrorCodeAmbiguous represents that more than one object matches.
	ErrorCodeAmbiguous ErrorCode = C.GIT_EAMBIGUOUS
	// ErrorCodeBuffs represents that the output buffer is too short to hold data.
	ErrorCodeBuffs ErrorCode = C.GIT_EBUFS

	// ErrorCodeUser is a special error that is never generated by libgit2
	// code.  You can return it from a callback (e.g to stop an iteration)
	// to know that it was generated by the callback and not by libgit2.
	ErrorCodeUser ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUSER

	// ErrorCodeBareRepo represents that the operation not allowed on bare repository
	ErrorCodeBareRepo ErrorCode = C.GIT_EBAREREPO
	// ErrorCodeUnbornBranch represents that HEAD refers to branch with no commits.
	ErrorCodeUnbornBranch ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUNBORNBRANCH
	// ErrorCodeUnmerged represents that a merge in progress prevented operation.
	ErrorCodeUnmerged ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUNMERGED
	// ErrorCodeNonFastForward represents that the reference was not fast-forwardable.
	ErrorCodeNonFastForward ErrorCode = C.GIT_ENONFASTFORWARD
	// ErrorCodeInvalidSpec represents that the name/ref spec was not in a valid format.
	ErrorCodeInvalidSpec ErrorCode = C.GIT_EINVALIDSPEC
	// ErrorCodeConflict represents that checkout conflicts prevented operation.
	ErrorCodeConflict ErrorCode = C.GIT_ECONFLICT
	// ErrorCodeLocked represents that lock file prevented operation.
	ErrorCodeLocked ErrorCode = C.GIT_ELOCKED
	// ErrorCodeModified represents that the reference value does not match expected.
	ErrorCodeModified ErrorCode = C.GIT_EMODIFIED
	// ErrorCodeAuth represents that the authentication failed.
	ErrorCodeAuth ErrorCode = C.GIT_EAUTH
	// ErrorCodeCertificate represents that the server certificate is invalid.
	ErrorCodeCertificate ErrorCode = C.GIT_ECERTIFICATE
	// ErrorCodeApplied represents that the patch/merge has already been applied.
	ErrorCodeApplied ErrorCode = C.GIT_EAPPLIED
	// ErrorCodePeel represents that the requested peel operation is not possible.
	ErrorCodePeel ErrorCode = C.GIT_EPEEL
	// ErrorCodeEOF represents an unexpected EOF.
	ErrorCodeEOF ErrorCode = C.GIT_EEOF
	// ErrorCodeInvalid represents an invalid operation or input.
	ErrorCodeInvalid ErrorCode = C.GIT_EINVALID
	// ErrorCodeUIncommitted represents that uncommitted changes in index prevented operation.
	ErrorCodeUncommitted ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUNCOMMITTED
	// ErrorCodeDirectory represents that the operation is not valid for a directory.
	ErrorCodeDirectory ErrorCode = C.GIT_EDIRECTORY
	// ErrorCodeMergeConflict represents that a merge conflict exists and cannot continue.
	ErrorCodeMergeConflict ErrorCode = C.GIT_EMERGECONFLICT

	// ErrorCodePassthrough represents that a user-configured callback refused to act.
	ErrorCodePassthrough ErrorCode = C.GIT_PASSTHROUGH
	// ErrorCodeIterOver signals end of iteration with iterator.
	ErrorCodeIterOver ErrorCode = C.GIT_ITEROVER
	// ErrorCodeRetry is an internal-only error code.
	ErrorCodeRetry ErrorCode = C.GIT_RETRY
	// ErrorCodeMismatch represents a hashsum mismatch in object.
	ErrorCodeMismatch ErrorCode = C.GIT_EMISMATCH
	// ErrorCodeIndexDirty represents that unsaved changes in the index would be overwritten.
	ErrorCodeIndexDirty ErrorCode = C.GIT_EINDEXDIRTY
	// ErrorCodeApplyFail represents that a patch application failed.
	ErrorCodeApplyFail ErrorCode = C.GIT_EAPPLYFAIL

var (
	ErrInvalid = errors.New("Invalid state for operation")

var pointerHandles *HandleList

func init() {

func initLibGit2() {
	pointerHandles = NewHandleList()


	// Due to the multithreaded nature of Go and its interaction with
	// calling C functions, we cannot work with a library that was not built
	// with multi-threading support. The most likely outcome is a segfault
	// or panic at an incomprehensible time, so let's make it easy by
	// panicking right here.
	if Features()&FeatureThreads == 0 {
		panic("libgit2 was not built with threading support")

	// This is not something we should be doing, as we may be
	// stomping all over someone else's setup. The user should do
	// this themselves or use some binding/wrapper which does it
	// in such a way that they can be sure they're the only ones
	// setting it up.

// Shutdown frees all the resources acquired by libgit2. Make sure no
// references to any git2go objects are live before calling this.
// After this is called, invoking any function from this library will result in
// undefined behavior, so make sure this is called carefully.
func Shutdown() {


// ReInit reinitializes the global state, this is useful if the effective user
// id has changed and you want to update the stored search paths for gitconfig
// files. This function frees any references to objects, so it should be called
// before any other functions are called.
func ReInit() {

// Oid represents the id for a Git object.
type Oid [20]byte

func newOidFromC(coid *C.git_oid) *Oid {
	if coid == nil {
		return nil

	oid := new(Oid)
	copy(oid[0:20], C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(coid), 20))
	return oid

func NewOidFromBytes(b []byte) *Oid {
	oid := new(Oid)
	copy(oid[0:20], b[0:20])
	return oid

func (oid *Oid) toC() *C.git_oid {
	return (*C.git_oid)(unsafe.Pointer(oid))

func NewOid(s string) (*Oid, error) {
	if len(s) > C.GIT_OID_HEXSZ {
		return nil, errors.New("string is too long for oid")

	o := new(Oid)

	slice, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(slice) != 20 {
		return nil, &GitError{"Invalid Oid", ErrorClassNone, ErrGeneric}

	copy(o[:], slice[:20])
	return o, nil

func (oid *Oid) String() string {
	return hex.EncodeToString(oid[:])

func (oid *Oid) Cmp(oid2 *Oid) int {
	return bytes.Compare(oid[:], oid2[:])

func (oid *Oid) Copy() *Oid {
	ret := *oid
	return &ret

func (oid *Oid) Equal(oid2 *Oid) bool {
	return *oid == *oid2

func (oid *Oid) IsZero() bool {
	return *oid == Oid{}

func (oid *Oid) NCmp(oid2 *Oid, n uint) int {
	return bytes.Compare(oid[:n], oid2[:n])

func ShortenOids(ids []*Oid, minlen int) (int, error) {
	shorten := C.git_oid_shorten_new(C.size_t(minlen))
	if shorten == nil {
		panic("Out of memory")
	defer C.git_oid_shorten_free(shorten)

	var ret

	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	for _, id := range ids {
		buf := make([]byte, 41)
		C.git_oid_fmt((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), id.toC())
		buf[40] = 0
		ret = C.git_oid_shorten_add(shorten, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])))
		if ret < 0 {
			return int(ret), MakeGitError(ret)
	return int(ret), nil

type GitError struct {
	Message string
	Class   ErrorClass
	Code    ErrorCode

func (e GitError) Error() string {
	return e.Message

func IsErrorClass(err error, c ErrorClass) bool {
	if err == nil {
		return false
	if gitError, ok := err.(*GitError); ok {
		return gitError.Class == c
	return false

func IsErrorCode(err error, c ErrorCode) bool {
	if err == nil {
		return false
	if gitError, ok := err.(*GitError); ok {
		return gitError.Code == c
	return false

func MakeGitError(c error {
	var errMessage string
	var errClass ErrorClass
	errorCode := ErrorCode(c)
	if errorCode != ErrorCodeIterOver {
		err := C.git_error_last()
		if err != nil {
			errMessage = C.GoString(err.message)
			errClass = ErrorClass(err.klass)
		} else {
			errClass = ErrorClassInvalid
	if errMessage == "" {
		errMessage = errorCode.String()
	return &GitError{errMessage, errClass, errorCode}

func MakeGitError2(err int) error {
	return MakeGitError(

func cbool(b bool) {
	if b {

func ucbool(b bool) C.uint {
	if b {
		return C.uint(1)
	return C.uint(0)

func setCallbackError(errorMessage **C.char, err error) {
	if err != nil {
		*errorMessage = C.CString(err.Error())
		if gitError, ok := err.(*GitError); ok {

func Discover(start string, across_fs bool, ceiling_dirs []string) (string, error) {
	ceildirs := C.CString(strings.Join(ceiling_dirs, string(C.GIT_PATH_LIST_SEPARATOR)))

	cstart := C.CString(start)

	var buf C.git_buf
	defer C.git_buf_dispose(&buf)

	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	ret := C.git_repository_discover(&buf, cstart, cbool(across_fs), ceildirs)
	if ret < 0 {
		return "", MakeGitError(ret)

	return C.GoString(buf.ptr), nil