package forgepb // for golang repos, this is an attempt to build the package // there might be some 'standard' ways to implement a build // that make sense. // Additions to 'go build' that are attempted here: // // * detect packages that are plugins // * autogen packages that have .proto protobuf files // * define some 'standard' ldflags // import ( "errors" "fmt" "os" "time" "" "" ) func (f *Forge) Build(repo *gitpb.Repo, userFlags []string) error { // always assume all sources have been downloaded // todo: detect when in ~/go/src vs mode os.Setenv("GO111MODULE", "off") // get the version version := repo.GetCurrentBranchVersion() loop := repo.Tags.SortByRefname() for loop.Scan() { t := loop.Next() log.Info("Build() tag:", t.Refname) } if repo.GoDeps == nil { repo.RedoGoMod() } if repo.GoDeps.Len() == 0 { log.Info("redo go.mod", repo.GetGoPath()) repo.RedoGoMod() f.Repos.ConfigSave() } loop1 := repo.GoDeps.SortByGoPath() for loop1.Scan() { t := loop1.Next() log.Info("Build() dep:", t.GetGoPath(), t.GetVersion()) } log.Info("Build() dep len:", repo.GoDeps.Len()) os.Exit(-1) if repo.CheckDirty() { version = version + "-dirty" } cmd := []string{"go", "build", "-v"} // set standard ldflag options now := time.Now() datestamp := now.UTC().Format("2006/01/02_1504_UTC") log.Info("datestamp =", datestamp) // add some standard golang flags ldflags := "-X main.VERSION=" + version + " " ldflags += "-X main.BUILDTIME=" + datestamp + " " ldflags += "-X main.GUIVERSION=" + version + "" // todo: git this from the filesystem cmd = append(cmd, "-ldflags", ldflags) // add any flags from the command line // this might not actually work // todo: test this for _, flag := range userFlags { cmd = append(cmd, "-ldflags", "-X "+flag) } if r := repo.Run(cmd); r.Error == nil { log.Warn("go build worked") return nil } else { return errors.New("go build failed: " + fmt.Sprint(r.Error)) } }