Use variable substitution instead of a wrapper script #338

carlosmn merged 2 commits from cmn/variable-subst into next 2016-11-13 12:31:57 -06:00
carlosmn commented 2016-08-27 15:05:04 -05:00 (Migrated from

From 1.5 onward the build tool supports variable substitution in the cgo directives. This makes us use that instead of the wrapper script. Once the vendored libgit2 is built the 'next' branch can thus also be used with the usual commands go build, go test without having to use the Makefile or calling the wrapping script.

We still can't tell the build tool to build libgit2, so we still need a script for that.

From 1.5 onward the build tool supports variable substitution in the cgo directives. This makes us use that instead of the wrapper script. Once the vendored libgit2 is built the 'next' branch can thus also be used with the usual commands `go build`, `go test` without having to use the Makefile or calling the wrapping script. We still can't tell the build tool to build libgit2, so we still need a script for that.
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#338
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