package git /* #include <git2.h> extern void _go_git_populate_checkout_cb(git_checkout_options *opts); */ import "C" import ( "os" "runtime" "unsafe" ) type CheckoutNotifyType uint type CheckoutStrategy uint const ( CheckoutNotifyNone CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_NONE CheckoutNotifyConflict CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_CONFLICT CheckoutNotifyDirty CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_DIRTY CheckoutNotifyUpdated CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_UPDATED CheckoutNotifyUntracked CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_UNTRACKED CheckoutNotifyIgnored CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_IGNORED CheckoutNotifyAll CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_ALL CheckoutNone CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NONE // Dry run, no actual updates CheckoutSafe CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_SAFE // Allow safe updates that cannot overwrite uncommitted data CheckoutForce CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE // Allow all updates to force working directory to look like index CheckoutRecreateMissing CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_RECREATE_MISSING // Allow checkout to recreate missing files CheckoutAllowConflicts CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_ALLOW_CONFLICTS // Allow checkout to make safe updates even if conflicts are found CheckoutRemoveUntracked CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_REMOVE_UNTRACKED // Remove untracked files not in index (that are not ignored) CheckoutRemoveIgnored CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_REMOVE_IGNORED // Remove ignored files not in index CheckoutUpdateOnly CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_ONLY // Only update existing files, don't create new ones CheckoutDontUpdateIndex CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_UPDATE_INDEX // Normally checkout updates index entries as it goes; this stops that CheckoutNoRefresh CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NO_REFRESH // Don't refresh index/config/etc before doing checkout CheckoutSkipUnmerged CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_SKIP_UNMERGED // Allow checkout to skip unmerged files CheckoutUseOurs CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_USE_OURS // For unmerged files, checkout stage 2 from index CheckoutUseTheirs CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_USE_THEIRS // For unmerged files, checkout stage 3 from index CheckoutDisablePathspecMatch CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH // Treat pathspec as simple list of exact match file paths CheckoutSkipLockedDirectories CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_SKIP_LOCKED_DIRECTORIES // Ignore directories in use, they will be left empty CheckoutDontOverwriteIgnored CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_OVERWRITE_IGNORED // Don't overwrite ignored files that exist in the checkout target CheckoutConflictStyleMerge CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_CONFLICT_STYLE_MERGE // Write normal merge files for conflicts CheckoutConflictStyleDiff3 CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_CONFLICT_STYLE_DIFF3 // Include common ancestor data in diff3 format files for conflicts CheckoutDontRemoveExisting CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_REMOVE_EXISTING // Don't overwrite existing files or folders CheckoutDontWriteIndex CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_WRITE_INDEX // Normally checkout writes the index upon completion; this prevents that CheckoutUpdateSubmodules CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_SUBMODULES // Recursively checkout submodules with same options (NOT IMPLEMENTED) CheckoutUpdateSubmodulesIfChanged CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_SUBMODULES_IF_CHANGED // Recursively checkout submodules if HEAD moved in super repo (NOT IMPLEMENTED) ) type CheckoutNotifyCallback func(why CheckoutNotifyType, path string, baseline, target, workdir DiffFile) ErrorCode type CheckoutProgressCallback func(path string, completed, total uint) ErrorCode type CheckoutOpts struct { Strategy CheckoutStrategy // Default will be a dry run DisableFilters bool // Don't apply filters like CRLF conversion DirMode os.FileMode // Default is 0755 FileMode os.FileMode // Default is 0644 or 0755 as dictated by blob FileOpenFlags int // Default is O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY NotifyFlags CheckoutNotifyType // Default will be none NotifyCallback CheckoutNotifyCallback ProgressCallback CheckoutProgressCallback TargetDirectory string // Alternative checkout path to workdir Paths []string Baseline *Tree } func checkoutOptionsFromC(c *C.git_checkout_options) CheckoutOpts { opts := CheckoutOpts{} opts.Strategy = CheckoutStrategy(c.checkout_strategy) opts.DisableFilters = c.disable_filters != 0 opts.DirMode = os.FileMode(c.dir_mode) opts.FileMode = os.FileMode(c.file_mode) opts.FileOpenFlags = int(c.file_open_flags) opts.NotifyFlags = CheckoutNotifyType(c.notify_flags) if c.notify_payload != nil { opts.NotifyCallback = pointerHandles.Get(c.notify_payload).(*CheckoutOpts).NotifyCallback } if c.progress_payload != nil { opts.ProgressCallback = pointerHandles.Get(c.progress_payload).(*CheckoutOpts).ProgressCallback } if c.target_directory != nil { opts.TargetDirectory = C.GoString(c.target_directory) } return opts } func (opts *CheckoutOpts) toC() *C.git_checkout_options { if opts == nil { return nil } c := C.git_checkout_options{} populateCheckoutOpts(&c, opts) return &c } //export checkoutNotifyCallback func checkoutNotifyCallback(why C.git_checkout_notify_t, cpath *C.char, cbaseline, ctarget, cworkdir, data unsafe.Pointer) int { if data == nil { return 0 } path := C.GoString(cpath) var baseline, target, workdir DiffFile if cbaseline != nil { baseline = diffFileFromC((*C.git_diff_file)(cbaseline)) } if ctarget != nil { target = diffFileFromC((*C.git_diff_file)(ctarget)) } if cworkdir != nil { workdir = diffFileFromC((*C.git_diff_file)(cworkdir)) } opts := pointerHandles.Get(data).(*CheckoutOpts) if opts.NotifyCallback == nil { return 0 } return int(opts.NotifyCallback(CheckoutNotifyType(why), path, baseline, target, workdir)) } //export checkoutProgressCallback func checkoutProgressCallback(path *C.char, completed_steps, total_steps C.size_t, data unsafe.Pointer) int { opts := pointerHandles.Get(data).(*CheckoutOpts) if opts.ProgressCallback == nil { return 0 } return int(opts.ProgressCallback(C.GoString(path), uint(completed_steps), uint(total_steps))) } // Convert the CheckoutOpts struct to the corresponding // C-struct. Returns a pointer to ptr, or nil if opts is nil, in order // to help with what to pass. func populateCheckoutOpts(ptr *C.git_checkout_options, opts *CheckoutOpts) *C.git_checkout_options { if opts == nil { return nil } C.git_checkout_init_options(ptr, 1) ptr.checkout_strategy = C.uint(opts.Strategy) ptr.disable_filters = cbool(opts.DisableFilters) ptr.dir_mode = C.uint(opts.DirMode.Perm()) ptr.file_mode = C.uint(opts.FileMode.Perm()) ptr.notify_flags = C.uint(opts.NotifyFlags) if opts.NotifyCallback != nil || opts.ProgressCallback != nil { C._go_git_populate_checkout_cb(ptr) } payload := pointerHandles.Track(opts) if opts.NotifyCallback != nil { ptr.notify_payload = payload } if opts.ProgressCallback != nil { ptr.progress_payload = payload } if opts.TargetDirectory != "" { ptr.target_directory = C.CString(opts.TargetDirectory) } if len(opts.Paths) > 0 { ptr.paths.strings = makeCStringsFromStrings(opts.Paths) ptr.paths.count = C.size_t(len(opts.Paths)) } if opts.Baseline != nil { ptr.baseline = opts.Baseline.cast_ptr } return ptr } func freeCheckoutOpts(ptr *C.git_checkout_options) { if ptr == nil { return } if ptr.paths.count > 0 { freeStrarray(&ptr.paths) } if ptr.notify_payload != nil { pointerHandles.Untrack(ptr.notify_payload) } } // Updates files in the index and the working tree to match the content of // the commit pointed at by HEAD. opts may be nil. func (v *Repository) CheckoutHead(opts *CheckoutOpts) error { runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() cOpts := opts.toC() defer freeCheckoutOpts(cOpts) ret := C.git_checkout_head(v.ptr, cOpts) runtime.KeepAlive(v) if ret < 0 { return MakeGitError(ret) } return nil } // Updates files in the working tree to match the content of the given // index. If index is nil, the repository's index will be used. opts // may be nil. func (v *Repository) CheckoutIndex(index *Index, opts *CheckoutOpts) error { var iptr *C.git_index = nil if index != nil { iptr = index.ptr } runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() cOpts := opts.toC() defer freeCheckoutOpts(cOpts) ret := C.git_checkout_index(v.ptr, iptr, cOpts) runtime.KeepAlive(v) if ret < 0 { return MakeGitError(ret) } return nil } func (v *Repository) CheckoutTree(tree *Tree, opts *CheckoutOpts) error { runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() cOpts := opts.toC() defer freeCheckoutOpts(cOpts) ret := C.git_checkout_tree(v.ptr, tree.ptr, cOpts) runtime.KeepAlive(v) if ret < 0 { return MakeGitError(ret) } return nil }