Fix installation of libgit2 into wrong libdir #624

pks-t merged 1 commits from pks/vendored-build-libdir into master 2020-07-25 15:08:05 -05:00
pks-t commented 2020-07-23 03:12:34 -05:00 (Migrated from

Upstream libgit2 has migrated to use the GNUInstallDirs module to decide
where things will be installed to by default. While it improves
consistency with the host system, we're not really after that when
building the vendored libgit2 library, and in fact libgit2.{a,pc} may
now be installed into a different directory than before as it started to
depend on the host platform.

Fix this by explicitly specifying that we want the library and pkgconfig
file to be installed into a plain "lib/" directory.

Upstream libgit2 has migrated to use the GNUInstallDirs module to decide where things will be installed to by default. While it improves consistency with the host system, we're not really after that when building the vendored libgit2 library, and in fact libgit2.{a,pc} may now be installed into a different directory than before as it started to depend on the host platform. Fix this by explicitly specifying that we want the library and pkgconfig file to be installed into a plain "lib/" directory.
pks-t commented 2020-07-23 03:14:50 -05:00 (Migrated from

We may also want to backport this to the v30 branch as it currently breaks install-static on some (most?) platforms completely.

We may also want to backport this to the v30 branch as it currently breaks install-static on some (most?) platforms completely.
lhchavez (Migrated from approved these changes 2020-07-25 15:07:52 -05:00
lhchavez (Migrated from left a comment

thanks! i still need to set up the automatic cherry-picker mechanism, so i'll do that by hand later.

thanks! i still need to set up the automatic cherry-picker mechanism, so i'll do that by hand later.
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#624
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