package main import ( "path/filepath" "strconv" "" "" "" "" "" ) /* type patch struct { ref string giturl string comment string rs *repostatus.RepoStatus } */ type patchSummary struct { grid *gui.Node updateB *gui.Node docsB *gui.Node gitPushB *gui.Node gitPullB *gui.Node checkB *gui.Node // stats totalOL *gadgets.OneLiner totalGoOL *gadgets.OneLiner dirtyOL *gadgets.OneLiner readonlyOL *gadgets.OneLiner totalPatchesOL *gadgets.OneLiner totalUserRepos *gui.Node totalDevelRepos *gui.Node totalMasterRepos *gui.Node totalUserPatches *gui.Node totalDevelPatches *gui.Node totalMasterPatches *gui.Node // patch set generation unknownOL *gadgets.BasicEntry unknownSubmitB *gui.Node reason *gadgets.BasicEntry submitB *gui.Node allp []*repolist.Patch } func submitPatchesBox(box *gui.Node) *patchSummary { s := new(patchSummary) group1 := box.NewGroup("Submit Patches Summary") s.grid = group1.RawGrid() s.grid.NewButton("Update Patch Counts", func() { var repocount, patchcount int // broken after move to forge protobuf loop := me.forge.Repos.SortByGoPath() for loop.Scan() { repo := loop.Next() if repo.GetReadOnly() { continue } i, _ := repo.GetMasterPatches() patchcount += i if i > 0 { repocount += 1 } } s.totalMasterPatches.SetText(strconv.Itoa(patchcount) + " patches") s.totalMasterRepos.SetText(strconv.Itoa(repocount) + " go repos") repocount = 0 patchcount = 0 // broken after move to forge protobuf loop = me.forge.Repos.SortByGoPath() for loop.Scan() { repo := loop.Next() if repo.GetReadOnly() { continue } i, _ := repo.GetUserPatches() patchcount += i if i > 0 { repocount += 1 } } s.totalUserPatches.SetText(strconv.Itoa(patchcount) + " patches") s.totalUserRepos.SetText(strconv.Itoa(repocount) + " go repos") }) /* this used to be the way and should probably be revisited s.grid.NewButton("Make Patches", func() { for i, p := range s.allp { log.Info(i, p.Ref, p.RS.String()) } }) */ s.grid.NextRow() s.totalOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "Total") s.grid.NextRow() s.totalGoOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "Total GO") s.grid.NextRow() s.dirtyOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "dirty") s.grid.NextRow() s.readonlyOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "read-only") s.grid.NextRow() // s.grid = group1.RawGrid() s.grid.NewLabel("") s.grid.NewLabel("") s.grid.NewLabel("user to devel") s.grid.NewLabel("devel to master") s.grid.NewLabel("master to last tag") s.grid.NextRow() s.grid.NewLabel("total modified") s.grid.NewLabel("") s.totalUserRepos = s.grid.NewLabel("x go repos") s.totalDevelRepos = s.grid.NewLabel("") s.totalMasterRepos = s.grid.NewLabel("x go repos") s.grid.NextRow() s.totalPatchesOL = gadgets.NewOneLiner(s.grid, "total commits") s.totalUserPatches = s.grid.NewLabel("x patches") s.totalDevelPatches = s.grid.NewLabel("") s.totalMasterPatches = s.grid.NewLabel("x patches") s.grid.NextRow() s.grid.NewLabel("") s.grid.NewLabel("") s.grid.NewButton("merge from user", func() { log.Info("this should make a patchset of your patches") }) s.grid.NewButton("merge from devel", func() { log.Info("this probably should not exist") }) s.grid.NextRow() group1 = box.NewGroup("Create GUI Patch Set") s.grid = group1.RawGrid() s.reason = gadgets.NewBasicEntry(s.grid, "patch name:") s.reason.Custom = func() { if s.reason.String() != "" { s.submitB.Enable() } else { s.submitB.Disable() } } s.submitB = s.grid.NewButton("Create Patch Set", func() { dirname := "submit-patchset.quilt" patchdir := filepath.Join(me.userHomePwd.String(), dirname) if shell.Exists(patchdir) { log.Info("patchset dir already exists", patchdir) shell.PathRun(me.userHomePwd.String(), []string{"rm", "-rf", dirname}) } shell.Mkdir(patchdir) if !shell.Exists(patchdir) { log.Info("something went wrong making", patchdir) return } me.repos.View.MakePatchset(patchdir) }) s.submitB = s.grid.NewButton("Submit quilt", func() { log.Info("do a submit here") }) // disable these until there are not dirty repos s.reason.Disable() s.submitB.Disable() s.grid.NextRow() // s.unknownOL.Disable() // s.unknownSubmitB.Disable() s.grid.NextRow() return s } // does not run any commands func (s *patchSummary) Update() { var total, totalgo, dirty, readonly int var userT, develT, masterT int // var userP, develP, masterP int // broken after move to forge protobuf loop := me.forge.Repos.SortByGoPath() for loop.Scan() { repo := loop.Next() total += 1 if repo.IsDirty() { dirty += 1 } if repo.GetReadOnly() { readonly += 1 // don't count these in any further stats continue } // compute which GUI repos are out of sync with master userV := repo.GetUserVersion() develV := repo.GetDevelVersion() masterV := repo.GetMasterVersion() lastV := repo.GetLastTagVersion() if userV != develV { userT += 1 } if develV != masterV { log.Info("develV != masterV", develV, masterV, repo.GetGoPath()) develT += 1 } if masterV != lastV { masterT += 1 } } s.totalOL.SetText(strconv.Itoa(total) + " repos") s.totalGoOL.SetText(strconv.Itoa(totalgo) + " repos") s.dirtyOL.SetText(strconv.Itoa(dirty) + " repos") s.readonlyOL.SetText(strconv.Itoa(readonly) + " repos") s.totalUserRepos.SetText(strconv.Itoa(userT) + " repos") s.totalDevelRepos.SetText(strconv.Itoa(develT) + " repos") s.totalMasterRepos.SetText(strconv.Itoa(masterT) + " repos") if dirty == 0 { s.reason.Enable() s.submitB.Enable() // s.unknownOL.Enable() // s.unknownSubmitB.Enable() } else { s.reason.Disable() s.submitB.Enable() // s.unknownOL.Enable() // s.unknownSubmitB.Enable() } }