diff --git a/globalBuildOptions.go b/globalBuildOptions.go
index 50ce353..f60803c 100644
--- a/globalBuildOptions.go
+++ b/globalBuildOptions.go
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@ package main
 import (
-	"strings"
-	"go.wit.com/lib/debugger"
@@ -56,12 +54,9 @@ func quickCmd(fullpath string, cmd []string) bool {
 func globalBuildOptions(box *gui.Node) {
-	var setCurrentBranch *gui.Node
-	group1 := box.NewGroup("Global Build Options")
-	groupvbox := group1.NewBox("bw vbox", false)
-	// grouphbox := groupvbox.NewBox("bw hbox", true)
-	grid := groupvbox.NewGrid("buildOptions", 2, 1)
+	vbox := box.NewVerticalBox("DISPLAYVBOX")
+	group1 := vbox.NewGroup("Global Build Options")
+	grid := group1.NewGrid("buildOptions", 2, 1)
 	me.mainBranch = gadgets.NewBasicCombobox(grid, "default main branch")
@@ -78,17 +73,23 @@ func globalBuildOptions(box *gui.Node) {
 	// this lets you select your user branch, but, when you are happy
 	// you can merge everything into the devel branch and make sure it actually
 	// works. Then, when that is good, merge and version everything in master
-	guiBranch := gadgets.NewBasicCombobox(grid, "Set Current Working Branch")
-	guiBranch.AddText("guimaster")
-	guiBranch.AddText("guidevel")
-	guiBranch.AddText("jcarr")
-	guiBranch.Custom = func() {
-		me.toMoveToBranch = guiBranch.String()
-		setCurrentBranch.SetLabel("set all branches to " + me.toMoveToBranch)
-		me.mainBranch.Disable()
-	}
+	var newBranch *gui.Node
+	grid.NewButton("set all branches to", func() {
+		log.Warn("set all branches to:", newBranch.String())
+		/*
+			me.toMoveToBranch = guiBranch.String()
+			setCurrentBranch.SetLabel("set all branches to " + me.toMoveToBranch)
+			me.mainBranch.Disable()
+		*/
+	})
+	newBranch = grid.NewCombobox()
+	newBranch.AddText("guimaster")
+	newBranch.AddText("guidevel")
+	newBranch.AddText("jcarr")
+	newBranch.SetText("jcarr")
-	groupvbox.NewButton("git status", func() {
+	group2 := vbox.NewGroup("Run in every git repository")
+	group2.NewButton("git status", func() {
 		quickCmdDoNotRun = false
 		quickCmdLastPath = "~/go/src"
 		quickCmds = [][]string{}
@@ -99,105 +100,17 @@ func globalBuildOptions(box *gui.Node) {
-	groupvbox.NewButton("rebuild autotypist", func() {
-		os.Setenv("GO111MODULE", "off")
-		quickCmdDoNotRun = true
-		quickCmdLastPath = "~/go/src"
-		quickCmds = [][]string{}
-		log.Warn("scanning allrepos")
-		fullpath := "/home/jcarr/"
-		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"mkdir", "-p", "/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com/apps/"})
-		fullpath = "/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com/apps/"
-		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"go", "get", "go.wit.com/apps/autotypist"})
-		fullpath = "/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com/apps/autotypist"
-		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"go", "get", "-v", "go.wit.com/toolkits/debian"})
-		fullpath = "/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com/toolkits/debian"
-		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"make", "download"})
-		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"make"})
-		fullpath = "/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com/apps/autotypist"
-		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"go", "get", "-v", "-u", "."})
-		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"go", "build", "-v", "-x"})
-		me.script = quickCmds
-		setGitCommands()
+	me.rerunGoMod = group2.NewButton("remove go.mod & go.sum", func() {
+		log.Info("TODO: remove them")
-	me.rerunGoMod = groupvbox.NewButton("remove all go.mod and go.sum", func() {
-		quickCmdDoNotRun = false
-		log.Warn("scanning allrepos")
-		for _, path := range me.allrepos {
-			fullpath := "/home/jcarr/go/src/" + path
-			quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"rm", "-f", "go.mod", "go.sum"})
-		}
-	})
-	me.rerunGoMod = groupvbox.NewButton("re-run go mod & go tidy", func() {
+	me.rerunGoMod = group2.NewButton("run go mod & go tidy", func() {
 		quickCmdDoNotRun = false
-		log.Warn("scanning allrepos")
 		for _, path := range me.allrepos {
 			fullpath := "/home/jcarr/go/src/" + path
 			quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"go", "mod", "init"})
 			quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"go", "mod", "tidy"})
-	setCurrentBranch = groupvbox.NewButton("set all branches to", func() {
-		log.Warn("scanning allrepos")
-		for repo, path := range me.allrepos {
-			log.Warn("found repo", repo.String())
-			var changeBranch [][]string
-			changeBranch = append(changeBranch, []string{"cd", "go/src/" + path})
-			changeBranch = append(changeBranch, []string{"git", "checkout", me.toMoveToBranch})
-			me.script = changeBranch
-			setGitCommands()
-			// goMake("--doit")
-		}
-	})
-	var everything *gui.Node
-	everything = groupvbox.NewButton("go get everything on go.wit.com", func() {
-		quickCmdDoNotRun = false
-		quickCmds = [][]string{}
-		var perfect bool = true
-		repos := myrepolist()
-		for _, line := range repos {
-			log.Warn("repo =", line)
-			path, _, _, _ := splitLine(line)
-			path = strings.TrimSpace(path)
-			if path == "#" {
-				// skip comment lines
-				continue
-			}
-			if doesExist("/home/jcarr/go/src/" + path) {
-				continue
-			}
-			// attempt to download it
-			quickCmd("/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com", []string{"go", "get", "-v", path})
-			perfect = false
-		}
-		if perfect {
-			var notes [][]string
-			notes = append(notes, []string{"you have already downloaded"})
-			notes = append(notes, []string{"everything on go.wit.com"})
-			me.script = notes
-			setGitCommands()
-			doit.Disable()
-			everything.Disable()
-			return
-		}
-		me.script = quickCmds
-		doit.Enable()
-		setGitCommands()
-	})
-	groupvbox.NewButton("build all apps", func() {
-		listWindow()
-	})
-	groupvbox.NewButton("Debugger", func() {
-		debugger.DebugWindow()
-	})
diff --git a/globalDisplayOptions.go b/globalDisplayOptions.go
index dfa731e..c3afcb3 100644
--- a/globalDisplayOptions.go
+++ b/globalDisplayOptions.go
@@ -3,31 +3,33 @@ package main
 import (
+	"go.wit.com/lib/debugger"
 	// "go.wit.com/gui/gadgets"
 func globalDisplayOptions(box *gui.Node) {
-	group1 := box.NewGroup("Global Display Options")
-	groupvbox := group1.NewBox("bw vbox", false)
+	vbox := box.NewVerticalBox("DISPLAYVBOX")
-	groupvbox.NewButton("Show Repository Window", func() {
+	group1 := vbox.NewGroup("Global Display Options")
+	group1.NewButton("Show Repository Window", func() {
-	groupvbox.NewButton("hide all", func() {
-		for repo, _ := range me.allrepos {
-			repo.Hide()
-		}
-	})
-	groupvbox.NewButton("show all", func() {
-		for repo, _ := range me.allrepos {
-			repo.Show()
-		}
-	})
+		group1.NewButton("hide all", func() {
+			for repo, _ := range me.allrepos {
+				repo.Hide()
+			}
+		})
+		group1.NewButton("show all", func() {
+			for repo, _ := range me.allrepos {
+				repo.Show()
+			}
+		})
-	me.autoHidePerfect = groupvbox.NewCheckbox("Hide Perfectly clean repos").SetChecked(true)
+	me.autoHidePerfect = group1.NewCheckbox("Hide Perfectly clean repos").SetChecked(true)
 	me.autoHidePerfect.Custom = func() {
 		if me.autoHidePerfect.Checked() {
 			for repo, _ := range me.allrepos {
@@ -42,21 +44,26 @@ func globalDisplayOptions(box *gui.Node) {
-	groupvbox.NewButton("status.Update() all", func() {
+	group1.NewButton("status.Update() all", func() {
 		for repo, _ := range me.allrepos {
-	groupvbox.NewButton("rescan all", func() {
+	group1.NewButton("rescan all", func() {
 		for repo, _ := range me.allrepos {
-	groupvbox.NewButton("logging enable/disable", func() {
+	group2 := vbox.NewGroup("Debugger")
+	group2.NewButton("logging Window", func() {
+	group2.NewButton("Debugger Window", func() {
+		debugger.DebugWindow()
+	})
 func hidePerfect() {
diff --git a/globalTestingOptions.go b/globalTestingOptions.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..283d296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/globalTestingOptions.go
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package main
+import (
+	"os"
+	"strings"
+	"go.wit.com/log"
+	"go.wit.com/gui"
+// things being testing
+func globalTestingOptions(box *gui.Node) {
+	test1 := box.NewGroup("testing build")
+	test1.NewButton("rebuild autotypist", func() {
+		os.Setenv("GO111MODULE", "off")
+		quickCmdDoNotRun = true
+		quickCmdLastPath = "~/go/src"
+		quickCmds = [][]string{}
+		log.Warn("scanning allrepos")
+		fullpath := "/home/jcarr/"
+		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"mkdir", "-p", "/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com/apps/"})
+		fullpath = "/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com/apps/"
+		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"go", "get", "go.wit.com/apps/autotypist"})
+		fullpath = "/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com/apps/autotypist"
+		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"go", "get", "-v", "go.wit.com/toolkits/debian"})
+		fullpath = "/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com/toolkits/debian"
+		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"make", "download"})
+		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"make"})
+		fullpath = "/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com/apps/autotypist"
+		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"go", "get", "-v", "-u", "."})
+		quickCmd(fullpath, []string{"go", "build", "-v", "-x"})
+		me.script = quickCmds
+		setGitCommands()
+	})
+	var everything *gui.Node
+	everything = test1.NewButton("go get everything on go.wit.com", func() {
+		quickCmdDoNotRun = false
+		quickCmds = [][]string{}
+		var perfect bool = true
+		repos := myrepolist()
+		for _, line := range repos {
+			log.Warn("repo =", line)
+			path, _, _, _ := splitLine(line)
+			path = strings.TrimSpace(path)
+			if path == "#" {
+				// skip comment lines
+				continue
+			}
+			if doesExist("/home/jcarr/go/src/" + path) {
+				continue
+			}
+			// attempt to download it
+			quickCmd("/home/jcarr/go/src/go.wit.com", []string{"go", "get", "-v", path})
+			perfect = false
+		}
+		if perfect {
+			var notes [][]string
+			notes = append(notes, []string{"you have already downloaded"})
+			notes = append(notes, []string{"everything on go.wit.com"})
+			me.script = notes
+			setGitCommands()
+			doit.Disable()
+			everything.Disable()
+			return
+		}
+		me.script = quickCmds
+		doit.Enable()
+		setGitCommands()
+	})
+	test1.NewButton("build all apps", func() {
+		listWindow()
+	})
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 89ad900..a0ab8c8 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ func main() {
-	log.Sleep(.3)
-	// hidePerfect()
+	// keeps the app alive
+	// TODO: rescan the status of the repos every so often?
@@ -78,18 +79,12 @@ func addRepo(grid *gui.Node, path string, master string, devel string, user stri
 func autotypistWindow() {
-	/*
-		me.autotypistWindow = gadgets.NewBasicWindow(me.myGui, "autotypist for GO & git. it types faster than you can.")
-		me.autotypistWindow.Make()
-		me.autotypistWindow.StandardExit()
-		box := me.autotypistWindow.Box()
-		me.autotypistWindow.Draw()
-	*/
 	win := me.myGui.NewWindow("autotypist for GO & git. it types faster than you can.")
 	box := win.NewBox("bw hbox", true)
+	globalTestingOptions(box)