package forgepb

import (


// will not violate filesystem namespace
// always returns the path or a parent path
// attemps to exec git clone based off of a golang path
// will transferse parent directories in case the path
// is a child of a git repo
// returns *gitpb.Repo if already cloned
// example gopath  =
// or "" returns repo for ""
func (f *Forge) GoClone(gopath string) (*gitpb.Repo, error) {

	// will match /root/go/src/
	// and return the *gitpb.Repo for ""
	fullpath := filepath.Join(f.goSrc, gopath)
	if pb := f.FindAnyPath(fullpath); pb != nil {
		// repo already exists
		return pb, nil

	// try a direct git clone against the gopath
	// if this doesn't work, probably the package is abandoned and you
	// are probably using something old, broken, or wrong
	if repo, err := f.urlClone(gopath, "https://"+gopath); repo != nil {
		return repo, err

	// check for parent git repos
	if repo, err := f.goClonePop(gopath); repo != nil {
		return repo, err

	// query the golang package system for the last known location
	// NOTE: take time to thank the go developers and google for designing this wonderful system
	if pkgurl, err := runGoList(gopath); err == nil {
		if repo, err := f.urlClone(gopath, pkgurl); repo != nil {
			return repo, err

	// todo: emit some sort of warning?

	// hacks
	if repo, err := f.clonePathHack(gopath); repo != nil {
		return repo, err

	return nil, errors.New("can not find git sources for gopath " + gopath)

// this is obvious a experiemental hack
// todo: make a config file for this?
func overridePath(gopath string) string {
	switch gopath {
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	case "":
		return "https://" + ""
	if strings.HasPrefix(gopath, "") {
		return ""
	return ""

// TODO: make some config file for things like this
// can be used to work around temporary problems
func (f *Forge) clonePathHack(gopath string) (*gitpb.Repo, error) {
	// newdir = helloworld
	// basedir = /home/jcarr/go/src/
	// giturl =

	url := overridePath(gopath)
	if url == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("no gopath override here")

	return f.urlClone(gopath, url)

// for:
// tries git clone
// then  git clone
// then  git clone , etc
func (f *Forge) goClonePop(gopath string) (*gitpb.Repo, error) {
	log.Info("forge.goClonePop() trying", gopath)
	if gopath == "" {
		return nil, nil
	newpath, newdir := filepath.Split(gopath)
	if newdir == "" {
		// nothing to chop
		return nil, nil
	if repo, _ := f.urlClone(newpath, "https://"+newpath); repo != nil {
		return repo, nil

	if repo, err := f.goClonePop(newpath); repo != nil {
		return repo, err
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("forge.goClonePop() did not work %s", gopath)

// clone a URL directly, also try cloning if 'go-import' is sent
// newdir = helloworld
// basedir = /home/jcarr/go/src/
// giturl =
func (f *Forge) urlClone(gopath, giturl string) (*gitpb.Repo, error) {
	var err error

	fullpath := filepath.Join(f.goSrc, gopath)
	basedir, newdir := filepath.Split(fullpath)

	// clone the URL directly
	if err = RunGitClone(newdir, basedir, giturl); err == nil {
		return f.NewGoRepo(gopath, giturl)

	// see if the URL has go-import for a new URL
	if giturl, err = findGoImport(giturl); err == nil {
		if err = RunGitClone(newdir, basedir, giturl); err == nil {
			return f.NewGoRepo(gopath, giturl)
	// log.Info("git clone from 'go-import' info failed", url)
	// yes, this misses the first error
	return nil, err

// check the server for the current go path to git url mapping
// for example:
// This will check for ""
// and return where the URL to do git clone should be
func findGoImport(url string) (string, error) {
	resp, err := http.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	tmp := string(bodyBytes)
	parts := strings.Split(tmp, "go-import")
	if len(parts) < 2 {
		return "", errors.New("missing go-import")
	// this is terrible, it doesn't even look for 'content='
	// but again, this is just a hack for my own code to be
	// usuable after the removal in go v1.22 of the go get clone behavior that was in v1.21
	parts = strings.Split(parts[1], "\"")
	var newurl string
	for {
		if len(parts) == 0 {
		tmp := strings.TrimSpace(parts[0])
		fields := strings.Split(tmp, " ")
		// log.Info("FIELDS:", fields)
		if len(fields) == 3 {
			newurl = fields[2]
		parts = parts[1:]
	if newurl == "" {
		return "", errors.New("missing git content string")

	return newurl, nil