Make all non-user-creatable structures non-comparable (#802) #805

lhchavez merged 1 commits from cherry-pick-802-release-0.27 into release-0.27 2021-09-05 16:06:59 -05:00
lhchavez commented 2021-09-05 16:03:19 -05:00 (Migrated from

This change makes all non-user-creatable structures non-comparable. This
makes it easier to add changes later that don't introduce breaking
changes from the go compatibility guarantees perspective.

This, of course, implies that this change is a breaking change, but since
these structures are not intended to be created by users (or de-referenced),
it should be okay.

(cherry picked from commit dbe032c347)

This change makes all non-user-creatable structures non-comparable. This makes it easier to add changes later that don't introduce breaking changes from the go compatibility guarantees perspective. This, of course, implies that this change _is_ a breaking change, but since these structures are not intended to be created by users (or de-referenced), it should be okay. (cherry picked from commit dbe032c347b1a1308a4b880e7c5a06d8dfb4d507)
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#805
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