package main import ( "path/filepath" "strconv" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type patch struct { ref string giturl string comment string rs *repostatus.RepoStatus } type patchSummary struct { grid *gui.Node updateB *gui.Node docsB *gui.Node gitPushB *gui.Node gitPullB *gui.Node checkB *gui.Node totalOL *gadgets.OneLiner totalGoOL *gadgets.OneLiner dirtyOL *gadgets.OneLiner readonlyOL *gadgets.OneLiner totalPatchesOL *gadgets.OneLiner unknownOL *gadgets.OneLiner unknownSubmitB *gui.Node reason *gadgets.BasicEntry submitB *gui.Node allp []*patch } func submitPatchesBox(box *gui.Node) *patchSummary { s := new(patchSummary) group1 := box.NewGroup("Submit Patches Summary") s.grid = group1.RawGrid() s.grid.NewButton("List Patches", func() { for i, p := range s.allp { log.Info(i, p.ref, } // update the stats s.Update() }) s.gitPullB = s.grid.NewButton("git pull", func() { me.Disable() defer me.Enable() for _, repo := range repolist.AllRepos() { // gitcmd := []string{"git", "fetch", "origin"} gitcmd := []string{"git", "pull"} err, output := repo.RunCmd(gitcmd) log.Info("output =", output) if err == nil { log.Info("git fetch worked", repo.Name()) } else { log.Info("git fetch failed", repo.Name()) return } } s.gitPullB.SetText("GOOD") // update the stats s.Update() }) s.gitPushB = s.grid.NewButton("git push", func() { me.Disable() defer me.Enable() for _, repo := range repolist.AllRepos() { gitcmd := []string{"git", "push"} err, output := repo.RunCmd(gitcmd) log.Info("output =", output) if err == nil { log.Info("git push worked", repo.Name()) } else { log.Info("git push failed", repo.Name()) return } } s.gitPushB.SetText("GOOD") // update the stats s.Update() }) s.checkB = s.grid.NewButton("Check repos are working", func() { /* me.Disable() defer me.Enable() for _, repo := range repolist.AllRepos() { if repo.GitURL() != "" { log.Info("repo already checked. do they match?") log.Info(" =", repo.GoURL()) log.Info("localurl =", repo.Path()) } else { ok, giturl := gowit.CheckRegistered(repo) if ok { log.Info("is url correct?", repo.Path(), "vs", giturl) repo.giturl = giturl if giturl != repo.Path() { log.Info("repo check failed", repo.String()) s.unknownOL.SetText(repo.String()) s.unknownOL.Show() s.unknownSubmitB.Show() return } } else { log.Info("repo check failed", repo.String()) repo.giturl = "look in .git/config" s.unknownOL.SetText(repo.String()) s.unknownOL.Show() s.unknownSubmitB.Show() return } } } s.checkB.SetText("GOOD") */ }) s.grid.NextRow() s.unknownOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "Unknown Repo:") s.unknownSubmitB = s.grid.NewButton("Register Repo", func() { /* log.Info("Submit repo:", s.unknownOL.String()) if repolist.Exists(s.unknownOL.String()) { log.Info("found repo:", repo.String(), "with giturl", repo.giturl) localurl := repo.status.GitURL() if localurl == "" { log.Info("local repo check failed. repo is not uploaded?") } else { log.Info("local repo has", localurl) // attempts to register the unknown repo if gowit.Register(repo.String(), localurl) { s.unknownOL.Hide() s.unknownSubmitB.Hide() } } } else { log.Info("what is this?", s.unknownOL.String()) } */ }) s.unknownOL.Hide() s.unknownSubmitB.Hide() s.grid.NextRow() s.totalOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "Total") s.grid.NextRow() s.totalGoOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "Total GO") s.grid.NextRow() s.dirtyOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "dirty") s.grid.NextRow() s.readonlyOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "read-only") s.grid.NextRow() s.totalPatchesOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "total commits") s.grid.NextRow() s.reason = gadgets.NewBasicEntry(s.grid, "patch name:") s.reason.Custom = func() { if s.reason.String() != "" { s.submitB.Enable() } else { s.submitB.Disable() } } s.submitB = s.grid.NewButton("Submit Patches", func() { patchdir := filepath.Join(me.userHomePwd.String(), "autotypist.patchset") if shell.Exists(patchdir) { log.Info("patchset dir already exists", patchdir) return } else { shell.Mkdir(patchdir) } if !shell.Exists(patchdir) { log.Info("something went wrong making", patchdir) return } // if makePatchset(patchdir) { // } }) // disable these until there are not dirty repos s.reason.Disable() s.submitB.Disable() return s } func (s *patchSummary) Update() { var total, totalgo, dirty, readonly int for _, repo := range repolist.AllRepos() { total += 1 if repo.Status.IsDirty() { if repo.Status.GoPath() == "" { // log.Info("ignoring dirty autotypist for now") dirty += 1 } else { dirty += 1 } } if repo.Status.ReadOnly() { readonly += 1 } if repo.Status.IsGoLang() { totalgo += 1 } } s.totalOL.SetText(strconv.Itoa(total) + " repos") s.totalGoOL.SetText(strconv.Itoa(totalgo) + " repos") s.dirtyOL.SetText(strconv.Itoa(dirty) + " repos") s.readonlyOL.SetText(strconv.Itoa(readonly) + " repos") /* move all this to repolist and gowit repos p, allp := s.GetPatches() if s.allp == nil { s.allp = make([]*patch, 0, 0) s.allp = append(s.allp, allp...) } if dirty == 0 { s.totalPatchesOL.SetText(strconv.Itoa(p) + " patches") s.reason.Enable() // force the user to submit a reason to enable the submit button // s.submitB.Enable() } else { s.totalPatchesOL.SetText(strconv.Itoa(p) + " patches + ? dirty") } */ } // move all this to repolist and gowit repos /* func (s *patchSummary) GetPatches() (int, []*patch) { var patchcount int patches := make([]*patch, 0, 0) for _, repo := range repolist.AllRepos() { // git log --oneline devel..jcarr userv := repo.GetUserVersion() develv := repo.GetDevelVersion() usern := repo.GetUserBranchName() develn := repo.GetDevelBranchName() if userv == develv { // log.Info("skipping unchanged repo", repo.String()) } else { // log.Info("repo userv, develv", userv, develv) gitcmd := []string{"git", "log", "--oneline", develn + ".." + usern} // log.Info("Run:", gitcmd) err, output := repo.status.RunCmd(gitcmd) if err == nil { // patches := strings.Split(output, "\n") for _, line := range strings.Split(output, "\n") { parts := strings.Split(line, " ") newp := new(patch) = repo.status newp.ref = parts[0] newp.comment = strings.Join(parts[1:], " ") log.Info("patch:", line, patchcount += 1 patches = append(patches, newp) } } else { log.Info("git failed err=", err) } } } return patchcount, patches } func makePatchset(setdir string) bool { for _, repo := range me.allrepos { userv := repo.status.GetUserVersion() develv := repo.status.GetDevelVersion() usern := repo.status.GetUserBranchName() develn := repo.status.GetDevelBranchName() if userv == develv { // this repo is unchanged continue } repodir := filepath.Join(setdir, repo.String()) shell.Mkdir(repodir) // git format-patch branch1..branch2 gitcmd := []string{"git", "format-patch", "-o", repodir, develn + ".." + usern} log.Info("Run:", gitcmd) err, output := repo.status.RunCmd(gitcmd) log.Info("output =", output) if err == nil { log.Info("patches made okay for:", repo.String()) continue } log.Info("patches failed for:", repo.String()) return false } return true } */