Sync with libgit2 master. #116

calavera merged 2 commits from sync_with_libgit2_master into master 2014-09-04 10:10:37 -05:00
calavera commented 2014-09-03 20:10:06 -05:00 (Migrated from
  • Update clone options to be in sync with libgit2 master.
  • Remove missing constants.

I'm pretty sure there is a better way to handle the new git_remote_create_cb, but I cannot find it. I'd really appreciate some suggestions.

- Update clone options to be in sync with libgit2 master. - Remove missing constants. I'm pretty sure there is a better way to handle the new git_remote_create_cb, but I cannot find it. I'd really appreciate some suggestions.
carlosmn commented 2014-09-03 22:06:57 -05:00 (Migrated from

It looks like you forgot to update the submodule.

It looks like you forgot to update the submodule.
calavera commented 2014-09-04 09:57:11 -05:00 (Migrated from

Upps, you're right. I've updated the submodule to master.

Upps, you're right. I've updated the submodule to master.
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#116
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