Remove usage of channels for ForEach #90

carlosmn merged 2 commits from unchanify into master 2014-05-07 08:12:00 -05:00
1 changed files with 27 additions and 31 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 7e3c361ac4 - Show all commits

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@ -94,55 +94,51 @@ func (pb *Packbuilder) WriteToFile(name string, mode os.FileMode) error {
func (pb *Packbuilder) Write(w io.Writer) error {
ch, stop := pb.ForEach()
for slice := range ch {
return pb.ForEach(func(slice []byte) error {
_, err := w.Write(slice)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return err
func (pb *Packbuilder) Written() uint32 {
return uint32(C.git_packbuilder_written(pb.ptr))
type PackbuilderForeachCallback func([]byte) error
type packbuilderCbData struct {
ch chan<- []byte
stop <-chan bool
callback PackbuilderForeachCallback
err error
//export packbuilderForEachCb
func packbuilderForEachCb(buf unsafe.Pointer, size C.size_t, payload unsafe.Pointer) int {
data := (*packbuilderCbData)(payload)
ch :=
stop := data.stop
slice := C.GoBytes(buf,
select {
case <- stop:
return -1
case ch <- slice:
err := data.callback(slice)
if err != nil {
data.err = err
return C.GIT_EUSER
return 0
func (pb *Packbuilder) forEachWrap(data *packbuilderCbData) {
C._go_git_packbuilder_foreach(pb.ptr, unsafe.Pointer(data))
// ForEach repeatedly calls the callback with new packfile data until
// there is no more data or the callback returns an error
func (pb *Packbuilder) ForEach(callback PackbuilderForeachCallback) error {
data := packbuilderCbData{
callback: callback,
err: nil,
// Foreach sends the packfile as slices through the "data" channel. If
// you want to stop the pack-building process (e.g. there's an error
// writing to the output), close or write a value into the "stop"
// channel.
func (pb *Packbuilder) ForEach() (<-chan []byte, chan<- bool) {
ch := make(chan []byte)
stop := make(chan bool)
data := packbuilderCbData{ch, stop}
go pb.forEachWrap(&data)
return ch, stop
err := C._go_git_packbuilder_foreach(pb.ptr, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
if err == C.GIT_EUSER {
return data.err
if err < 0 {
return MakeGitError(err)
return nil