diff --git a/patchset.proto b/patchset.proto
index 616e389..6d42add 100644
--- a/patchset.proto
+++ b/patchset.proto
@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ package forgepb;
 import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; // Import the well-known type for Timestamp
 message Patch {
-  string filename                       = 1; // `autogenpb:unique` `autogenpb:sort`
-  bytes  data                           = 2; //
-  string repoPath       		= 3; // path to the git repo
-  string branchName     		= 4; //
-  string branchHash     		= 5; //
-  google.protobuf.Timestamp ctime       = 7; // the git commit timestamp of this patch
-  string commitHash     		= 8; // the git commit hash of this patch
-  string startHash         		= 9; // the start commit hash
-  repeated string Files                 = 10; // the filenames this patch changes
+        string filename                       = 1; // `autogenpb:unique` `autogenpb:sort`
+        bytes  data                           = 2; //
+        string repoPath       		= 3; // path to the git repo
+        string branchName     		= 4; //
+        string branchHash     		= 5; //
+        google.protobuf.Timestamp ctime       = 7; // the git commit timestamp of this patch
+        string commitHash     		= 8; // the git commit hash of this patch
+        string startHash         		= 9; // the start commit hash
+        repeated string Files                 = 10; // the filenames this patch changes
 message Patches {			   // `autogenpb:marshal`