Oid: make sure not to dereference a NULL git_oid #9

carlosmn merged 1 commits from nil-oid into master 2013-03-08 09:09:44 -06:00
carlosmn commented 2013-03-08 09:08:09 -06:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Some calls like Reference.Target() can return NULL if the reference is
symbolic. Make sure newOidFromC() can handle these situations.

I couldn't decide whether we should return nil or a zeroed Oid in this case. A zeroed id won't make you segfault, but it could lead to the code assuming it has a proper id. Thoughts?

Some calls like Reference.Target() can return NULL if the reference is symbolic. Make sure newOidFromC() can handle these situations. --- I couldn't decide whether we should return nil or a zeroed Oid in this case. A zeroed id won't make you segfault, but it could lead to the code assuming it has a proper id. Thoughts?
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#9
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