Add check for ErrIterOver in BranchIterator.ForEach #341

mdaffin merged 1 commits from branchiterator-foreach-errors into master 2016-10-03 04:31:58 -05:00
mdaffin commented 2016-09-05 10:11:24 -05:00 (Migrated from

The BranchIterator.ForEach currently returns the ErrIterOver error if no
error had occured during the iteration. This leads to a rather unhelpful
blank error message with the error code -31 when iterating over the

This commit adds a check for ErrIterOver at the end of the ForEach
method so that the client code only has to worry about checking for nil
as apose to checking for the ErrIterOver error.

The BranchIterator.ForEach currently returns the ErrIterOver error if no error had occured during the iteration. This leads to a rather unhelpful blank error message with the error code -31 when iterating over the branches. This commit adds a check for ErrIterOver at the end of the ForEach method so that the client code only has to worry about checking for nil as apose to checking for the ErrIterOver error.
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#341
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