package main /* this parses the command line arguements */ var argv args type args struct { List bool `arg:"--list" help:"list found repos"` ListConf bool `arg:"--list-conf" help:"list your .config/forge/ configuration"` Scan bool `arg:"--scan" help:"rescan your repos"` ReadOnly bool `arg:"--readonly" help:"include read-only repos"` GetMine bool `arg:"--mine" help:"download private and writeable repos"` GetFav bool `arg:"--favorites" help:"download repos marked as favorites"` Pull bool `arg:"--git-pull" help:"run 'git pull' on all your repos"` Build bool `arg:"--build" default:"true" help:"also try to build it"` Install bool `arg:"--install" help:"try to install every binary package"` RedoGoMod bool `arg:"--RedoGoMod" help:"remake all the go.sum and go.mod files"` DryRun bool `arg:"--dry-run" help:"show what would be run"` Real bool `arg:"--fix" help:"fix config, save config & exit"` Repomap string `arg:"--repomap" help:"parse a repomap from gowebd"` Clone bool `arg:"--clone" help:"go-clone things you are missing"` Force bool `arg:"--force" help:"force redo go-clone"` Erase bool `arg:"--erase" help:"erase"` } func (args) Version() string { return "forge " + VERSION + " Built on " + BUILDTIME } func (a args) Description() string { return ` forge -- in the spirit of things like sourceforge Repository configuration is stored in .config/forge/forge.text Examples: forge --list # list found repos forge --mine # download your private and writable repos forge --favorites # clone repos you marked as favorites forge --git-pull # run 'git pull' in every repo forge --build # build every binary package forge --install # install every binary package ` }