Improve the static build script #475

lhchavez merged 1 commits from self-contained-build into master 2019-01-07 08:02:52 -06:00
lhchavez commented 2019-01-05 14:19:03 -06:00 (Migrated from

This change:

  • Uses the installed version of both the library and the pkgconfig file,
    which fixes path resolution on Ubuntu Xenial.
  • Uses quoting liberally so that paths with spaces in them are correctly
  • Moves the build+install directories to static-build/ in the git2go
    repository to avoid having a dirty vendor/libgit2 checkout.
This change: * Uses the installed version of both the library and the pkgconfig file, which fixes path resolution on Ubuntu Xenial. * Uses quoting liberally so that paths with spaces in them are correctly handled. * Moves the build+install directories to static-build/ in the git2go repository to avoid having a dirty vendor/libgit2 checkout.
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#475
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