Introduce Signature #2

carlosmn merged 1 commits from signature into master 2013-03-05 16:25:49 -06:00
carlosmn commented 2013-03-05 16:18:59 -06:00 (Migrated from

It brings the data into go-land so we don't have to worry about the
commit being there. It stores the data we get from git and provides a
Time() function to get a time.Time struct.

It brings the data into go-land so we don't have to worry about the commit being there. It stores the data we get from git and provides a Time() function to get a time.Time struct.
vmg commented 2013-03-05 16:23:19 -06:00 (Migrated from

Looking good. Can you uncomment the signature methods in Commit and Tag? I commented them out when I removed signature.

Looking good. Can you uncomment the signature methods in Commit and Tag? I commented them out when I removed signature.
carlosmn commented 2013-03-05 16:25:07 -06:00 (Migrated from

Author() and Committer() are uncommented in Commit. I can't find a Tag struct.

Author() and Committer() are uncommented in Commit. I can't find a Tag struct.
vmg commented 2013-03-05 16:25:47 -06:00 (Migrated from

Oh duh.

Oh duh.
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#2
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