package git /* #include */ import "C" import ( "runtime" "unsafe" ) type WorktreeCollection struct { doNotCompare repo *Repository } type Worktree struct { doNotCompare ptr *C.git_worktree } type AddWorktreeOptions struct { // Lock the newly created worktree Lock bool // Reference to use for the new worktree Reference *Reference // CheckoutOptions is used for configuring the checkout for the newly created worktree CheckoutOptions CheckoutOptions } // Add adds a new working tree for the given repository func (c *WorktreeCollection) Add(name string, path string, options *AddWorktreeOptions) (*Worktree, error) { cName := C.CString(name) defer cPath := C.CString(path) defer var err error cOptions := populateAddWorktreeOptions(&C.git_worktree_add_options{}, options, &err) defer freeAddWorktreeOptions(cOptions) runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() var ptr *C.git_worktree ret := C.git_worktree_add(&ptr, c.repo.ptr, cName, cPath, cOptions) runtime.KeepAlive(c) if options != nil && options.Reference != nil { runtime.KeepAlive(options.Reference) } if ret == && err != nil { return nil, err } else if ret < 0 { return nil, MakeGitError(ret) } return newWorktreeFromC(ptr), nil } // List lists names of linked working trees for the given repository func (c *WorktreeCollection) List() ([]string, error) { var strC C.git_strarray defer C.git_strarray_dispose(&strC) runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() ret := C.git_worktree_list(&strC, c.repo.ptr) runtime.KeepAlive(c) if ret < 0 { return nil, MakeGitError(ret) } w := makeStringsFromCStrings(strC.strings, int(strC.count)) return w, nil } // Lookup gets a working tree by its name for the given repository func (c *WorktreeCollection) Lookup(name string) (*Worktree, error) { cname := C.CString(name) defer runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() var ptr *C.git_worktree ret := C.git_worktree_lookup(&ptr, c.repo.ptr, cname) runtime.KeepAlive(c) if ret < 0 { return nil, MakeGitError(ret) } else if ptr == nil { return nil, nil } return newWorktreeFromC(ptr), nil } // OpenFromRepository retrieves a worktree for the given repository func (c *WorktreeCollection) OpenFromRepository() (*Worktree, error) { runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() var ptr *C.git_worktree ret := C.git_worktree_open_from_repository(&ptr, c.repo.ptr) runtime.KeepAlive(c) if ret < 0 { return nil, MakeGitError(ret) } return newWorktreeFromC(ptr), nil } func newWorktreeFromC(ptr *C.git_worktree) *Worktree { worktree := &Worktree{ptr: ptr} runtime.SetFinalizer(worktree, (*Worktree).Free) return worktree } func freeAddWorktreeOptions(cOptions *C.git_worktree_add_options) { if cOptions == nil { return } freeCheckoutOptions(&cOptions.checkout_options) } func populateAddWorktreeOptions(cOptions *C.git_worktree_add_options, options *AddWorktreeOptions, errorTarget *error) *C.git_worktree_add_options { C.git_worktree_add_options_init(cOptions, C.GIT_WORKTREE_ADD_OPTIONS_VERSION) if options == nil { return nil } populateCheckoutOptions(&cOptions.checkout_options, &options.CheckoutOptions, errorTarget) cOptions.lock = cbool(options.Lock) if options.Reference != nil { cOptions.ref = options.Reference.ptr } return cOptions } // Free a previously allocated worktree func (w *Worktree) Free() { runtime.SetFinalizer(w, nil) C.git_worktree_free(w.ptr) } // IsLocked checks if the given worktree is locked func (w *Worktree) IsLocked() (locked bool, reason string, err error) { buf := C.git_buf{} defer C.git_buf_dispose(&buf) runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() ret := C.git_worktree_is_locked(&buf, w.ptr) runtime.KeepAlive(w) if ret < 0 { return false, "", MakeGitError(ret) } return ret != 0, C.GoString(buf.ptr), nil } type WorktreePruneFlag uint32 const ( // WorktreePruneValid means prune working tree even if working tree is valid WorktreePruneValid WorktreePruneFlag = C.GIT_WORKTREE_PRUNE_VALID // WorktreePruneLocked means prune working tree even if it is locked WorktreePruneLocked WorktreePruneFlag = C.GIT_WORKTREE_PRUNE_LOCKED // WorktreePruneWorkingTree means prune checked out working tree WorktreePruneWorkingTree WorktreePruneFlag = C.GIT_WORKTREE_PRUNE_WORKING_TREE ) // IsPrunable checks that the worktree is prunable with the given flags func (w *Worktree) IsPrunable(flags WorktreePruneFlag) (bool, error) { cOptions := C.git_worktree_prune_options{} C.git_worktree_prune_options_init(&cOptions, C.GIT_WORKTREE_PRUNE_OPTIONS_VERSION) cOptions.flags = C.uint32_t(flags) runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() ret := C.git_worktree_is_prunable(w.ptr, &cOptions) runtime.KeepAlive(w) if ret < 0 { return false, MakeGitError(ret) } return ret != 0, nil } // Lock locks the worktree if not already locked func (w *Worktree) Lock(reason string) error { var cReason *C.char if reason != "" { cReason = C.CString(reason) defer } runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() ret := C.git_worktree_lock(w.ptr, cReason) runtime.KeepAlive(w) if ret < 0 { return MakeGitError(ret) } return nil } // Name retrieves the name of the worktree func (w *Worktree) Name() string { s := C.GoString(C.git_worktree_name(w.ptr)) runtime.KeepAlive(w) return s } // Path retrieves the path of the worktree func (w *Worktree) Path() string { s := C.GoString(C.git_worktree_path(w.ptr)) runtime.KeepAlive(w) return s } // Prune the worktree with the provided flags func (w *Worktree) Prune(flags WorktreePruneFlag) error { cOptions := C.git_worktree_prune_options{} C.git_worktree_prune_options_init(&cOptions, C.GIT_WORKTREE_PRUNE_OPTIONS_VERSION) cOptions.flags = C.uint32_t(flags) runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() ret := C.git_worktree_prune(w.ptr, &cOptions) runtime.KeepAlive(w) if ret < 0 { return MakeGitError(ret) } return nil } // Unlock a locked worktree func (w *Worktree) Unlock() (notLocked bool, err error) { runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() ret := C.git_worktree_unlock(w.ptr) runtime.KeepAlive(w) if ret < 0 { return false, MakeGitError(ret) } return ret != 0, nil } // Validate checks if the given worktree is valid func (w *Worktree) Validate() error { runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() ret := C.git_worktree_validate(w.ptr) runtime.KeepAlive(w) if ret < 0 { return MakeGitError(ret) } return nil }