package git

#include <git2.h>

extern void _go_git_populate_checkout_cb(git_checkout_options *opts);
import "C"
import (

type CheckoutNotifyType uint
type CheckoutStrategy uint

const (
	CheckoutNotifyNone      CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_NONE
	CheckoutNotifyConflict  CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_CONFLICT
	CheckoutNotifyDirty     CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_DIRTY
	CheckoutNotifyUpdated   CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_UPDATED
	CheckoutNotifyUntracked CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_UNTRACKED
	CheckoutNotifyIgnored   CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_IGNORED
	CheckoutNotifyAll       CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_ALL

	CheckoutNone                      CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NONE                         // Dry run, no actual updates
	CheckoutSafe                      CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_SAFE                         // Allow safe updates that cannot overwrite uncommitted data
	CheckoutForce                     CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE                        // Allow all updates to force working directory to look like index
	CheckoutRecreateMissing           CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_RECREATE_MISSING             // Allow checkout to recreate missing files
	CheckoutAllowConflicts            CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_ALLOW_CONFLICTS              // Allow checkout to make safe updates even if conflicts are found
	CheckoutRemoveUntracked           CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_REMOVE_UNTRACKED             // Remove untracked files not in index (that are not ignored)
	CheckoutRemoveIgnored             CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_REMOVE_IGNORED               // Remove ignored files not in index
	CheckoutUpdateOnly                CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_ONLY                  // Only update existing files, don't create new ones
	CheckoutDontUpdateIndex           CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_UPDATE_INDEX            // Normally checkout updates index entries as it goes; this stops that
	CheckoutNoRefresh                 CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NO_REFRESH                   // Don't refresh index/config/etc before doing checkout
	CheckoutSkipUnmerged              CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_SKIP_UNMERGED                // Allow checkout to skip unmerged files
	CheckoutUseOurs                   CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_USE_OURS                     // For unmerged files, checkout stage 2 from index
	CheckoutUseTheirs                 CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_USE_THEIRS                   // For unmerged files, checkout stage 3 from index
	CheckoutDisablePathspecMatch      CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH       // Treat pathspec as simple list of exact match file paths
	CheckoutSkipLockedDirectories     CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_SKIP_LOCKED_DIRECTORIES      // Ignore directories in use, they will be left empty
	CheckoutDontOverwriteIgnored      CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_OVERWRITE_IGNORED       // Don't overwrite ignored files that exist in the checkout target
	CheckoutConflictStyleMerge        CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_CONFLICT_STYLE_MERGE         // Write normal merge files for conflicts
	CheckoutConflictStyleDiff3        CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_CONFLICT_STYLE_DIFF3         // Include common ancestor data in diff3 format files for conflicts
	CheckoutDontRemoveExisting        CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_REMOVE_EXISTING         // Don't overwrite existing files or folders
	CheckoutDontWriteIndex            CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_WRITE_INDEX             // Normally checkout writes the index upon completion; this prevents that
	CheckoutUpdateSubmodules          CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_SUBMODULES            // Recursively checkout submodules with same options (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
	CheckoutUpdateSubmodulesIfChanged CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_SUBMODULES_IF_CHANGED // Recursively checkout submodules if HEAD moved in super repo (NOT IMPLEMENTED)

type CheckoutNotifyCallback func(why CheckoutNotifyType, path string, baseline, target, workdir DiffFile) ErrorCode
type CheckoutProgressCallback func(path string, completed, total uint) ErrorCode

type CheckoutOpts struct {
	Strategy         CheckoutStrategy   // Default will be a dry run
	DisableFilters   bool               // Don't apply filters like CRLF conversion
	DirMode          os.FileMode        // Default is 0755
	FileMode         os.FileMode        // Default is 0644 or 0755 as dictated by blob
	FileOpenFlags    int                // Default is O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY
	NotifyFlags      CheckoutNotifyType // Default will be none
	NotifyCallback   CheckoutNotifyCallback
	ProgressCallback CheckoutProgressCallback
	TargetDirectory  string // Alternative checkout path to workdir
	Paths            []string
	Baseline         *Tree

func checkoutOptionsFromC(c *C.git_checkout_options) CheckoutOpts {
	opts := CheckoutOpts{}
	opts.Strategy = CheckoutStrategy(c.checkout_strategy)
	opts.DisableFilters = c.disable_filters != 0
	opts.DirMode = os.FileMode(c.dir_mode)
	opts.FileMode = os.FileMode(c.file_mode)
	opts.FileOpenFlags = int(c.file_open_flags)
	opts.NotifyFlags = CheckoutNotifyType(c.notify_flags)
	if c.notify_payload != nil {
		opts.NotifyCallback = pointerHandles.Get(c.notify_payload).(*CheckoutOpts).NotifyCallback
	if c.progress_payload != nil {
		opts.ProgressCallback = pointerHandles.Get(c.progress_payload).(*CheckoutOpts).ProgressCallback
	if c.target_directory != nil {
		opts.TargetDirectory = C.GoString(c.target_directory)
	return opts

func (opts *CheckoutOpts) toC() *C.git_checkout_options {
	if opts == nil {
		return nil
	c := C.git_checkout_options{}
	populateCheckoutOpts(&c, opts)
	return &c

//export checkoutNotifyCallback
func checkoutNotifyCallback(why C.git_checkout_notify_t, cpath *C.char, cbaseline, ctarget, cworkdir, data unsafe.Pointer) int {
	if data == nil {
		return 0
	path := C.GoString(cpath)
	var baseline, target, workdir DiffFile
	if cbaseline != nil {
		baseline = diffFileFromC((*C.git_diff_file)(cbaseline))
	if ctarget != nil {
		target = diffFileFromC((*C.git_diff_file)(ctarget))
	if cworkdir != nil {
		workdir = diffFileFromC((*C.git_diff_file)(cworkdir))
	opts := pointerHandles.Get(data).(*CheckoutOpts)
	if opts.NotifyCallback == nil {
		return 0
	return int(opts.NotifyCallback(CheckoutNotifyType(why), path, baseline, target, workdir))

//export checkoutProgressCallback
func checkoutProgressCallback(path *C.char, completed_steps, total_steps C.size_t, data unsafe.Pointer) int {
	opts := pointerHandles.Get(data).(*CheckoutOpts)
	if opts.ProgressCallback == nil {
		return 0
	return int(opts.ProgressCallback(C.GoString(path), uint(completed_steps), uint(total_steps)))

// Convert the CheckoutOpts struct to the corresponding
// C-struct. Returns a pointer to ptr, or nil if opts is nil, in order
// to help with what to pass.
func populateCheckoutOpts(ptr *C.git_checkout_options, opts *CheckoutOpts) *C.git_checkout_options {
	if opts == nil {
		return nil

	C.git_checkout_init_options(ptr, 1)
	ptr.checkout_strategy = C.uint(opts.Strategy)
	ptr.disable_filters = cbool(opts.DisableFilters)
	ptr.dir_mode = C.uint(opts.DirMode.Perm())
	ptr.file_mode = C.uint(opts.FileMode.Perm())
	ptr.notify_flags = C.uint(opts.NotifyFlags)
	if opts.NotifyCallback != nil || opts.ProgressCallback != nil {
	payload := pointerHandles.Track(opts)
	if opts.NotifyCallback != nil {
		ptr.notify_payload = payload
	if opts.ProgressCallback != nil {
		ptr.progress_payload = payload
	if opts.TargetDirectory != "" {
		ptr.target_directory = C.CString(opts.TargetDirectory)
	if len(opts.Paths) > 0 {
		ptr.paths.strings = makeCStringsFromStrings(opts.Paths)
		ptr.paths.count = C.size_t(len(opts.Paths))

	if opts.Baseline != nil {
		ptr.baseline = opts.Baseline.cast_ptr

	return ptr

func freeCheckoutOpts(ptr *C.git_checkout_options) {
	if ptr == nil {
	if ptr.paths.count > 0 {
	if ptr.notify_payload != nil {

// Updates files in the index and the working tree to match the content of
// the commit pointed at by HEAD. opts may be nil.
func (v *Repository) CheckoutHead(opts *CheckoutOpts) error {
	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	cOpts := opts.toC()
	defer freeCheckoutOpts(cOpts)

	ret := C.git_checkout_head(v.ptr, cOpts)
	if ret < 0 {
		return MakeGitError(ret)

	return nil

// Updates files in the working tree to match the content of the given
// index. If index is nil, the repository's index will be used. opts
// may be nil.
func (v *Repository) CheckoutIndex(index *Index, opts *CheckoutOpts) error {
	var iptr *C.git_index = nil
	if index != nil {
		iptr = index.ptr

	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	cOpts := opts.toC()
	defer freeCheckoutOpts(cOpts)

	ret := C.git_checkout_index(v.ptr, iptr, cOpts)
	if ret < 0 {
		return MakeGitError(ret)

	return nil

func (v *Repository) CheckoutTree(tree *Tree, opts *CheckoutOpts) error {
	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	cOpts := opts.toC()
	defer freeCheckoutOpts(cOpts)

	ret := C.git_checkout_tree(v.ptr, tree.ptr, cOpts)
	if ret < 0 {
		return MakeGitError(ret)

	return nil