2019-05-28 14:35:42 -05:00
package main
import "log"
import "net/http"
import "io/ioutil"
import "github.com/tidwall/gjson"
import pb "git.wit.com/wit/witProtobuf"
func main() {
ge := pb.MakeOkResponse()
c := pb.MakeDefaultConfig()
ge.Account = c.Accounts[0]
2019-05-28 15:02:05 -05:00
ge.Account.Email = "jcarr@wit.com"
2019-05-28 14:49:51 -05:00
ge.Account.Password = "yowzayowza"
2019-05-28 15:02:05 -05:00
ge.Account.URL = "http://stackapi:4000/"
2019-05-28 15:19:32 -05:00
// ge.Account.Token = "eyJhbGciOiJFUzM4NCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ4IjozLCJyIjoiIiwiY3NyZiI6Ijloa0VYa2M0YURxTlVqSElGU2VJYUJoOCIsImV4cCI6MTU1OTY3OTAxMywiaXNzIjoid2l0Iiwic3ViIjoiamNhcnJAd2l0LmNvbSJ9.eCfhg3_VYBZh1ve69p0Op4U9L2T9CAZY5qPtx7vNswe3TB-y1nz2X2vw4AzPwfy4fACKeQGkJmWGedt1NKQP-WaZNVtGpgX9g0yvloCob2OMQwsLhq3X7e83weiK_Jlk"
2019-05-28 14:49:51 -05:00
ge.Account.Token = "badtoken"
2019-05-28 15:02:05 -05:00
junkEvent := processLoginEvent(ge)
log.Println("processAddEvent() junkEvent =", junkEvent)
2019-05-28 14:35:42 -05:00
log.Println("processAddEvent() START ge.Account =", ge.Account)
tmp := string(GETbody(ge, "http://stackapi:4000/me"))
log.Println("processAddEvent() recieved json=", tmp)
tmp = string(GETbody(ge, "http://stackapi:4000/clusters"))
log.Println("processAddEvent() recieved json=", tmp)
url := ge.Account.URL + "vms/jcarr.com?count=1&cpu=2&ram=512&disk=25"
2019-05-28 15:28:25 -05:00
newVM := string(POSTbody(ge, url))
log.Println("processAddEvent() recieved newVM=", newVM)
2019-05-28 14:35:42 -05:00
2019-05-28 15:19:32 -05:00
// check if a user can login here
// tries generates a new TOKEN if the old one doesn't work
// fails with the appropriate protobuf response to send
// to the GUI client
2019-05-28 14:35:42 -05:00
func processLoginEvent(ge *pb.Event) *pb.Event {
log.Println("processLoginEvent() LOGIN START")
if (checkLogin(ge) == false) {
e := pb.MakeFailResponse()
e.Comment = "LOGIN FAILED"
return e
e := pb.MakeOkResponse()
e.Account = ge.Account
e.Comment = "processLoginEvent() LOGIN WORKED"
return e
2019-05-28 15:19:32 -05:00
func checkLogin(ge *pb.Event) bool {
if (ge.Account == nil) {
log.Println("checkLogin() pb.Event.Account == nil ERROR")
2019-05-28 14:35:42 -05:00
return false
2019-05-28 15:19:32 -05:00
url := ge.Account.URL + "me"
json := string(GETbody(ge, url))
if (json != "") {
email := gjson.Get(json, "email")
2019-05-28 14:35:42 -05:00
log.Println("origLoginCheck() ", "email = ", email.String())
log.Println("origLoginCheck() ", "ge.Account.Username = ", ge.Account.Username)
if (email.String() == ge.Account.Username) {
ge.Comment = "origLoginCheck() THIS TOTALLY WORKED MAN"
2019-05-28 15:19:32 -05:00
return true
2019-05-28 14:35:42 -05:00
2019-05-28 15:19:32 -05:00
log.Println("checkLogin() LOGIN FAILED. ATTEMPT updateToken(ge)")
return updateToken(ge)
2019-05-28 14:35:42 -05:00
func updateToken(ge *pb.Event) bool {
if ge == nil {
return false
url := ge.Account.URL + "/auth/login" + "?email=" + ge.Account.Email + "&password=" + ge.Account.Password
2019-05-28 15:19:32 -05:00
// json := newFetchBody(ge, "POST", url)
json := POSTbody(ge, url)
2019-05-28 14:35:42 -05:00
jwt := gjson.Get(json, "jwt")
if (jwt.String() == "") {
ge.Comment = "updateToken() GOT TOKEN == nil"
log.Println("updateToken() ge.Comment =", ge.Comment)
return false
if (jwt.String() != ge.Account.Token) {
log.Println("updateToken() GOT NEW TOKEN", jwt)
ge.Account.Token = jwt.String()
log.Println("updateToken() END")
return true
func GETbody(ge *pb.Event, URL string) string {
// req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ge.Account.URL + "clusters", nil)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", URL, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Println("GETbody() can't make new req")
return ""
req.Header.Set("X-Wit-Auth", ge.Account.Token)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Can't exec the req to list networks: %s", err)
return ""
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("can't read resp")
return ""
// log.Printf("GETbody() body =", string(body))
if body == nil {
log.Println("networks is nil")
return ""
return string(body)
2019-05-28 15:02:05 -05:00
func POSTbody(ge *pb.Event, URL string) string {
// req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ge.Account.URL + "clusters", nil)
log.Println("POSTbody() url =", URL)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", URL, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Println("POSTbody() can't make new req")
return ""
req.Header.Set("X-Wit-Auth", ge.Account.Token)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Can't exec the req to list networks: %s", err)
return ""
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("can't read resp")
return ""
// log.Printf("GETbody() body =", string(body))
if body == nil {
log.Println("networks is nil")
return ""
return string(body)