better debugging

Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <>
This commit is contained in:
Jeff Carr 2019-05-26 20:13:50 +00:00
parent 936b2d6c91
commit 88c3ef5992
1 changed files with 33 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -153,38 +153,37 @@ func eventHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// probably this should never happen since the client socket connection should have
// already been dropped. If a user is doing this, the account should probably be
// terminated as abuse
log.Println("echoHandler() GOT websocket.TextMessage (ERROR. NO HANDLER FOR THIS YET)")
log.Println("echoHandler() GOT websocket.TextMessage (ERROR. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN)")
log.Println("echoHandler() GOT websocket.TextMessage (ERROR. SUSPEND THIS USER)")
log.Println("\teventHandler() GOT websocket.TextMessage (ERROR. NO HANDLER FOR THIS YET)")
log.Println("\teventHandler() GOT websocket.TextMessage (ERROR. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN)")
log.Println("\teventHandler() GOT websocket.TextMessage (ERROR. SUSPEND THIS USER)")
if mytype == websocket.BinaryMessage {
log.Println("echoHandler() GOT websocket.BinaryMessage")
log.Println("\teventHandler() GOT websocket.BinaryMessage")
pdata := new(pb.Event)
var e *pb.Event
err = proto.Unmarshal(message, pdata)
if (err != nil) {
log.Printf("readConn() something fucked up happened in Unmarshal")
log.Printf("recv binary: %s", pdata)
log.Printf("\teventHandler()recv binary: %s", pdata)
if pdata.Type == pb.Event_GET {
log.Printf("GOT GET")
e := processGetEvent(pdata)
sendProtobuf(conn, e)
e = processGetEvent(pdata)
e.Comment = "\teventHandler() GOT Event_GET"
if pdata.Type == pb.Event_MIGRATE {
log.Printf("GOT MIGRATE")
e := processGetEvent(pdata)
sendProtobuf(conn, e)
e = processGetEvent(pdata)
e.Comment = "\teventHandler() GOT Event_MIGRATE"
if pdata.Type == pb.Event_LOGIN {
log.Printf("GOT LOGIN")
e := processLoginEvent(pdata)
sendProtobuf(conn, e)
e = processLoginEvent(pdata)
e.Comment = "\teventHandler() GOT Event_LOGIN"
if pdata.Type == pb.Event_ADD {
log.Printf("GOT ADD")
e := processAddEvent(pdata)
sendProtobuf(conn, e)
e = processAddEvent(pdata)
e.Comment = "\teventHandler() GOT Event_ADD"
log.Println("\t", e.Comment)
sendProtobuf(conn, e)
@ -220,7 +219,8 @@ func processGetEvent(ge *pb.Event) *pb.Event {
log.Println("processGetEvent() START")
if (checkLogin(ge) == false) {
e := pb.MakeFailResponse()
e.Comment = "LOGIN FAILED"
e.Comment = "processGetEvent() LOGIN FAILED"
return e
log.Println("processGetEvent() ge.Account.Token =", ge.Account.Token)
@ -266,13 +266,14 @@ func processLoginEvent(ge *pb.Event) *pb.Event {
if (checkLogin(ge) == false) {
e := pb.MakeFailResponse()
e.Comment = "LOGIN FAILED"
return e
log.Println("processLoginEvent() LOGIN WORKED")
e := pb.MakeOkResponse()
e.Account = ge.Account
e.Comment = "LOGIN WORKED"
e.Comment = "processLoginEvent() LOGIN WORKED"
return e
@ -294,24 +295,28 @@ func origLoginCheck(ge *pb.Event) bool {
log.Println("origLoginCheck() ", httpType, url)
req, err := http.NewRequest(httpType, url, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Println("origLoginCheck() FAILED ", "can't make new req")
ge.Comment = "origLoginCheck() FAILED can't make new req"
return false
req.Header.Set("X-Wit-Auth", ge.Account.Token)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("origLoginCheck() FAILED ", "Can't exec the req to list networks: %s", err)
ge.Comment = "origLoginCheck() FAILED Can't exec the req to list networks " + err.Error()
return false
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("origLoginCheck() FAILED ", "can't read resp")
ge.Comment = "origLoginCheck() FAILED can't read resp"
return false
log.Printf("origLoginCheck() ", "RESPONSE =", string(body))
if body == nil {
log.Println("origLoginCheck() FAILED ", "RESPONSE is nil")
ge.Comment = "origLoginCheck() FAILED RESPONSE is nil"
return false
} else {
len := len(body)
@ -321,10 +326,12 @@ func origLoginCheck(ge *pb.Event) bool {
log.Println("origLoginCheck() ", "email = ", email.String())
log.Println("origLoginCheck() ", "ge.Account.Username = ", ge.Account.Username)
if (email.String() == ge.Account.Username) {
log.Println("origLoginCheck() THIS TOTALLY WORKED MAN")
ge.Comment = "origLoginCheck() THIS TOTALLY WORKED MAN"
return true
log.Println("origLoginCheck() FAILED ")
ge.Comment = "origLoginCheck() FAILED "
return false