
76 lines
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// watch all your go git repos
package main
import (
// the main window nodes
var myGui *gui.Node
var reposwin *gadgets.BasicWindow
var reposbox *gui.Node
var reposgrid *gui.Node
var reposgroup *gui.Node
var me repoType
type repoType struct {
script [][]string
// #### autotypist window
autotypistWindow *gadgets.BasicWindow
// #### autotypist Global Display Options
autoHidePerfect *gui.Node
// #### autotypist Global Build Options
// what to change all the branches to
// so, as a developer, you can move all the repos
// to the 'devel' branch and then test a devel branch build
// then switch back to your 'username' branch and do a build there
toMoveToBranch string
// displays the preferred names used for the repo tree state
mainBranch *gadgets.BasicCombobox
develBranch *gadgets.BasicCombobox
userBranch *gadgets.BasicCombobox
// #### autotypist Global Distructive & Reset Options
// #### autotypist window end
var cmds *gui.Node
var doit *gui.Node
var dryrun *gui.Node
var allrepos []*repo
type repo struct {
hidden bool
path string
lasttagrev string
lasttag string
// tags []string
pLabel *gui.Node // path label
// bLabel *gui.Node // branch label
lastTag *gui.Node // last tagged version label
vLabel *gui.Node // version label
// tagsDrop *gui.Node // list of all tags
dirtyLabel *gui.Node // git state (dirty or not?)
masterName *gui.Node // the master branch name
masterVersion *gui.Node // the master branch version
develName *gui.Node // the devel branch name
develVersion *gui.Node // the devel branch version
userName *gui.Node // the jcarr branch name
userVersion *gui.Node // the jcarr branch version
cButton *gui.Node // commit button
pButton *gui.Node // push button
showButton *gui.Node // the button!
status *repostatus.RepoStatus