Add error code matching GIT_EAUTH for authentication failures #210

michaeledgar merged 1 commits from master into master 2015-06-07 22:13:32 -05:00
michaeledgar commented 2015-06-07 18:25:21 -05:00 (Migrated from

My use case is a client which caches OAuth2 access tokens for authentication. When the access token expires, the client gets a new one using a refresh token.

Unfortunately, the only surefire way to know the access token has expired is to use it until authentication fails. So the client needs a way to know when authentication failed, and GIT_EAUTH seems to be the right error code to check for.

My use case is a client which caches OAuth2 access tokens for authentication. When the access token expires, the client gets a new one using a refresh token. Unfortunately, the only surefire way to know the access token has expired is to use it until authentication fails. So the client needs a way to know when authentication failed, and GIT_EAUTH seems to be the right error code to check for.
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#210
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