Declare forward-compatibility with libgit2 v1.2.0 #minor #800

lhchavez merged 1 commits from forwards-compat-v1.2.0 into main 2021-09-04 22:07:24 -05:00
lhchavez commented 2021-09-04 21:52:53 -05:00 (Migrated from

We can't yet ship a fully libgit2 v1.2.0-compatible library due to a
missing public symbol, but we can allow the v1.1.0-era codebase to link
against libgit2 v1.2.0 in the meantime.

We can't yet ship a fully libgit2 v1.2.0-compatible library due to a missing public symbol, but we can allow the v1.1.0-era codebase to link against libgit2 v1.2.0 in the meantime.
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#800
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