2021-09-05 18:01:52 -05:00
package git
2021-09-05 18:58:41 -05:00
#include <string.h>
2021-09-05 18:01:52 -05:00
#include <git2.h>
#include <git2/sys/transport.h>
typedef struct {
git_smart_subtransport parent;
void *handle;
} _go_managed_smart_subtransport;
typedef struct {
git_smart_subtransport_stream parent;
void *handle;
} _go_managed_smart_subtransport_stream;
int _go_git_transport_register(const char *prefix, void *handle);
int _go_git_transport_smart(git_transport **out, git_remote *owner, int stateless, _go_managed_smart_subtransport *subtransport_payload);
void _go_git_setup_smart_subtransport_stream(_go_managed_smart_subtransport_stream *stream);
import "C"
import (
var (
// globalRegisteredSmartTransports is a mapping of global, git2go-managed
// transports.
globalRegisteredSmartTransports = struct {
transports map[string]*RegisteredSmartTransport
transports: make(map[string]*RegisteredSmartTransport),
// unregisterManagedTransports unregisters all git2go-managed transports.
func unregisterManagedTransports() error {
originalTransports := globalRegisteredSmartTransports.transports
globalRegisteredSmartTransports.transports = make(map[string]*RegisteredSmartTransport)
var err error
for protocol, managed := range originalTransports {
unregisterErr := managed.Free()
if err == nil && unregisterErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to unregister transport for %q: %v", protocol, unregisterErr)
return err
// SmartServiceAction is an action that the smart transport can ask a
// subtransport to perform.
type SmartServiceAction int
const (
// SmartServiceActionUploadpackLs is used upon connecting to a remote, and is
// used to perform reference discovery prior to performing a pull operation.
SmartServiceActionUploadpackLs SmartServiceAction = C.GIT_SERVICE_UPLOADPACK_LS
// SmartServiceActionUploadpack is used when performing a pull operation.
SmartServiceActionUploadpack SmartServiceAction = C.GIT_SERVICE_UPLOADPACK
// SmartServiceActionReceivepackLs is used upon connecting to a remote, and is
// used to perform reference discovery prior to performing a push operation.
SmartServiceActionReceivepackLs SmartServiceAction = C.GIT_SERVICE_RECEIVEPACK_LS
// SmartServiceActionReceivepack is used when performing a push operation.
SmartServiceActionReceivepack SmartServiceAction = C.GIT_SERVICE_RECEIVEPACK
// Transport encapsulates a way to communicate with a Remote.
type Transport struct {
ptr *C.git_transport
2021-09-05 18:58:41 -05:00
// SmartProxyOptions gets a copy of the proxy options for this transport.
func (t *Transport) SmartProxyOptions() (*ProxyOptions, error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
var cpopts C.git_proxy_options
if ret := C.git_transport_smart_proxy_options(&cpopts, t.ptr); ret < 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ret)
return proxyOptionsFromC(&cpopts), nil
2021-09-05 18:01:52 -05:00
// SmartCredentials calls the credentials callback for this transport.
func (t *Transport) SmartCredentials(user string, methods CredType) (*Cred, error) {
cred := &Cred{}
var cstr *C.char
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
if user != "" {
cstr = C.CString(user)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr))
ret := C.git_transport_smart_credentials(&cred.ptr, t.ptr, cstr, C.int(methods))
if ret != 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ret)
return cred, nil
2021-09-05 18:58:41 -05:00
// SmartCertificateCheck calls the certificate check for this transport.
func (t *Transport) SmartCertificateCheck(cert *Certificate, valid bool, hostname string) error {
var ccert *C.git_cert
switch cert.Kind {
case CertificateHostkey:
chostkeyCert := C.git_cert_hostkey{
parent: C.git_cert{
_type: C.git_cert_ssh_t(cert.Kind),
C.memcpy(unsafe.Pointer(&chostkeyCert.hash_md5[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&cert.Hostkey.HashMD5[0]), C.size_t(len(cert.Hostkey.HashMD5)))
C.memcpy(unsafe.Pointer(&chostkeyCert.hash_sha1[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&cert.Hostkey.HashSHA1[0]), C.size_t(len(cert.Hostkey.HashSHA1)))
ccert = (*C.git_cert)(unsafe.Pointer(&chostkeyCert))
case CertificateX509:
cx509Cert := C.git_cert_x509{
parent: C.git_cert{
cert_type: C.GIT_CERT_X509,
len: C.size_t(len(cert.X509.Raw)),
data: C.CBytes(cert.X509.Raw),
defer C.free(cx509Cert.data)
ccert = (*C.git_cert)(unsafe.Pointer(&cx509Cert))
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
chostname := C.CString(hostname)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(chostname))
cvalid := C.int(0)
if valid {
cvalid = C.int(1)
ret := C.git_transport_smart_certificate_check(t.ptr, ccert, cvalid, chostname)
if ret != 0 {
return MakeGitError(ret)
return nil
2021-09-05 18:01:52 -05:00
// SmartSubtransport is the interface for custom subtransports which carry data
// for the smart transport.
type SmartSubtransport interface {
// Action creates a SmartSubtransportStream for the provided url and
// requested action.
Action(url string, action SmartServiceAction) (SmartSubtransportStream, error)
// Close closes the SmartSubtransport.
// Subtransports are guaranteed a call to Close between
// calls to Action, except for the following two "natural" progressions
// of actions against a constant URL.
Close() error
// Free releases the resources of the SmartSubtransport.
// SmartSubtransportStream is the interface for streams used by the smart
// transport to read and write data from a subtransport.
type SmartSubtransportStream interface {
// Free releases the resources of the SmartSubtransportStream.
// SmartSubtransportCallback is a function which creates a new subtransport for
// the smart transport.
type SmartSubtransportCallback func(remote *Remote, transport *Transport) (SmartSubtransport, error)
// RegisteredSmartTransport represents a transport that has been registered.
type RegisteredSmartTransport struct {
name string
stateless bool
callback SmartSubtransportCallback
handle unsafe.Pointer
// NewRegisteredSmartTransport adds a custom transport definition, to be used
// in addition to the built-in set of transports that come with libgit2.
func NewRegisteredSmartTransport(
name string,
stateless bool,
callback SmartSubtransportCallback,
) (*RegisteredSmartTransport, error) {
return newRegisteredSmartTransport(name, stateless, callback, false)
func newRegisteredSmartTransport(
name string,
stateless bool,
callback SmartSubtransportCallback,
global bool,
) (*RegisteredSmartTransport, error) {
if !global {
// Check if we had already registered a smart transport for this protocol. If
// we had, free it. The user is now responsible for this transport for the
// lifetime of the library.
if managed, ok := globalRegisteredSmartTransports.transports[name]; ok {
delete(globalRegisteredSmartTransports.transports, name)
err := managed.Free()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
cstr := C.CString(name)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr))
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
registeredSmartTransport := &RegisteredSmartTransport{
name: name,
stateless: stateless,
callback: callback,
registeredSmartTransport.handle = pointerHandles.Track(registeredSmartTransport)
ret := C._go_git_transport_register(cstr, registeredSmartTransport.handle)
if ret != 0 {
return nil, MakeGitError(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(registeredSmartTransport, (*RegisteredSmartTransport).Free)
return registeredSmartTransport, nil
// Free releases all resources used by the RegisteredSmartTransport and
// unregisters the custom transport definition referenced by it.
func (t *RegisteredSmartTransport) Free() error {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
cstr := C.CString(t.name)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr))
if ret := C.git_transport_unregister(cstr); ret < 0 {
return MakeGitError(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(t, nil)
t.handle = nil
return nil
//export smartTransportCallback
func smartTransportCallback(
errorMessage **C.char,
out **C.git_transport,
owner *C.git_remote,
handle unsafe.Pointer,
) C.int {
registeredSmartTransport := pointerHandles.Get(handle).(*RegisteredSmartTransport)
remote, ok := remotePointers.get(owner)
if !ok {
2021-10-23 12:33:10 -05:00
// create a new empty remote and set it
// as a weak pointer, so that control stays in golang
remote = createNewEmptyRemote()
remote.weak = true
2021-09-05 18:01:52 -05:00
managed := &managedSmartSubtransport{
remote: remote,
callback: registeredSmartTransport.callback,
subtransport: (*C._go_managed_smart_subtransport)(C.calloc(1, C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(C._go_managed_smart_subtransport{})))),
managedHandle := pointerHandles.Track(managed)
managed.handle = managedHandle
managed.subtransport.handle = managedHandle
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ret := C._go_git_transport_smart(out, owner, cbool(registeredSmartTransport.stateless), managed.subtransport)
if ret != 0 {
return ret
//export smartTransportSubtransportCallback
func smartTransportSubtransportCallback(
errorMessage **C.char,
wrapperPtr *C._go_managed_smart_subtransport,
owner *C.git_transport,
) C.int {
subtransport := pointerHandles.Get(wrapperPtr.handle).(*managedSmartSubtransport)
underlyingSmartSubtransport, err := subtransport.callback(subtransport.remote, &Transport{ptr: owner})
if err != nil {
return setCallbackError(errorMessage, err)
subtransport.underlying = underlyingSmartSubtransport
return C.int(ErrorCodeOK)
type managedSmartSubtransport struct {
owner *C.git_transport
callback SmartSubtransportCallback
remote *Remote
subtransport *C._go_managed_smart_subtransport
underlying SmartSubtransport
handle unsafe.Pointer
currentManagedStream *managedSmartSubtransportStream
func getSmartSubtransportInterface(subtransport *C.git_smart_subtransport) *managedSmartSubtransport {
wrapperPtr := (*C._go_managed_smart_subtransport)(unsafe.Pointer(subtransport))
return pointerHandles.Get(wrapperPtr.handle).(*managedSmartSubtransport)
//export smartSubtransportActionCallback
func smartSubtransportActionCallback(
errorMessage **C.char,
out **C.git_smart_subtransport_stream,
t *C.git_smart_subtransport,
url *C.char,
action C.git_smart_service_t,
) C.int {
subtransport := getSmartSubtransportInterface(t)
underlyingStream, err := subtransport.underlying.Action(C.GoString(url), SmartServiceAction(action))
if err != nil {
return setCallbackError(errorMessage, err)
// It's okay to do strict equality here: we expect both to be identical.
if subtransport.currentManagedStream == nil || subtransport.currentManagedStream.underlying != underlyingStream {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
stream := (*C._go_managed_smart_subtransport_stream)(C.calloc(1, C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(C._go_managed_smart_subtransport_stream{}))))
managed := &managedSmartSubtransportStream{
underlying: underlyingStream,
streamPtr: stream,
managedHandle := pointerHandles.Track(managed)
managed.handle = managedHandle
stream.handle = managedHandle
subtransport.currentManagedStream = managed
*out = &subtransport.currentManagedStream.streamPtr.parent
return C.int(ErrorCodeOK)
//export smartSubtransportCloseCallback
func smartSubtransportCloseCallback(errorMessage **C.char, t *C.git_smart_subtransport) C.int {
subtransport := getSmartSubtransportInterface(t)
subtransport.currentManagedStream = nil
if subtransport.underlying != nil {
err := subtransport.underlying.Close()
if err != nil {
return setCallbackError(errorMessage, err)
return C.int(ErrorCodeOK)
//export smartSubtransportFreeCallback
func smartSubtransportFreeCallback(t *C.git_smart_subtransport) {
subtransport := getSmartSubtransportInterface(t)
if subtransport.underlying != nil {
subtransport.underlying = nil
subtransport.handle = nil
subtransport.subtransport = nil
type managedSmartSubtransportStream struct {
owner *C.git_smart_subtransport_stream
streamPtr *C._go_managed_smart_subtransport_stream
underlying SmartSubtransportStream
handle unsafe.Pointer
func getSmartSubtransportStreamInterface(subtransportStream *C.git_smart_subtransport_stream) *managedSmartSubtransportStream {
managedSubtransportStream := (*C._go_managed_smart_subtransport_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(subtransportStream))
return pointerHandles.Get(managedSubtransportStream.handle).(*managedSmartSubtransportStream)
//export smartSubtransportStreamReadCallback
func smartSubtransportStreamReadCallback(
errorMessage **C.char,
s *C.git_smart_subtransport_stream,
buffer *C.char,
bufSize C.size_t,
bytesRead *C.size_t,
) C.int {
stream := getSmartSubtransportStreamInterface(s)
var p []byte
header := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&p))
header.Cap = int(bufSize)
header.Len = int(bufSize)
header.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buffer))
n, err := stream.underlying.Read(p)
*bytesRead = C.size_t(n)
if n == 0 && err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return C.int(ErrorCodeOK)
return setCallbackError(errorMessage, err)
return C.int(ErrorCodeOK)
//export smartSubtransportStreamWriteCallback
func smartSubtransportStreamWriteCallback(
errorMessage **C.char,
s *C.git_smart_subtransport_stream,
buffer *C.char,
bufLen C.size_t,
) C.int {
stream := getSmartSubtransportStreamInterface(s)
var p []byte
header := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&p))
header.Cap = int(bufLen)
header.Len = int(bufLen)
header.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buffer))
if _, err := stream.underlying.Write(p); err != nil {
return setCallbackError(errorMessage, err)
return C.int(ErrorCodeOK)
//export smartSubtransportStreamFreeCallback
func smartSubtransportStreamFreeCallback(s *C.git_smart_subtransport_stream) {
stream := getSmartSubtransportStreamInterface(s)
stream.handle = nil
stream.streamPtr = nil